Sweet the Flow
The brilliant-blue water hose was mine; it was intended to be exclusively mine, and remained hooked up and readily available [for my use] whenever I needed to rinse my car off. I have no idea where that water hose is at present, but I suspect it is connected to an outside water faucet absolutely nowhere near where I park my car.
Have you ever experience a spiritual dry spell? Like a parched throat on a hot day, the ache for refreshment is tough! The simple truth in most times of a spiritual desert is a genuine lack of pursuit of God. While I will admit this isn’t always the case, too often I’ve ignored-to-forget some small otherwise insignificant sin that hinders spiritual flow of Him-to-me. A Puritan prayer goes like this, “And let me not lay my pipe too short of the fountain, never touching the eternal spring, never drawing down water from above.” True, pipes are prone to leak but often there’s a true disconnect because of hidden and unconfessed sin. “If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the Truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:8-9). Confession leads to repentance which leads to forgiveness which leads to a full measure of God’s rich and precious Presence. My blue water hose is not connected … at least where it should be. Consider today if you are you connected and drinking from The Fountain of Life. Oh, how sweet the flow!
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