Monday, January 25, 2021

Remember and Tell

Do you remember the movie, "Total Recall?" It had lots of action, but that ping-ponging from past to present to future to real to not real left me lost most of the movie. Says the Prophet Isaiah, “I will mention the lovingkindness of the LORD …” (Isaiah 63:7a). In our English language, to mention is to refer to something briefly and without going into detail; synonyms include "to allude or to touch on."  The Hebrew word for mention, however, carries a much stronger meaning; it is to remember or to recall. It’s the same Hebrew word used when God remembered Noah (Genesis 8:1), when God remembered Abraham (Genesis 19:29), when God remembered His covenant with His people (Exodus 2:24). Our God isn't casual about anything! Imagine if He were casual in His promises to us or just casually faithful. Isaiah said I will remember how loving and how kind Almighty God has been and is to me. I believe Isaiah was referring to total recall - remembering, even reliving, the sure-and-certain steadfastness of His God! We must discipline ourselves to remember God's faithfulness then faithfully tell it to our children, our grandchildren, our friends, our neighbors – remember and tell of God’s faithfulness. Do you remember your last total recall of God's goodness? Remember! Remember and tell of His greatness!


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