Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Following The Shepherd

Since retirement, I’m often asked “what are you doing today?”  My best-loved answer is “nothing,” but that’s not always the case!  For the Believer, it’s good to consider who am I doing today with? Oh, how easy it is to zip right through the day leaving behind The One Who gifts us with and sustains our days.  Paul David Tripp writes, “So many people live with a great big gap right smack dab in the middle of their gospel, and they don’t know it.”  A hole in the Gospel – say it ain’t so!  Well, it ain’t so!  Jesus Christ came-died-rose-lives for our past-present-future [sins] and for that greatly anticipated future home [in Heaven].  Yay and Amen!  However, He also is The Savior of our our todays; Tripp calls it the “nowism of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.” Never in my years have I known of so many broken promises resulting in broken hearts and grievous sorrows from death and disease; I’m sure you can say the same! When Believers grasp the power of Christ and His mercy for our todays, we’ll turn from this self-help-pick-me-up-guruism that is so popular today, and actually experience “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1). Let us never live with a gap in our Gospel – live each day with The Savior - always ... following The Shepherd.


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