Friday, September 17, 2010

Make Right A Priority

Mr. Bill loves his john boat.  He’s had it almost 40 years; it’s been painted and patched countless times, and has plenty of dings and dents.  However, it continues to do what john boats do – float and keep water out … well, mostly.

Do you know that doing what is right is a priority with God?  Difficult and unpopular usually hinder what is right.  That going-with-the-flow feels good and rocks very few boats.  Let’s face it -- swimming upstream just isn’t much fun!  The King of Egypt became concerned when Israel began to grow in number and strength so he ordered the Hebrew midwives to kill newborn Hebrew boys.  Well, read this: "But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive." (Exodus 1:17) Ha!  The midwives refused to do it!  The Hebrew word for fear is "yare" (yaw-ray) – not shaking-in-your-shoes fear rather a deep reverence for God.  Why would the midwives risk so much to disobey the king?  They held a deep respect for Jehovah God and desired pleasing Him more than anything.  It is very troubling how Christians choose to do what is wrong rather than right.  It is true, in some cases, God’s Way has become distorted by the world but to otherwise know what is right in God’s eyes yet do it not is indeed disturbing.  We have lost the "yare," that reverence for God and we lack intensity for living righteously.  We blink away difficult and unpopular and heartily embrace a go-with-the-flow mentality then justify our selfish ways among one another.  God rewarded the midwives' obedience: "Therefore God dealt well with the midwives, and the people multiplied and grew very mighty. And so it was, because the midwives feared God, and He provided households for them." (1:20)  There is a higher more urgent call in our lives and it is critical Christians acknowledge it.  I have been out in Mr. Bill’s john boat a few times and once even stood up in the boat.  Whoa!  That was scary – won’t do that again!  God needs Christians, however, to stand up in the boat to testify to what is right and holy and honorable.  Yes, it can be scary and unpleasant and difficult and unpopular – necessary nonetheless. I challenge you today, to consider if you are walking in The Word, seeking to live righteously, speaking and doing what is right according to God’s Word.  Know what is right!  Live what is right!  Make right a priority!

Dear Lord,
Forgive me for not doing what is right and choosing wrong over right.  Help me, empower me today to just do what is right in Your eyes.  In Jesus' Name,


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