Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Bio

What’s the difference between a person’s bio and resume?  A bio summarizes the most impressive highlights of your background while a resume gives an overall picture of your education and experience.  Both describe your background but the presentation depends upon its intended purpose.  Like Mr. Bill often asks, “and why are you telling me all this?”

Have you ever wondered if God wrote your bio, what would He write?  Scary, huh?  Some folks are real good at resume-writing, and it’s true, some have impressive information to share. Both resumes and bios are written to promote us, telling our story in a few brief sentences, who we are and what we are about.  We read impressive highlights about an author on the inside of a book jacket to get a biographical picture. It’s like a mini advertisement to the reader!  Well, one of the most interesting and impressive bios I’ve ever read is recorded in Matthew 1:19: “And Joseph her husband, being a righteous man and not wanting to disgrace her, planned to send her away secretly.”  Joseph’s complete bio in just three words: “a righteous man.”  There’s no lengthy narrative of Joseph’s past accomplishments, no mighty words of self-promotion: his bio summed up in three words.  Righteous, according to the original Greek language, is a condition acceptable to God!  Wow!  Several years ago, I had to write my biographical sketch for a speaking engagement and not once did I use the word righteous!  Most interestingly, Joseph didn’t write his bio – God did!  And, whatever Joseph’s background was, it was good because God described him as “a righteous man.”  Oh, that God has reason to describe all His Children this way!


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