Stay the Line!
Some things you just never forget, and one such time is when we tried to avoid the cost of a hotel crib, certain the twins would share their playpen. It took less than fifteen minutes to call the front desk asking for a crib, and I don’t remember that we asked the cost!
It was very early in his short life that man “crossed the line.” We all know the story of the crafty serpent’s question to Eve, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” (Genesis 3:1). It’s an age-old question with the same age-old response: disobedience. As I considered this text, I remembered a humorous confrontation between Bugs Bunny and Yosemite Sam where Bugs drew a line in the sand, daring Sam to step over it. Hundreds of lines later (LOL), Yosemite Sam falls into a crack in the rock. The Standard of Truth has been settled and Line drawn by which men are saved and in God’s Grace called to live. Proverbs 4:27 says, “Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.” Words just don’t come any clearer! The current border crisis isn’t our greatest threat; rather, the real crisis are present consequences and coming judgment of the human soul which has repeatedly disregarded its Creator by trampling the Blood of Christ – plainly, we routinely thumb our noses at God’s Truth. We have ignored the precepts of Almighty God, and re-drawn His Line to accommodate our own sinfulness. Yes, this life is filled with parameters, and most of us live agreeably and peacefully within them. Let us be ever-conscious [most importantly] of the boundary of Truth set by God Himself, sealed by the Blood of Christ making Grace abound. It’s hard work, but let us faithfully … Stay the Line!
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