Monday, November 27, 2023

Talk of Him

The Holy Land - oh, how I love to talk about it ... Mister Bill runs when I get our my picture album! Yes, I had an opportunity to tour it with Dad some twenty-five years ago; it wasn't just a trip, it was a journey. Why do I describe it as a journey? This land of past and ongoing conflict, both settled and unsettled people, a nation so often despised and rejected - why do I describe this land as a journey? Quite simply because it was within this one piece of earth that God chose to bring Light to mankind. Yes, Jesus, the very One Who in John 14:6 said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" walked those shores and traveled the rocky paths to-and-fro teaching and preaching and making plain The Gospel. As I fondly remember that journey where Jesus walked on earth, I'm reminded of similar paths [I walk each day] and an equal call to speak Good News of God's Salvation to those who need a savior. It's crazy how we can talk-and-tell of so much but neglect to speak of Jesus. Let's do better - let's make Him part of our conversations. Don't just walk with Him ... talk of Him!


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