Gum Trees
Have you ever been up a gum tree? Oh, I'm sure you have – we've all been in a tough spot, a sticky situation. While I certainly remember a few of my own, I much prefer to think about Mr. Bill's gum trees: hunting without a gun, a gun with no bullets, no batteries in his flashlight, a hole in his waders, driving off on his four-wheeler while chained to the porch. See -- it's just so much more fun!
God is sovereign in all things, even when we're up-a-tree! The expression "up a gum tree" seems to have originated in Australia where gum trees are common, and [quite likely] a welcome refuge for possums from huntin' dogs. The great difficulty is when the possum is "treed" and his only escape is – down where the danger is! Up a tree is a good description for Naomi: she's in a foreign land, away from her family, her husband dies then both of her sons, and serious poverty follows. No wonder she told her two daughters (by marriage), "the LORD has gone out against me." (Ruth 1:13). It's a wonderful Old Testament story of love and devotion, as well as deep abiding faith amid hardships of life -- those gum tree experiences. Naomi's days may have seemed hopeless at times, but God's purpose for her life was utterly divine. Before life's end, she would hold Ruth's child (by Boaz), Obed, and hear her friends say, "Blessed is the LORD Who has not left you without a redeemer, and may his name become famous in Israel." (4:14). Perhaps at that moment, Naomi came to understand her significant role and influence in Obed's life. You see, Obed became the father of Jesse who became the father of David, "the ancestor of Jesus Christ." (Ruth 4:22). Let us never doubt God's sovereignty in our circumstances – how He allows them to shape and mold us to spiritual maturity ... or how He's using us to shape and mold the lives of others. Yeah, climb that old gum tree then grin like a possum, knowing for sure God's working everything to His glorious end!
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