Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sweet Smells

Oh, how I remember the lingering smells of summer camp.  Fun just doesn't describe the excitement of unpacking and sorting little boys’ clothes after a week at camp -- unzipping duffel bags and inhaling.  The aromatic evident confirmed they much preferred lake-water baths over showers.  It must have been heaven for a whole week not hearing "put on clean underwear," "did you use soap," "clean behind your ears."  Trust me, those camp smells were far removed from Heaven!

As I held my breath there at the washing machine many moons ago, I wondered if this was how I smelled to God.  For sure, my life must often cause Him to turn His face away. How in His Holiness does He tolerate the likes of me!  This is what He desires of His children, "For we are to God the fragrance of Christ ... " (2 Corinthians 2:15a)  The Father wants us immersed in Christ, resulting in a His sweet aroma.  Oh how I wish Godliness was a first response, not one I often have to ponder and practice!  I want the fragrance of The Savior to follow me everywhere I go, in everything I do; I want others to smell Christ in me!  Yes, it’s been a long time since those camp smells, but they do linger [at least] in my mind.  Get alone with Christ and come away … smelling sweet!