Remember What You Know
It's quite funny [to me] the reasons we call a party: who would have imagined there would be eclipse parties! Likewise, many are consigned to pity-parties such as this: "Will the Lord reject forever? And will He never be favorable again? Has His lovingkindness ceased forever? Has His promise come to an end forever? Has God forgotten to be gracious, or has He in anger withdrawn His compassion?" (Psalm 77:7-9, NASB). However true and faithful we are in devotion to God, we are not guaranteed immunity from the troubles of life here on earth. There are and will be seasons when it [only] seems God is eclipsed from us. Our tendency is to fall into questioning Him and a weariness to persevere! "I shall remember the deeds of the LORD" (V11) ... "I will meditate on all Your work" (V12) ... "Your way, O God, is holy" (V13) ... "You are the God Who works wonders" (V14) ... "You have by Your power redeemed Your people" (V15). When God's Goodness seems partially or completely obscured (eclipsed), it is absolutely not as it appears! The psalmist counsels us to remember [as he does], to call to mind the knowledge (what we know) of The Most High: "For I the LORD do not change" (Malachi 3:6). If there was ever a reason to party, to celebrate and rejoice or a call worthy of devotion this is it ... remember what you know!
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