Tuesday, April 24, 2012


As a teenager Mr. Bill earned the nickname "Wild Bill" for playing sports  like a "wild man." In more recent years on a Scout trip, he gave his  canoe-partner a wild ride on the river rapids then finished it with a free  swim in the river!

Satan is known for his treacherous rapids!  That's why God warns, "Finally,  my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.  Put on  the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of  the devil." (Ephesians 6:10-11)  Having successfully avoided both the  desire and experience of canoeing, I asked Mr. Wild-Water Bill how one  learns to navigate rapids on the river.  He said you watch the water's  current for Friendly-V's and Unfriendly-V's. A Friendly-V (open-end V)  indicates clear and safe passage, but an Unfriendly-V" (closed-end V)  signals danger underneath the water -- usually a rock or branch under the  water.  You know, Satan is sneaky like that, disguising The Truth as  attractions and pleasures. Before long, we're run ashore, toppled over,
bottoms up (a smooth Mr. Bill move)!  God instructs us to arm ourselves  with His Might, His Armor so we'll recognize Satan's work and be equipped  to defend against it. I have no intention of learning to navigate river rapids, but doing life in God's Truth is something I'm highly  motivated to do!