Tuesday, March 15, 2011


My Papa & Granny were simple people, and they loved their grandchildren.  As the school bus approached our house, how exciting it was to see their green Plymouth parked in our driveway.  I’d run to the house for kisses and hugs then to the cabinet for a pack of M&Ms.  They never forgot to bring me and my sisters this special treat – it was a sure thing!

A sure thing!  God used this word “sure” in Isaiah 55 when He spoke of His sure mercies to David (V.3).  The Hebrew word “sure” translates as established, verified, confirmed and it refers to The One Who is surety.  Nothing in this life is really sure: that’s why surety bonds are sold – a legal promise to pay someone if someone else fails to meet some obligation. It’s not just what God says but rather who God is and what He does that makes Him sure.  He and His Word are certain, beyond all doubt. We know this because many testified – names too numerous to list or count, that “great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1-2).  They verified and confirmed the faithfulness of Almighty God to His many promises.  Winslow wrote, “These promises are exceedingly great and precious in their nature – they are personal and particular in their application – they are absolute and infallible in their fulfillment.”  As sure as I was there were M&Ms were in the cabinet, God is most sure!  We can be sure!


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