Thursday, December 19, 2019

For The Love Of Us

It’s true that often the devil is in the details. My technology support staff used to rely on me for detailed instructions; leaving out one step in a process can be disastrous … the devil! It's truly a miracle how we can read scripture passages countless times and receive fresh revelation. Reading Matthew 1 and Luke 2, we see how carefully God planned Jesus' safe arrival in Bethlehem -- right down to the transportation.  Although the Bible does not say Mary rode a donkey, most likely she did. Did you know donkeys are highly intelligent animals and stronger than a horse its same size; donkeys are not easily startled and have a highly developed sense of self-preservation; they can reason and make decisions based on their own safety and are used as guard animals for cattle, sheep, and goats; and, although donkeys can certainly survive alone, they prefer companionship. Can you imagine anything smarter or safer for Mary and her unborn child by which to make their way to Bethlehem! God is all about details --  just like He knows and cares about the details of our lives. His redemptive Son arrived on earth in God's way, in God's time, and according to God's purpose.  Some forty years later, Christ arrived in Jerusalem God's way (also on a donkey), in God's time, according to God's purpose. Every detail planned.  Every detail perfect.  No expense spared.  All for love of us! ‘Tis the Season to delight in God’s Love.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

An Easy Sing

Some songs aren’t easily sung. I remember a two-week period in which Mr. Bill and I had to buy 6 new tires!  We had decided there was a highly contagious tire disease! We were a bit off-key on that “rejoice at all times” song. I’m pretty sure angels don’t struggle with nor tire of praising God.  It’s what they do!  You know, of course, we cannot make such a claim.  We seem to need winding-up then some poking and prodding.  Bethlehem’s sky was suddenly populated with Heaven’s finest doing what they do and do so well: “Praising God, and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.’” (Luke 2:13). I suspect they sang with mighty perfection as if they had practiced an eternity for just that moment. It may have been their greatest performance!  Oh, if we would repeat the message of the angels, sharing God’s Good News with our own worlds. The world is literally dying to hear It, see It, feel It, be saved by It.  ‘Tis the Season to speak of It – it’s an easy sing!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


When was the last time you saw someone blush? Like me, you may have to think about it – it’s not so common anymore.  There’s a real lack of shame today – that painful feeling of humiliation or distress brought on by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior. “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit..” (Matthew 1:18). While a child conceived or born out-of-wedlock isn’t uncommon in these times, it was indescribably uncommon in Mary’s and Joseph’s. Even the perception of intimacy before marriage brought immense shame and disgrace to the woman and her family. Such an indiscretion was cause for stoning and banishment. We really can’t imagine how terrible it was for Mary and her family. “When he [Joseph] had considered this, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for the Child Who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.’” (Matthew 1:20-21). Right smack in the middle of shame and disgrace was Grace!  Amazing Grace!  Most likely, the shame followed Mary, Joseph and their families, but Grace would prevail. It would be Jesus Who would bear the shame of all mankind – yes, mine and yours – just a short distance from His hometown [Nazareth] and Grace would be on display on a cruel cross and an empty tomb. ‘Tis the Season to allow God’s Gracious Gift of Jesus to triumph over sin’s shameful rule in your heart.  Rejoice in Grace!

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Family

Family trees are interesting. If your family tree is anything like mine, it has some colorful personalities. My three sisters and I (aka The Sustas) have been accused of being “rowdy” at times.  Yes, we’ve seized opportunities to "color" the family tree – sometimes coloring outside the lines! The family tree of Jesus Christ is interesting indeed!  Trickery, adultery, murder and idolatry are all represented in The Messiah’s lineage. As shameful as it sounds, Jesus’ genealogy is full of real people – like you and I – in need of a Savior – like you and I. He came for the likes of His own family, and the likes of yours and mine! Truth is, there was enough sin in The Garden to need a Savior! The family tree of Christ is comprised of the sinful-yet-forgiven; hence, we are saved to serve “in holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of our life.” (Luke 1:75). ‘Tis the Season to recognize then obediently fulfill your rightful place in the Family of God!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

True Salvation

The word “saved” can mean many things. Grand #1, Ella, saved me from a wrapping marathon, from a “naked” Christmas tree, from stuffing envelopes alone. Thank you, Ella!  John’s father, Zachariah, spoke of true Salvation: “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for He has visited us and accomplished redemption for His people, and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of David His servant – as He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from of old – Salvation from our enemies, and from the hand of all who hate us.” (Luke 1:68-71). The common idea of salvation in Zachariah’s day would have been the rescue from Roman occupation and oppression of the Jews. However, Zachariah got it: what was foretold by the prophets was no common salvation!  Oh, no-no-no; he understood The Messiah’s mission of Salvation from sin’s domination of man’s heart! Isaiah knew it, too: “He will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation.” (Isaiah 33:6). Oh, how great a Salvation is there in Jesus – Emmanuel, God with us!  ‘Tis the Season to celebrate, to acknowledge, to speak of this uncommon Salvation offered to all. Rejoice in True Salvation!


Thursday, December 12, 2019


How many broken promises have you experienced?  How many promises have you [yourself] broken? Yeah, I know – let’s don’t go there.  The last words from God in the Old Testament – “lest I come and smite the earth with a curse” (Malachi 4:6) – were followed by 400 years of silence! Those silent years must have felt as if God had abandoned His people, like a broken promise. Maybe it felt like Narnia under the continual curse of ice, snow and cold – hopelessness. A teenage girl named Mary knew differently: “He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to His offspring forever.” (Luke 1:54-55). She was not detoured of heart by God’s long period of silence; she remembered The God of Promise never breaks His!  The angel left her with hopeful exuberance. The child she would deliver would deliver her! What might it have been like to live in that period of time: to see God’s Promise of The Messiah born, to experience “God with us” in relationship with people, to witness Truth unfold in the reality of life! ‘Tis the Season to remember with Mary. Rejoice in Hope!

