Monday, April 1, 2024

No Limping

Compromise is something we do and it isn't always bad: for many years, Mister Bill and I negotiated and agreed that he would be free to hunt and fish 4-5 months of the year and I would be free to do-go the other months. There's an interesting story in 1 Kings about a man of God rebuking King Jeroboam for burning incense on a pagan altar; as a sign of God's displeasure, King Jeroboam's hand became withered. King Jeroboam, of course, then pleaded with God to restore his hand, which He did; in gratitude, King Jeroboam invited the man of God to his house to eat and to receive a reward. "But the man of God said to the king, 'If you were to give me half your house I would not go with you, nor would I eat bread or drink water in this place. For so it was commanded me by the word of the LORD, saying, ‘You shall eat no bread, nor drink water, nor return by the way which you came.'" (1 Kings 13:8-9, NASB). I suspect there's more bad than good compromises made these days - it's one of Satan's most effective tools. If he can convince us it's not all-that-bad or just-this-once, his hook is in us. Later in 1 Kings, the prophet Elijah asked a probing question each us must answer: "How long will you go limping between two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him." (1 Kings 18:21, ESV). The compromise Mister Bill and I made years ago benefited us both - it was a good one. James 4:17 says, "so whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." A limp isn't exactly a stagger but neither is it firm or steady! God has called those who love Him to steadfastness at all times, particularly when the enemy tries to get us compromise on what is right and honorable. Stay true to Christ ... no limping.


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