Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Carry It Well

Hunting trips for Mr. Bill always have potential to be truly adventurous – that’s one reason I don’t participate.  On one such trip several months ago, he had a flat tire on his trailer [carrying his four-wheeler] … with no spare. A kind lady allowed him to leave his trailer & ATV in her yard, and off he went to find a new tire. Several hours later of unsuccessful shopping, being caught in a motorcycle rally (twice), a no-moving line at the Dairy Queen, he finally found the correct tire, retrieved his trailer & four-wheeler, then completed the 30-minute task on his club land.  Whew! 

A few weeks ago, Dennis and I saw a man carrying a wooden cross on the sidewalk in town.  Not a common sight, rather one that makes you look twice then ponder why does he do that?  Jesus spoke of a virtual cross in Luke 9:23, but His words refer to real-life crosses we all must bear if we will be true followers of Christ.  “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”  That cross may be living with an illness in joyful humility; extending patience and kindness to a difficult and insensitive co-worker; sacrificing personal time to minister to someone in need; doing without some luxuries to support a full-time missionary; staying in a troubled marriage to honor a commitment. J. H. Newman wrote, “To take up the cross of Christ is no great action done once for all; it consists in the continual practice of small duties which are distasteful to us.”  Whether we CAN do these small duties isn’t really the question most of the time; rather, it’s can we do them with and in the joy and spirit of Christ Jesus.  Mr. Bill commented about the cross God had given him that Saturday morning, and he hoped he had carried it well.  I suggest that perhaps when each morning we receive our special cross from the hands of The Father, we ask “why this cross, Lord?”  Know there is a reason – He knows exactly what He desires “this cross” to accomplish in us and for Him.  Take it up, carry it well, glorify Christ.

Dear Lord,
Cause my spirit to rejoice in the cross you have given unto me, and strengthen me by Your grace to bear it well according to Your purpose. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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