Women in the community were always busy during "canning" season, and that meant us kids were busy. It seemed we were picking, shucking, shelling, popping or peeling something when school was out instead of playing in the sprinkler or riding our bikes. Making preserves meant very little to me until hot buttered biscuits presented themselves in the winter. Then, I sure was grateful for canning season!
God didn’t ordain "canning season," but He certainly knows about preservation! "The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall preserve thy soul." (Psalm 121:7) Those unexpected and unpleasant things in life are neither unexpected nor unpleasant to God. He is never surprised or blind-sided. And, aren't we glad! R. Leighton writes, "That flower which follows the sun doth so even in dark and cloudy days: when it doth not shine forth, yet it follows the hidden course and motion of it." Preserves refer to fruit or vegetables that have been especially prepared (canned or jarred) for long-term storage. Such are hearts moved after God because He IS preservation. When we truly embrace this, we will relax and rest to know we are completely ... preserved.
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