Friday, December 23, 2011


The time nears when trees will be dismantled, decorations put away, merchandise discounted, and routines resumed.  In mere hours, Christmas 2011 will be history, a memory.  Know this: Bethlehem and her people were real, not some cutesy story recited with characters stored away between Decembers.   God Love came to mankind in The Person of Jesus Christ, our Savior: “In this the love of God was made manifest (displayed) where we are concerned: in that God sent His Son, the only begotten or unique [Son], into the world so that we might live through Him. In this is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our sins.” (1 John 4:9-10, Amplified Bible)  Does this Scriptural Truth bear any personal significance in your life?  I challenge you to be like Caleb (Numbers 14:24), one of “another spirit;“ one who trusts fully in the LORD.  Know Him! Trust Him! Proclaim Him! Live!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Consider just-in-time holiday things: higher gas prices, turkey and hen sales, airfare blackouts, football bowl games.  A real not-in-time holiday thing in this part of the country is snow!  The songwriter quite possibly could have been visiting the South when he wrote about DREAMING of a … white Christmas!

It’s no quirk that God has perfect timing; no, actually, His timing is right on cue – His Cue!  God’s supreme authority entitles Him to see the big picture of our lives, something you and I cannot.  Matthew 1  gives us a brief insight into Joseph’s dilemma: he’s engaged to a young lady whom he learns is pregnant!  What should he do?  According to Jewish law, he can legally “divorce” her but Matthew writes that Joseph was a “just man” who didn’t want to make Mary or the matter a public scandal. Then … the just-in-time thing occurs! “But while he thought on these things behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying, Behold a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife.” (1:20-24)  Aha!  A just-in-time answer!  Don’t you love ‘em: money’s tight and you get a rebate check in the mail, your arms are full and someone opens the door,  you’re low on hope and a friend reaches out, another rainy day yields a beautiful rainbow.  God’s not the author of our what-to-do’s.  He authors answers -- He IS The Answer,  and His answers are always … just-in-time.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Love of Us

You've heard "the devil is in the details," and that is so true. My technology support staff often rely on me for detailed instructions, and leaving out one step in a process can be ... well, the devil!

It's truly a miracle how we can read scripture passages countless times and receive fresh revelation. As I read Matthew 1 and Luke 2 again this Season, I was struck by how carefully God planned Jesus' safe arrival in Bethlehem -- right down to the transportation.  Although the Bible does not say Mary rode a donkey, most likely she did. Did you know donkeys are highly intelligent animals and stronger than a horse its same size; donkeys are not easily startled and have a highly developed sense of self-preservation; they can reason and make decisions based on their own safety and are used as guard animals for cattle, sheep, and goats; and, although donkeys can certainly survive alone, they prefer companionship. Now, can you imagine anything smarter and safer for Mary and her unborn child by which to make their way to Bethlehem! God is all about details --  just like He knows and cares about the details of our lives. His redemptive
Son arrived on earth in God's way, in God's time, and according to God's purpose.  Some forty years later, Christ arrived in Jerusalem God's way (also on a donkey), in God's time, according to God's purpose. Every detail planned.  Every detail perfect.  No expense spared.  All for love of ... us!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

In the Midst

Some tasks require a quiet place where we can concentrate.  When I lived at home, there didn’t seem to BE a quiet place: I was playing the piano, Debbie was practicing her cheers, Sherri was blowing the clarinet, and Mom was in the kitchen making her own music with pots and pans.  Mr. Bill was always amazed how Dad could calmly read the paper in the midst of all that noise!

"In the midst" is where God does a lot of His talking! Deuteronomy 4:33 confirms that, "Did ever people hear the voice of God speaking out of the midst of the fire ... " In Verse 34, God continues to remind His People of the times they were "in the midst" of trials and calamities, even oppression, yet He never failed them. Most of us are "in the midst" of something all the time, and it’s where we can lose sight of God's power. It's so easy to see a broken washing machine, a dry well, crushing deadlines, and a demanding family as a hindrance to life. Nothing is bigger than our God, and in the middle of it all is where He wants to show us how big He really is. God's greatest gift showed up in Bethlehem in the midst of the mayhem of a national census and all the lacks of this and that. "Unto thee it was showed, that thou mightest know that the LORD He is God; there is none else beside Him." (V.35).  In the midst of this Christmas Season: slow down, be still, hear His Voice. He has so much to say!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Wonder Love

What is wonderful?  Fantastic. Magnificent. Marvelous. Splendid. Amazing. Incredible. Miraculous. Remarkable. Spectacular.  In other words --  chocolate, clean sheets, kittens, homemade vegetable soup ... only to name a few!

