Thursday, October 3, 2013


Refrigerator problems are not good! When this otherwise fine & faithful appliance (its primary purpose is to display magnets, appointment cards, and coupons) fails to cool properly – it’s really really really not good!

Why doesn't someone come up with an "unfailing" appliance? God’s Word is unfailing because He is unfailing! Dutch-born, Corrie ten Boom, survived the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp. She tells of finding God's unfailing love in the most unlikely places: "When I was taken to Ravensbruck everything in my life had fallen. At roll call with 96,000 other inmates, we had to stand for hours in the bitter cold. The guards would beat the prisoners and I could hardly bear to see it and hear their cries. One morning, as dawn was breaking, a bird began to sing. We looked up in the sky and saw a skylark singing its heart out. I was instantly reminded of Psalms 103:11, 'For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him.' For three weeks God sent that skylark to sing through that dreaded roll call. It kept my eyes turned in the right direction." One of Corrie's favorite sayings was, "There is no pit deep enough that God's love is not there." Oh, to fully grasp that unfailing promise of unfailing love and hold it unfailingly throughout life's storms. When all else fails, there is One Who never fails! He is unfailing.


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