Monday, April 21, 2014

Know It!

What do you really know?  Recently when I knew  for-sure, without-a-doubt, I had put something in a particular place, Mr. Bill questioned just how sure I was.  Of course, doubt set in!


Job, afflicted and suffering, declared: “For I know that my Redeemer lives …” (19:25).   As much as I hate to admit it, Mr. Bill had good reason to question me: I’ve found Christmas presents months later, designed safe places [even] from myself.  What makes Job’s statement so profound?  First, the Redeemer lives without anything Job [or anyone] has done or can do.  The empty tomb was part of God’s plan of redemption.  How did Job know?  What made him so very certain of the Living Lord?  The Redeemer was personal to Job; he said my Redeemer.  Personal testimonials are always best – people may not believe you when you tell them something that happened to you personally, but they cannot change the truth that it happened.  Someone asked Pastor Tim one time how he knew he was born-again to which he answered, “because I was in the room!”  When we know Christ personally, we can speak with full assurance and confidence of the Living Lord. Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Ifs, buts, and perhapses are some murderers of peace and comfort”  Like Job, and certainly more than I know where I put something, we can know that we know that we know … “my Redeemer lives!”  Know it!


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