Who's In The House?
There is a lot of truth in the old saying, "You can't tell a book by its cover." If we could judge the inside by the outside, just think what fun it would be to buy beautifully prepared food right off the grocery store shelf ... just by looking at the picture on the box, can, or package!
Jesus certainly had a way of getting a point across: "Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves." (Matt 21:12). Mark records it like this: "And Jesus went into Jerusalem and into the temple. So when He had looked around at all things, as the hour was already late, He went out to Bethany with the twelve." (Mark 11:11). What do you suppose were His thoughts as He surveyed the temple after His triumphal entry to Jerusalem. Jesus went in and "looked around" and [obviously] did not like what He saw. His [designated] House of Prayer was nothing more than a jockey-lot, a flea market, a market place. Oh, how His heart must have been broken and crushed at the sight of that magnificent holy place so full of corruption. His Heart breaks just the same when He sees pride, unforgiveness, and bitterness in our hearts. Impure hearts manifest the same impure behavior, attitudes, and language. Just as Jesus went back the next day and drove out the ugliness inside the temple, He wants to rid our hearts of the ugliness of sin. We are His temple, and in His House there is no room for unwelcome guests. For those who bear His Name, there must be only One in the house ... the One and Only, Jesus Christ! Now is as good as any time to ask … who’s in the house?
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