Sunday, February 7, 2016

Way of Mercy

There's lot of it going around: mercilessness, heartlessness, ruthlessness, and cruelty.  It is true that life is less than fair.  Years ago, someone stole Dennis's wallet at school. We couldn’t explain to him why it happened yet to a young man, who admitted he would never consider such a callous act, there were lots of unanswered questions ... and hard lessons learned!


God is merciful – no matter what.  There is no surprise to His mercy because it is His character.  For us, however, mercy is not a natural response to unkindness ... a stolen wallet.  Our response can be compared to that of a woman who complained to the police about getting annoying phone calls in the middle of the night.  The phone would ring, the caller would bark like a dog, then hang up.  Police traced the calls to the woman's neighbor who said when he was awakened by the barking of her dog, he wanted to make sure she was awake too.  Here is the uncommon grace expected of us: "Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." (Proverbs 3:3)  Mercy and grace are uncommon responses, but the proper response of those who have received so much … mercy and grace by The Father.  It's God's Way.  It's the way of mercy.



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