Thursday, April 18, 2013

God's Dipper

We've all been thirsty before, but do you remember an incident when you I-mean-to-tell-ya thirsty? Twenty-plus years ago, Dad, Mom, Danny, Mr. Bill and I walked across the Rio Grande into Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. I was seven months pregnant with twins; it was hot and I was I-mean-to-tell-ya THIRSTY! Mr. Bill found me a seat in the shade and brought me a cold Diet Coke. At that moment, I'm not sure whether I loved Mr. Bill or the drink better!

Psalm 63:1 says, ". . . my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water." David wrote this passage while in the Wilderness of Judea. I've been there, and water is scarce. Planning his water source for each day was paramount for David. We all know what it's like to be physically thirsty, but what is it like for our souls to thirst? How easily our thirst is quenched by things temporal, leaving us [yes] thirsty again. Have you ever drank from a metal dipper? Wow, that water tastes good but soon the dipper is empty and needs refilling. The filling God offers our souls never leaves us thirsty; it is all-sustaining. Matthew Henry says it like this: "The true believer is convinced, that nothing in this sinful world can satisfy the wants and desires of his immortal soul; he expects his happiness from God, as his portion. When faith and hope are most in exercise, the world appears a weary desert ... " Have you reached the place of understanding that nothing is lasting, nothing truly satisfyies apart from God? Everything else leaves the soul dry and [yes] thirsty. It is pure folly to trust and hope in anything temporal even when it helps sustain us on earth. Are you drinking from God's Dipper? If not, today is a great day to begin to do so. His Dipper is eternal, full-to-running over, and never leaves you thirsting again!


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