Thursday, March 12, 2020


Did you own a Etch a Sketch? What fun to write-draw, give it a’shake to erase then start all over. Now, wasn’t that just the cat’s meow!  Through the ages, God commanded men to “write” and aren’t we glad they obeyed! To Moses, He said “write this for a reminder in a book” (Exodus 17:14); to Jeremiah, God said “write all the words that I have spoken” (Jeremiah 30:2); to Habakkuk, He said “write the vision and make it plain” (Habakkuk 2:2). I spent last weekend  with a few Christian writers, and had opportunity to consider my own writing. God brought to mind His greatest writing assignment: “Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart … Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.” (Proverbs 3:3, 7:3).  That Hebrew word “table” refers to a board or plank or tablet, and in context, for inscription or writing. The heart of man is God’s intended table for His words of truth yet I wonder just how spacious my heart is at times – is there any room for Him to write? Is it filled with the world’s scribble-scratch, leaving little-to-no room for what God wants to write there. I suggest every Believer’s heart need a good and continual shakin’ (cleansing) to wipe away the space Satan has stolen and claimed for himself. After this weekend, I’m conscious and further committed as a writer to keeping my heart-space free and clear for the Finger of God to write His words upon the tablet of my heart. I pray you’ll examine your own heart-space.


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