Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Humble Souls

When the boys reached a certain age, we took them to “big church.”  They were so excited until they learned they had to be quiet and sit still. There were many wiggly services where even a short sermon was misery!


Isaiah 25:9 says, “We have waited for Him, and He will save us: this is the Lord; we have waited for Him, we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.”  How easily we are discouraged by our own faults, and even become impatient in correcting them. It’s even easier to become impatient with your neighbor’s faults and the speed with which he improves. It’s much like a violent storm going on inside us, which usually causes us to, proudly yet prayerlessly move like a war tank into battle. Francois de la Mothe Fenelon writes, “Listen to the leadings of grace, then say and do nothing but what the Holy Spirit shall put in your heart.” After a short stay in “big church,” you could see the storm inside the little fellas, but even they sought restraint. When we bulldoze ahead, we are not waiting on God. When we choose to take control of God’s business, we are not waiting on God. When we lean on our own understanding instead of the perfect counsel of His Word, we are not waiting on God. The results of inner storms are rarely pleasant nor pleasing to The Lord. We must lay aside the fiery intensity of our minds that exhausts us and lead us to commit errors, becoming instead humbly submissive to the will of God. Humbled souls take on the peace of The Father, Who

quietly and powerfully works His will in and through every storm.


Blest are the humble souls that wait with sweet submission to His will

Harmonious all their passions move, and in the midst of storms are still


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