Monday, April 23, 2012

The Evidence

There is much beauty in nature this time of year.  As far as the eye can see, from our front porch is winter wheat.  Mr. Bill and I sat in the porch swing today, and were fascinated by the beauty of the wheat as the wind moved it in waves.  Yeah, it takes very little to amuse us but there was something incredibly captivating about it!

The Believer’s life should be fascinating!  Because followers of Christ are called to be different, set apart from the world, our lives should captivate the attention of others.  Certainly, there are do-and-don’t-do’s but they actually are a result of cleansed and changed hearts.  Christ said to Nicodemus, “Ye must be born again. The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:7b-8)  Mr. Bill and I could not see the wind, but the wheat gave evidence of its presence.  So it will be in the life of those born of The Spirit of God.  Quite simply and matter-of-factly, there will be evidence of righteousness in the Believer’s life.   The spirit of the saved will bear tremendous witness of The Spirit that lives and rules within; this is the Witness the lost world needs to see and hear.  I challenge you right now to note evidence The Spirit is producing in you!   May we reflect the Captivating Christ!