Monday, September 7, 2015


Notes sealed in a bottle carried countless miles across oceans – this idea has spawned many books and movies.  All I can say, that’s some amazing airtight seal! 


What would you write on a note to be put in a bottle?  Tough question since you wouldn’t know who would finally read it.  How about words of praise to Almighty God?  Think about it, no matter who finds the bottle and reads the note – it fits!  Truth is, our praise to The Father fits every time, place, and

circumstance.  Why do we, then, hold it in like the proverbial note in a bottle!  Those who know me know mornings are not my favorite time of day but I’ve learned praise is an excellent day-starter.  It makes getting out of bed more worthwhile, that reflection in the mirror more pleasant, and the drive to work sweeter.  Psalm 22:3 tells us God inhabits (dwells, abides, remains) in the praise of His children; He is present whenever we praise Him!  In Psalm 107, David repeated himself four times: “Oh that men would praise the LORD for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” (Verses 8, 15, 21, 31)  I’d say David couldn’t contain himself; he could be described as … uncorked -- what a way to be!  Live uncorked today!


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