From Whom All Blessings Flow
Generic products can be good and ... generic products can be bad. One of the worst generic products [I've found] is paper towels. Those $1 rolls are so tempting, I want to load up my shopping cart and laugh all the way to checkout, that is, until I remember the last $1 roll I took home. Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!
Gratitude – do you suppose anyone really understands it? The phrase "be thankful" is so vague, so generic, it's not real clear for what and to whom we are thankful! It's good, of course, to be grateful for life, provision, family-friends-community, freedom, etc. and we'll hear it spoken many times [with sincerity] over the next several days; spoken by many from differing faiths, even no faith at all. What, then, is true gratitude? King David was in no way vague or generic as he spoke before the assembled people of Israel: “Yours, O LORD, is the Greatness and the Power and the Glory and the Victory and the Majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is Yours. Yours is the Kingdom, O LORD, and You are exalted as Head above all. Both Riches and Honor come from You, and You rule over all. In Your Hand are Power and Might, and in Your Hand it is to make Great and to give Strength to all." (1 Chronicles 29:11-12). Perhaps the only hearts that rejoice in genuine thanksgiving are those which [as David] acknowledge Jehovah God Who owns all, rules all, and blesses all from the vastness of His Power and Riches. Otherwise, to whom do we say "thank you," to whom do we speak these words of gratitude? Christians must lead the chorus in thanksgiving unto The One True Giver of all and let us be specific unto Whom we offer praise and gratitude. Let us make our thanksgiving known and unashamedly make it very clear from Whom all Blessings flow!
Let me invite you to email me ( your words of gratitude, and I will compile them into a list to share among MWB Friends next Wednesday 11-26. You’re your message brief and give only your first name. From places around the earth, we will unite hearts and voices in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God. Until Wednesday 11-26 …
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