Delightful Formula
Choosing a hotel is tricky! It’s easy to get bogged down in looking at pictures and ratings and reviews, but there comes that moment of decision. Can any of us count the number of times we’ve heard God’s Good News of Salvation preached? I doubt it! On their way to The Land of Promise, the Israelites heard God’s promise of rest and saw the untold displays of God’s power. Yet – however – nonetheless, they doubted which [we know] led to whining and rebellion. The writer of Hebrews clears this up for us: “For indeed we have had the good news [of salvation[ preached to us, just as the Israelites also [when the good news of the promised land came to them]; but the message they heard did not benefit them, because it was not united with faith [in God] by those who heard.” (Hebrews 4:2). Knowledge must be united with faith – that’s where we find confidence-assurance-peace, and yes – the rest God promises. I finally choose a hotel and book my stay but it wasn’t until I arrived, open the door and saw my room that my doubts and fears were settled. “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1). Real faith [in The One True Jehovah God] sets aside wishful thinking and that annoying need to know-for-sure with our physical senses. To know God is to trust Him! Knowledge + Faith, what a delightful formula for life!
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