Wednesday, March 27, 2013

He Knew

MORNING WITH BEVERLY: Wednesday 03-27-2013
He Knew

The story is -- I was pretty stubborn as a child; Mr. Bill would argue I still am. Pain was usually involved when my parents needed to get my attention! For Debbie (my sister), however, it took only one hard look from Mama or Daddy.

Make no mistake, Jesus knew exactly what He was facing in Jerusalem. He knew there would be physical pain, false accusations, and betrayal. Perhaps the most painful was rejection by those people whom He loved so deeply, and in whom He invested so much of His ministry. We recall the betrayal of Judas who sold Him out and exposed Him in the garden. Peter then denied Jesus in the high priest's courtyard, not once but three times. "At that moment Jesus turned and looked at Peter. Then Peter remembered what He had said -- 'Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny Me three times.' And Peter walked out of the courtyard, crying bitterly." (Luke 22:61). Imagine that look between Peter and Christ and the immeasurable pain! Peter felt the reality of his own contribution to Christ's suffering and it was unbearable. I suspect we know little of how we grieve The Father when we deny Him – laughing at bad jokes, reading trashy books, neglecting time in prayer and study, watching things that only feed the flesh, not to mention making sinful choices and living apart from God’s Truth. Make no mistake – Christ knew full well the sinfulness of man yet He took the wrath of God toward sin in our place, providing forgiveness and life everlasting for our souls. Why would He willfully walk such a way of suffering! Why! Because He loves you and He loves me – that’s His Passion.


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