Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Your Destination

When we plan a trip, we carefully choose a destination, a route and lodging - these things we anticipate will make the overall experience one of pleasure and joy. God says, "He who dwells in the secret place ..." (Psalm 91:1). How foolish I am to begin the day without a clear and deliberate choice of where my spirit will spend its day. Whether running errands, at the office, sick in bed or just hanging out at home, my spirit dwells somewhere. Sadly I admit, many times it's wandering aimlessly, tossed about by the winds of anxiety, stress, frustration and other cares of the day. But God says the one who deliberately chooses the secret place "of the Most God" is sheltered in the "shadow of The Almighty." Why would I forego the precious promises of Him as my heart's destination day-by-day and moment-by-moment? It's an important question with only one satisfactory answer: choose Him as ... your destination.


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