Thursday, June 27, 2024

Best View

The twins had never flown so Mister Bill planned a surprise flight from DC to home. Instantly, we recognized the apprehension on Dennis’s face! We boarded the plane – Dennis announced he would not sit next to the window, demanded the shade be pulled, refused anything to eat, then buried his head in a book. With twenty-five minutes left in flight, he settled down and even asked to sit next to the window. His final analysis was that flying was pretty cool! Besides God Himself, what do you suppose inspired the psalmist's words, “So I have looked upon You in the sanctuary, beholding Your power and glory.” (Psalm 63:2). As we flew above the clouds, looking down on them [rather than up], I considered our limited view of life here. The struggles often make us see and focus on the underside, shading and distorting the view. Almighty God, however, sees us and the design of our lives, knowing each one’s potential and purpose. Oh, that we beheld ourselves in His view, surrendering completely to His sovereignty in all our circumstances, and how He plans to use them as runways for our growth. Oh, to embrace such a view of life! We were happy to have feet-on-the-ground, and feet-on-the-ground is our calling until Christ returns. While we shouldn't live with our head-in-the-clouds, hope in Jesus gives us an unwavering and steadfast other-world (Kingdom) view. That is the always the ... best view!


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