Spiritual House
It's not only birds that "nest." Most often, we think of expectant mothers as they sweetly prepare the "nest" for their new little one. Mister Bill often shakes his head in wonder as I situate (nest) myself for a night's sleep. It is me, however, who shakes my head as he prepares his hunting "nest" 12 feet up a pine tree! Why do Believers presume their hearts are predisposed as the dwelling place of God? Of course, the heart is where He most desires to be but it is never an obvious probability! The place God inhabits will always be broken-down and free-of idols; that is, other deities of our own making-choosing. "You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 2:5). Every Believer's "spiritual sacrifice" to God is a "a spiritual house" - a prepared heart, one broken (humbled) and freae of idolatrous debris. That's the spiritual nest (house, home) for Jesus Christ; that's the heart God finds delightful! Now, I'm fairly sure Mister Bill wouldn't refer to his hunting spot as a nest although it is his designated and suitable hunting place. Designated and suitable - such is the prepared heart for God. Maybe it's time we all do some spiritual nesting!
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