Thursday, October 8, 2015

Be Beautiful

Favorite play things for Ella and Caleb are a collection of colorful plastic beads.  I think Dustin brought them home from a visit to New Orleans years ago.  No matter how high-or-low tech the toys are, the cheap-and-simple seem to always be the favorites.


Have you ever considered how well your life displays Godly instruction and teaching?  Proverbs 1:9 says "they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck."  In short, Godly wisdom beautifies our lives!  The Grands enjoy wearing the beads, expecting everyone to ooh-and-aah.  Imagine how very different the world rooted solely in the Wisdom of The Creator!  Oh, how we have lost our way -- how nations despise God's laws and His counsel.  They not only despise it, they seek to outlaw it!  The result should come as no surprise: "Because they hated Knowledge and did not choose the Fear of the Lord, would have none of My Counsel and despised all My reproof, therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way, and have their fill of their own devices." (Proverbs 3:29-31).  Sad but truth, we concern ourselves with fashion, technology, higher education, profession, yet neglect the Law of the Lord.  Who of us doesn’t know that the fruit-of-our-way is both distasteful and destructive.  There is Hope: "But whoever listens to Me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster." (V.33).  We’re never too old and it’s never too late to seek beauty for our lives.  Let’s consider how we may improve our looks -- display Godliness to our world.  The Beauty of Christ-in-us is way more than skin-deep … it goes all the way to the soul!  Be Beautiful!


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