Sunday, January 29, 2017

Turn In Your Troubles

Do you remember staying up late writing that term paper due the next day?  Perhaps – maybe – you worked on it for weeks, but the last night was spent editing-and-proofing, editing-and-proofing, and yeah … editing-and-proofing. There was such relief when you finally turned it in. Party time!


Troubles – as Pooh would say, Oh, bother!”  They easily take over command-central and paralyze us even to the point we can barely function.  The Hebrew word "trouble" refers to being in a tight place – restricted, hung up.  That's how it feels sometimes when troubles overtake us; we lose focus and lose hope, then despair sets in.  David wrote, "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles."  (Psalm 34:17). This verse assures us when we cry for help the Lord hears and delivers.  And, that little word "al." is really big.  God doesn't deliver me from a select few of my troubles, but ALL of them!  What I’ve learned over time is that His deliverance doesn’t always come in the way I expect, but it comes nonetheless!  Sometimes it comes in a change of circumstances while other times it comes in a change of perspective.  Either way, His promise of deliverance always comes with an ocean of peace!  It’s a peace the world doesn’t understand nor can the world give it (John 14:27). Don’t be bothered by troubles – turn in your troubles to He Who hears and delivers!


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