Dress Up!
Casual dress is usually preferred although there are certainly times when casual isn’t appropriate. Wheneveer I told the boys to wear something nice, I had to define “nice.” They were always relieved when I meant good jeans and a pullover instead of shirt and tie. Yes, groans and whines were avoided!
Casual is never in-style for Christianity. Romans 12:2 says, “And do not be conformed to this world … “ The casual Christian has little or no influence for good, and is essentially ineffective for the cause of Christ. So-so Christianity is evident when there is little evidence of Christ and His precepts in the Believer’s life. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it may just be a duck! The serious disciple of Christ, however, pursues God and His holiness. Only when we shed the [spiritually] casual dress of this world, do we prove what is “good and acceptable and perfect.” (V.2) It’s true, casual dress may be preferred and usually the most comfortable but it just doesn’t look good on those who belong to Christ. I encourage you to give up casual Christianity – dress up!
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