The Psalmist wrote of God's wonderful works, and how the very knowledge of God is "too wonderful for me." (Psalm 139:6)  The Hebrew word for wonderful is piliy describing a separate & distinguished thing so great it is difficult to understand, even hidden from man's perception.  Simply put, it's a wonder!  It certainly IS a wonder how God can love me but it's NO WONDER to Him: I am His design, created in His Image so He is glorified and magnified in and through me.  Oh, yes, He loves me, so deeply He became flesh to change my sin-stained condition.  Bethlehem's Baby – magnificent, marvelous, splendid, amazing, incredible, miraculous, remarkable, spectacular … oh, so wonderful!

Friday, December 16, 2011

One Savior For All

While doing my Christmas shopping, I picked up a beautiful nightgown and discovered the sizing "One Size Fits All."  Now, I know this OSFA sizing isn't new but standing in the aisle there I was struggling with how a Size 20 and Size 2 could possibly have so much in common!

The divine event in Bethlehem certainly drew a mixed crowd: shepherds, angels, royalty.  How could One be so much to such diversity?  Rich or poor, educated or uneducated, common or famous -- the heart of man is the same. The heart of God and the heart of man parted ways in Eden when sin came on the scene.  All of man's life has been a struggle to return unto his Maker, reconciled and fellowship restored.  That's why Jesus left Heaven -- it was the only way.  The plan was perfect, and nothing more was required for all of mankind.  Truly ... it is one Savior for all!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Greatest Treasure

In 1999 I visited the ruins of Beth Shan in Israel, a once remarkably glorious city. Like most Roman cities, in its day. the main street led to a busy marketplace and magnificent amphitheater. This main thoroughfare was the center of the city - its "cardo," a term from which we derive our English word “heart.”

A favorite author, Barbara Johnson, writes: "All that is worth cherishing in this world begins in the heart, not in the head."  Of course, we all know this but what we treasure unconsciously becomes very off-center  The Bible describes Mary's treasure after Jesus' birth: "But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart." (Luke 2:19)  Now, we know the physical heart is where it's happening - everything comes & goes from there. So it is with our spiritual heart!  I fear we fill our hearts with too many passing treasures, leaving little room for the useful and the lasting. Mary heard the angels' message from the shepherds about The Savior -- the Child whom she carried, birthed, the nursed that very night. His message would forever remain The Treasure of her heart. What if our treasures, too, were of eternal significance and we held them just as closely as Mary held the Christ-child that night?  We, too, find precious treasures of peace, comfort, rest, security, and eternity.  Something terribly significant happened that night: Mary gave birth to (delivered) Jesus and that very same Jesus gave new birth to Mary -- delivered her soul for all eternity. He gave her a new heart filled with the Greatest Treasure of all -- "the Savior Who is Christ the Lord." (V.11)  Rejoice, my friend!  He is still the Greatest Treasure! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Our family table-time is always interesting and full of randomness.  The boys feed off one another rarely staying on topic long enough for me to catch up.  Mr. Bill sits suspiciously quiet at the other end of the table and occasionally interjects some of his own randomness.  While table-time is fun and entertaining, most of the time I don’t know what’s going on!

