Tuesday, February 7, 2017

God of Answers

MORNING WITH BEVERLY: Wednesday 02-08-2017

God of Answers


Have you ever been looking-looking-looking for something and it is just not to be found!  You've seen it here or there, moved it out of the way, and even thought, I’m so tired of moving this thing.  Then one day you really need it and it’s nowhere to be found.  That makes me nuts!


Now, consider the last time you put before God a request then began to wait for His answer.  As you waited, soon you began to entertain the thoughts of how patient you have been and how slow God is to respond.  Yeah, uh-huh, right.  Remember the two men with whom Jesus appeared and walked on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus?  Not knowing Jesus’ identity at the time, they explained their sadness to Him: “But we trusted that it had been He which should have redeemed Israel: and beside all this, today is the third day since these things were done.” (Luke 24:21).  Their plight could well be described as a pity party, but more accurately as spiritual dejection.  Oswald Chambers defines spiritual lust as that which causes us to "demand an answer from God, instead of seeking God Himself Who gives the answer. Ouch!  That thing we were looking for, the things we finally declared the thing lost-and-gone-forever, guess what?  There it is!  God is always at work in our lives, never wasting a circumstantial opportunity to graciously grow us in our faith.  Spiritual dejection is real but God is greater than anything that threatens to lure us off-track.  "Trust and obey ... there's no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey.


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