Friday, December 17, 2010

Seek Him

Tell the truth – how many gifts are you hiding right now?   In time, Mr. Bill and I ran out of hiding places and had to move Santa’s stash to a remote location.  Hiding places are not forever safe, you know.

Note the angel’s words to the shepherds, “This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” (2:12)   The message tells us there would be a search involved in finding the Christ-Child.  The shepherds were not sent without descriptions of the baby’s notable setting.  It wasn’t exactly GPS-style directions and Luke doesn’t give us details of the search, nonetheless, Jesus was found!  When is the last time you sought to know Christ in all His beauty?  Oh, I don’t mean went to church, read your Bible, said a prayer, sang a song; I mean -- leaned toward Him seeking to take pleasure in all He is.  You know, such moments do NOT just happen; they come as a result of real pursuit of Christ.   God through the Prophet Jeremiah said, “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.” (29:13)  Simply, finding comes through seeking.  The shepherds were not disappointed in their search, rather they found cause to glorify and praise God (2:20).  Are you seeking to know Christ more?  Seek Him and nothing else!


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