God does nothing randomly!  All ordained of Him is on purpose and for a purpose!  Unlike human behavior which rather resembles paint splatter, God accomplishes all He purposes perfectly.  Even though Scripture (Hosea 11:1) foretold God’s Son would be called “out of Egypt,” Joseph must have had some serious thoughts as he and Mary, and a very young Jesus, journeyed to Egypt [as instructed by the angel].  They surely remembered this wasn’t the first time God had sent His people to Egypt; did they see the irony of God once delivering His people from Egypt and now sends His Only Son to Egypt.  As the young family crossed the wilderness, were their minds on the stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, [even] Moses and God’s words “Israel is my son, even my firstborn.” (Exodus 4:22)   Perhaps yet another famine had come: “Behold the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD.” (Amos 8:11)  Clearly, Israel could not put an end to sin and bring everlasting righteousness but Christ The Messiah could [and would] redeem and reconcile man to The Creator!  “Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but Me: for there is no Savior beside Me.” (Hosea 13:4)   No, nothing random about God’s plan; fulfilled completely and right on time!  Executed as purposed … God’s Plan-Perfect

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Make Some Noise!

Juke boxes are on my official list of annoying things!  I was enjoying some self-declared "Mrs Beverly" time at a local restaurant and had just commented to the waitress how quiet and peaceful the place was when the thunderous sound of Hank Williams Jr. invaded the room.  Of course, it didn't end with one song -- it only got worse!

The Old Testament Prophet Isaiah was quite a noise-maker in his day!  One of the things he declared to the people was the coming of The Messiah: "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6)  We sing "Silent Night," but I suspect Bethlehem was anything but silent! Aside from the huge numbers of people in town for the census, I imagine the angels made some real noise!  I cannot imagine Heaven's choir singing softly or [actually] holding anything back; they most likely couldn’t contain themselves because they knew well Who had just arrived to earth. Isaiah, the angels, the shepherds all trumpeted the Good News of Jesus’ Birth so why do we have such trouble telling It?  It's time to make some noise!  Share His Story with someone!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Prince of Peace

The absence of peace is usually quite noticeable.  We’ve heard “if mama ain’t happy, nobody’s happy, but it seems to be mama that sets the tone for peace at home!  I read that peace at home is one of man’s greatest desires; I don't think the writer meant the dog not barking, kids not screaming, or tea pot not whistling.  We all can appreciate the beauty of peace at home, which is usually accompanied by lots of smiles, hugs, and warm fuzzies!

Bethlehem was probably anything BUT peaceful the night of Jesus’ birth.  Because of the census, it was surely quite the ancient metropolis but the depth of unrest went far beyond crowds and noise.  The soul of man was not at peace!  We needed a ruler of peace.  "And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful." (Colossians 3:15)  Jesus Christ arrived bringing to the world a way to be reconciled to his Creator, which is God Himself!  God made real peace a reality in His Son, Jesus Christ.  Real and lasting inner peace is ours when we stop the warring within and embrace Christ and all the peace and rest He offers.  Isaiah identified this Ruler of Peace: “For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His Shoulder, and H Name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (9:6)  Jesus Christ -- our Messiah, our Savior, our Redeemer, our Prince of Peace!

Peace, peace, wonderful peace; coming down from The Father above
Rule over my spirit forever, I pray; in fathomless billows of love – W. D. Cornell

Friday, December 9, 2011

His Name

What’s significant about names?  Mr. Bill and I both have family names, and all our boys are named after someone specific: John Daniel (Danny) after grandfathers, William Dennis (Dennis) after great-grandfathers, and Dustin Neal (Dustin) after a surrogate great uncle. We were delighted to learn our granddaughter would be named Ella Marie after two great-grandmothers.  What a neat way to remember those who came before us!

God’s Name is unlike any other!  In ancient times, special meaning was attached to a name and it shouldn’t surprise anyone how throughout Scripture God reveals Himself in His Names; it’s how we understand Who He really is!  Embracing the very Nature of God increases our depth of worship and helps us exalt Him in our lives. Nehemiah wrote, “Stand up and bless the LORD your God forever and ever: and blessed be Thy glorious Name, which is exalted above all blessing and praise.” (9:5)  The angel gave Joseph and Mary the name for their baby, “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and call His name Emmanuel … interpreted is God with us.” (Matthew 1:23)  Isaiah penned remarkable insight into the Nature of the coming King, “For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and His Name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (9:6)  Those born-again know Him as Emmanuel, God with Us, but [sadly] not all Believers call Him Lord (Master): that comes only through a personal intimate relationship with Christ.  I challenge you this Season to consider if you know Him as Most High God, All Sufficient One, Lord of Peace, Father, Shepherd, Lord and Master.  God is not an “it” or a “thing.”  No, He is Elohim, Almighty Creator, and He knows us by our name -- we should know Him by His!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Draw Near

All of us, I’m sure, have levels or places of comfort – comfort zones, so-to-speak.  Mr. Bill is definitely in his zone shore fishing although the time he spends restringing reels and getting all his stuff together … well, just tires me out!

