No Calluses
Few people long for a callus. Us girls go to incredible lengths to keep our feet smooth and callus-free! Now, those who play the guitar work hard to develop calluses. My very short and limited stint as a guitar-player lasted little longer than the sore fingers!
Jesus spoke of the callused heart in Matthew 21: “Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.” (V.43). To those of callused hearts, Jesus spoke on Tuesday of His final week. He spoke to those who had went through the motions of faithfulness to God yet missed the concept of humbling themselves before Almighty God. Many knew the ancient words but chose to live apart from them. God in human form had come to their city – walked their streets – ate their bread – taught in their churches – worked miracles before their eyes … yet their missed Him. We do not serve an impatient or uninterested God Who cares nothing of our struggles and failures. No, He is longsuffering, kind and merciful; He is not, however, tolerant of the heart that is callused by the sin of rejecting Christ time and time again. The callused heart [in turn] becomes the cursed heart, missing the blessings of the Christ-centered life of forgiveness and fullness of joy. Clearly, calluses on fingers help guitarists make some beautiful music; such is not the case with a callused heart. Let us look to The Savior, hear His message and allow It to keep the heart humble, listening, and submissive. The song of such a heart is eternal!
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