Heart Springs
At one time, there was a trampoline in our backyard, and as trampolines go – it was multi-functional. It was, of course, a springboard to the sky for little boys, as well as an outdoor wrestling arena and an above-ground table for afternoon picnics. Best yet, when turned on its side, it was a great baseball pitch-back!
Oh, yes – the heart is a springboard! Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" How I shutter and shake when I hear someone say, "just follow your heart." When I follow my heart, where I end up is not a good place! God continues in V.10, "I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins ..." Oh, mercy me and mercy is just what I need as God searches my heart! Truth is, my heart is indeed a springboard to whatever I feed it: what I read, what I listen to, what I see. Junk in – junk out! The right stuff must go in for the right stuff to come out when life “squeezes” me. What springs forth from my heart requires a clean-pure-holy Source as the hearts spring. Let us consider what we feed our hearts!
Oh, be careful little eyes what you see. Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.
There's a Father up above, and He's looking down in love. Oh, be careful little eyes what you see.
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