Hope of Salvation
Something I'm usually attentive to is exaggerations of the truth. You know, the fisherman whose bass grows in pounds with each re-telling of the story. Sure, I too have exaggerated a tale or two to solidify a point! Words and phrases like "all the time" and "gazillions" are great and effective embellishing words!
Some truths cannot be exaggerated; consider this troubling fact: In the last 24 hours, 300 people died simply because they are Christians. This means yesterday, while we woke in the safety of our homes, enjoyed a morning coffee, moved thoughtlessly through the day, had dinner with family or friends, drifted to sleep in the comforts of a bed -- the day ended tragically for 300 fellow Believers. This fact doesn't even include the millions who survived the day yet spent it fear of death, torture, or prison only because of their faith. Scripture confirms perils for the righteous is nothing new; the psalmist described similar times, "O LORD God of hosts ... thou feed them with the bread of tears and give them tears to drink in great measure." (Psalm 80:4-5). John and Jesus warned us, "Do not be surprised, brothers, that the world hates you." (1 John 3:13), "And you will be hated by all for My Name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved." (Matthew 10:22). Most who read this, including me, know very little of real trouble for our faith but lest we be taken by surprise, such disdain for Christ’s followers has come to our doorsteps. Here’s the question each of must answer: if we will not speak of The Christ in times of prosperity, will we endure to the end? Just how far will we go to boldly align with Jesus Christ – mocking, slander, ridicule, poverty, personal loss, jail? We live in perilous times but we do not live without hope! Great reward is there for those who endure, who persevere. We must plead with the psalmist: “Restore us, O God; let Your Face shine, that we may be saved!" (80:7,14,19). Pray for those who are persecuted and let us rejoice continually in the Hope of our Salvation!
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