Our relationship with The Father is always threatened by idleness.  To be idle is to be still, at leisure, or unoccupied, which is great on vacation but [spiritually speaking] it’s sure destruction.  As I continue to meditate on Matthew 2:1-2 and acts of the “wise men,” it’s amazing they were not given to idleness!  It seems watching the heavens may have been what they did and when “His Star” appeared they hit the road!  We don’t know how many men there were or even their mode of transportation, but we know this: His Star drew them to worship The Messiah.  The real danger of this Season (and life in general) is Believers become idle star-gazers.  There are so many distractions: shopping, decorating, cooking, music, twinkling lights.  When we become spiritually idle, the certain result is spiritual leanness.  Just like His Star drew those wise men from their routine, The Father draws us through His Word and by the power of His Spirit; our duty then is to hear and respond in His Grace.  The wise men’s journey didn’t end at Bethlehem, maybe their journey took new direction and dimension but I’m sure their lives were never the same.  They’d been in the Presence of The King!  Yeah, Mr. Bill understands all the work is worth the joy of standing at the water’s edge.   I challenge us all to endeavor to persevere in simple obedience to Christ and we’ll not suffer from mind and spirit idleness, rather we’ll be delivered to a place where we are evermore changed.  Do not be idle – draw near to Christ!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wise People

There’s just nothing like first-hand experience.  You can watch all the cool cooks make the most delectable dishes but until you get in the kitchen yourself,  it’s a spectator sport!  On your own, however, you find out things about the recipe and the kitchen those “cool cooks” left out.  You find out it’s a new ballgame altogether!

Do you wonder just HOW wise those “wise men” were?  Well, first, we know they came from the east to Israel in search of the foretold King.  Matthew gives us the account of their arrival: “Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is He Who has been born King of the Jews?  For we saw His star when it rose and have come to worship Him.’” (2:1-2)  If nothing else, we know they were men on a mission!  They were informed, attentive, and driven.  Oh, that we had such passion for Christ!  I find it especially fascinating these men chose not to settle for someone else’s tale of Jesus’ birth; no, their zeal to see and worship the Savior led them personally to Bethlehem.  They wanted firsthand knowledge and the life-changing experience of worshipping the King.  Spurgeon wrote, “Those who live at the greatest distance from the means of grace often use most diligence, and learn to know the most of Christ and His salvation.”  There’s just nothing like personal time with The Redeemer when in His Presence we read His Word, listen for His Voice, and experience His Grace.  That only happens when we quit being a spectator and personally seek The King.  You see, those “wise men” were very very wise, and it’s true you know … wise people really do still seek Him!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Birth Announcement

Ella’s arrival was the event of the year!  Once at the hospital, Nana and MomC settled in for the long-haul.  We arrived early with snacks & drinks, books & magazines, phones & cameras, and plenty of determination to wait it out!  Not so with Papa and PopC; they [quite logically] left to get some sleep and missed her arrival!  Logic just stinks sometimes!

