Who is your favorite conversationalist? Most recently, I’ve observed Mr. Bill having “conversations” with … himself. Rather than become involved, I’ve found it much more interesting [and amusing] to just watch and listen. I’ve quietly concluded this: he wisely and accurately answers all his questions to himself by himself. Quite the talented guy, Mr. Bill is.
Conversations with ourselves aren’t such a bad thing especially when we’re asking important questions. I recently [quietly J] pondered why I really wear a watch, and my conclusion was it is mostly from habit since I rarely look at it to see the time. One origin of the word “watch” came from 17th Century sailors who used the new timepiece mechanisms to time the length of their shipboard watches (shifts). In Mark 13, Jesus spoke of a far more critical cause to “watch” as He spoke of His Second Coming: “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is ... Watch ye therefore … Lest coming suddenly He find you sleeping … And what I say unto you, I say to all, Watch.” (32-33, 35a, 36-37). The climate of today’s culture has lulled many Christians into a state of spiritual lethargy; the Truth of the Gospel no more impacts their daily living than my watch alerts me to the time of day. The reality is too many “believers” wear their faith like I wear my watch for reasons of fashion and habit. Genuine disciples of Christ and His Gospel, however, do not compromise Truth; they are true “watchmen” for themselves, their families, friends, and neighbors – richly and faithfully proclaiming Christ by their words and by the way they live. “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” Colossians 3:23. Here’s a good topic of conversation to have with yourself: how can I more effectively and faithfully be a watchman for my soul and for the souls of those around me? The answer is clear and simple: be a student of Godly Truth (found in His Word), listening – hearing – doing as He commands. Watch!
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