Monday, March 25, 2013

His Passion

Children, and sometimes adults, resort to tears when they want their own way. Mama used to call it “turning on the water works."

Luke writes, "And when He was come near, He beheld the city, and wept over it." (19:41) Jesus' final journey to Jerusalem was triumphant: the people loved Him and welcomed Him, they spread their robes along the road ahead of Him, there was glad singing and shouting, and praising God for all the wonderful miracles Jesus had done. There was no call for tears, or was there? Jesus said, "Eternal peace was within your reach and you turned it down. Now it is too late ... You have rejected the opportunity God offered you." (19:42-43). Jesus didn’t weep useless tears – His sorrow for His people was no insignificant matter. The Christ, God-in-Flesh, knew the treasure of His greatest creation and the heavy weight of sin that led to destruction. Such is the tragedy today: God’s Truth ignored, souls lost and undone without God’s salvation. In a few short days, Jesus’ otherwise triumphal entry into the City of David will become the hard road of His Passion – that is, His relentless love for you and for me. That love was then and still is today ... His Passion.


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