Good Thoughts
If Mr. Bill had a tail, it would always be wagging! Once he's standing up, he's major-motion, happy-clappy, obnoxiously smiley. I’ll barely have wiggled my toes, and he's asking "how do you feel this morning?" I love that guy and he knows he should leave me alone in the mornings, but he just loves that morning game. Ugh!
David wrote something very profound, "How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" (139:17). David's insight is amazing into the omniscient nature of God – His infinite awareness, knowledge, and understanding. Scripture affirms God is understanding beyond measure (Psalm 147:5) and unsearchable (Isaiah 40:28), He know all there is to know about everything (1 John 3:20), and there is no knowledge hidden from Him (Jeremiah 23:24). It's not uncommon that I get a sweet email from Mr. Bill during the day; something has triggered a thought of me, and he writes to let me know. Consider God's thoughts toward those who love Him: "How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand." (V.17-18a). Perhaps not all Mr. Bill's thoughts of me are precious; he's wise enough to keep those thoughts to himself but God’s thoughts toward me are always good and favorable, His plans are always for my success and never for my harm (Jeremiah 29:11). David expressed great perception of God's omniscient reign in his life, and he ends Verse 18 with "I awake, and I am still with You," a delightful conclusion of God's continual remembrance of him. My first thoughts aren't always good ones, but they should be! When I consider The Creator of the universe is ever-mindful of me (Psalm 8:4), it's a good thought for all times of the day! Our Heavenly Father has good and precious thoughts to His children, and devises His Best for each of us always. Yes, I admit it: this is enough to wag anyone’s tail!
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