Matthew writes, “Now this is how the birth of Jesus came about. His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.” (1:18)   The Old Testament writers, King David – Zechariah – Malachi - Micah all wrote of the coming Messiah, and Isaiah perhaps gave one of the most famous birth announcements:  “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His Name Immanuel.” (7:14)  How fitting that a new bright star appears in the sky for the arrival of The Light in Bethlehem, and Heaven’s angels herald His perfectly timed arrival.  A writer of words, even I stumble with to fully describe Ella; nor can we adequately comprehend and convey the richness of Jesus Christ.  King of kings, Light of the World, Morning Star, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Lamb of God, Savior of the World, Good Shepherd, The Way, Lord of lords, Hope of Israel, Lord and Master, Anointed One, Bread of Life, Chief Cornerstone, Wonderful Counselor, Great High Priest, Holy and Righteous One, Lord of Glory, Messiah, Teacher, The Truth, Word of God, Alpha and Omega, Immanuel, Jesus --  What a birth announcement!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Lift the Lid

One can never really have enough containers. Containers are great for lots of things: sending Mr. Bill's lunches in ... growing things in the refrigerator.  You know just how good a container is when you lift the lid on that piece of molded plastic so that wonderful sweet aroma or odor [perhaps more appropriately described] is released.  Mr. Sniffer is the first to testify!

Two thousand years ago the Roman Empire was experiencing "Pax Romana" or "Roman Peace."  This was marked by a period of external tranquility, but a deeper and more lasting peace was proclaimed in the Bethlehem night sky. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill to men." (Luke 2:14)  The first words of the Latin Vulgate are translated "Gloria in Excelsis Deo," also the words of a familiar hymn.  The angels knew well the glory and majesty of God, and His Great Love had just descended from Heaven to Earth.  The angels also knew what Heaven had given up for man, and the news HAD to be told.  Perhaps they couldn't "contain" themselves; they burst forth from Heaven (with divine permission, of course) with breathless jubilee.  They lifted the lid, and exposed the sweet aroma of the Love of God and The Christ Child.  Doesn't it make you want to lift the lid as well!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Close Relation

It's not uncommon for people to recognize my Dad's name.  Although he's long been gone from the county where I live, his name is easily recalled by friends, former church members, and many families who Dad had part in marriage ceremonies and funeral services.  Sometimes I'm more quickly known as the daughter of ... than by my own name!

Matthew uses seventeen verses to describe the lineage of Christ (Matthew 1:1-17).  The angel in Matthew 1:20 addressed Jesus' earthly father, Joseph, as "son of David."  The Old Testament prophesied Jesus would come from the House and Lineage of David, so [yes] Joseph's part in the family tree is indeed significant.  We do not know how proud Joseph was of his family history or if he counted it an honor to be called "son of David," but there’s no greater honor for Believers than to be called "of Christ."  Inherently, we have a huge responsibility to live a life that represents Christ well.  There are no areas of exception: no periods of absenteeism when we are exempt from Christ-likeness.  Our choices, our language, our behavior, our priorities, our ministries serve only to glorify and honor Christ Who gave up Heaven for you and I.  I want to stay in close relation to and honor my earthly father and mother, as well as boldly acknowledge this great heritage in Christ Jesus.  Let us seek to honor Him this Season with continuous ... close relation.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Putter Not

Puttering people make me smile.  My grandfather (Daddy Bill) and Uncle Neal were puttering people – seemingly content to leisurely busy themselves with non-urgent small tasks.  They did so with such pleasantry, it was hard to imagine they were working at all.  In the end, however, the door no longer creaked and the faucet didn’t leak any more and the mailbox stood a little more upright.

We must not putter in our pursuit of holiness!  Christians should never assume righteousness just happens!  Over time, that faucet will leak – that mailbox will tilt – that door will creak.  Likewise, when ignored, our spiritual lives easily and quickly slip into the abyss. It always begins with slip-ups – we skip a day-or-so here-and-there from study, meditation, and prayer then soon the days turn into weeks, months, etc..  John Piper writes, “Fight for us, O God, that we not drift numb and blind and foolish into vain and empty excitements. Life is too short, too precious, too painful to waste on worldly bubbles that burst. Heaven is too great, hell is too horrible, eternity is too long that we should putter around on the porch of eternity.”  Believers must discipline themselves to never simply tinker at the goal of righteousness; it is a discipline to be embraced and protected at all costs.  Hear the heart of the psalmist: “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!” (119:9-10).  As much as I love those memories of puttering people, I do not choose to putter in my spiritual life.  Seek Him FIRST and with FAITHFUL FERVOR -- Putter Not!