Thursday, February 3, 2022

Truly Rest

You ever been in a tizzy, a dither, a state of nervous excitement or confusion? What comes to my mind is my Nanny when she spilled an entire bottle of cooking oil all over the kitchen floor! As much as we'd love to have our lives neatly packaged and contained, that's not how life goes. A Puritan put it like this: "I am toiling and moiling, troubled and distressed." Navigating life in our own wisdom and understanding will cause us to pace and ponder our next step, how we will move forward. To His people who imagined no food, no water and hostile enemies, God said: "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest." (Exodus 33:14). Jesus' invitation to set-aside the burdens of the day continues: "Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28). The hurts, frustrations, anxieties, disappointments, sorrows that hinder peace and rest are frivolous in the hands of God. "Thy designs cause Thee no fear or care of unfulfilment, they stand fast as the eternal hills. Thy power knows no bond, Thy goodness no stint. Thou bringest order out of confusion, and my defeats are Thy victories." (Puritan Prayer, The Valley of Vision). All who profess Christ should possess Him, and trust Him with all that weighs us down. There, we ... truly rest.


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