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Armed with his trusty BB gun, little Danny took careful aim at a clay pot on the front porch, pulled the trigger and [much to his surprise and horror], he hit it! I'll never forget his explanation: "Mom, I did it on accident."  While the explanation was cute but weak, I realized his deliberate aim wasn't his deliberate intention. After Jesus’ birth, learned men from the East followed a star which led them to the Christ Child. “After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him.” (Matthew 2:11). Oh, how guilty I am of being distracted from giving my full attention to The One Who tended the debt of my sin and Whose Grace continually pours forth upon my life. See, the wise men were focused, conscious and deliberate in their pursuit of The Messiah; they reached their intended destination and did exactly as they intended.  What a lesson for these days of holiday busyness - do not allow the urgent to replace the important!  ‘Tis the Season to be conscious of Christ; be intentional, be deliberate: O come, let us adore Him!  #WorshipHim2Day

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Sovereign God

Do you ever have days when you just seem to be out-of-sorts – everything about the day seems … off? I’m not sure Mary would have described her days this way but reading her words in Luke make me conclude she truly believed God to be Sovereign – in control of all times including her current situation.  “He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate.” (Luke 1:51-52). In this cultural crazy-cycle, it’s comforting and encouraging to trust in God Who will have the last say!  We can’t always see it – that is, God orchestrating events of this world and our lives – but God will ultimately accomplish His holy, eternal purposes, including fulfilling all His promises!  So on those out-of-sorts kinda days, remember nothing is ever out-of-sorts with All-Powerful All-Knowing God. Consider how He intervened in the lives of two [otherwise] unknowns (Joseph and Mary) to bring us The Savior of mankind. “Wait for the LORD and keep His way, and He will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off.” (Psalm 37:34).  ‘Tis the Season to delight in God Who is always in control. Wait for Him as you walk in His way!

Monday, December 9, 2019


The Grands will be excited to see I have a new-bigger-taller Christmas tree this year. I actually felt a bit disloyal to my sweet-little-full topiary-like tree, which has now found its place in my bay window. Of God’s many characteristics, the one I seem to linger at most is His immutability – His unchanging character.  Unlike each new day – even Christmas trees – God is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8).  Read that again and consider it for a moment: nothing about God changes – zilch, naught, nada, nil, zippo! We can hear Mary’s grasp of God’s unchanging character in her song: “His mercy is for those who fear Him from generation to generation.” (Luke 1:50).  Few people have more than three or four generations living at any given time, but all God is knows no limit; it transcends time; it continues and continues and continues; it is without end. Perhaps I will not need another tree-change – I’m very fond of that idea. ‘Tis the Season to rejoice in God’s immutability, to take comfort and rest completely in Who God is as it has been revealed to us fully in His Son, Jesus, Whom we now celebrate. Praise be to our Immutable God!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Amazing Message

It could be rightly stated that Mr. Bill & I are hi-tech pioneers. I recall our first VCR (video cassette recorder); it came with a remote control! You cannot imagine how amazed we were that we could PLAY PAUSE STOP REWIND from our seats … as long as the 6 foot cable would reach. The shepherds outside Bethlehem probably were more-than-amazed at what happened in the night-time sky.  God’s method of delivery surely was nothing short of spectacular; His message, however, was really very simple: unto you is born a Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord. (Luke 2:11).  A simple [yet powerful] Message [of Salvation] announced [in grand fashion] to simple shepherds who [in haste] became Its first earthly messengers!  What a lesson we learn from their eagerness to share The Gospel. ‘Tis the Season to speak boldly of the amazing Message of Jesus to others. Share the amazing Message!

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Oh yes, I remember Christmases-past when I thought I’d surely puddle-up on the floor in tears if I didn’t get some special something. Wonder how many puddles-waiting-to-happen there are right now! Elizabeth’s song in Luke is worth an intentional look: “Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.” (Luke 1:45). I suggest Mary needed these encouraging words from Elizabeth!  Luke’s word “blessing” in V.45 is a different Greek word than “blessing” used in V.42. It’s not our English word for “eulogy;” instead it’s the Greek word meaning “one whom God makes fully satisfied.” This reference to satisfaction isn’t rooted in favorable circumstances, but rather in being genuinely content no matter what the circumstances. Mary was in a tough spot: pregnant [by The Holy Spirit] with no way to prove she had neither been unfaithful to nor immorally involved with Joseph! Don’t you agree Mary needed to hear these beautiful words from Elizabeth: satisfied are you, Mary, that you have believe what God has said to you!  Real contentment never comes to us from outside; it originates on the inside, believing-trusting by faith in God’s promises!  This deep contentment spills over into all we are-do-say and, therefore, becomes our testimony [of Christ] before and to others. ‘Tis the Season to believe and experience real satisfaction in Christ alone. May it [then] naturally spillover into the lives of others!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Christmas Is Truth

No one likes to hear these words: “I told you so.”  Perhaps it’s the “I was right and you were wrong” implication that riles folks up! John Piper made this statement: “Christmas means God is truthful.”  We are reminded in Acts of what God said: “Moses said, ‘THE LORD GOD WILL RAISE UP FOR YOU A PROPHET LIKE ME FROM YOUR BRETHRENTO HIM YOU SHALL GIVE HEED to everything He says to you.” (Acts 3:22). The prophet referred to in this verse is none other than Jesus, Messiah; His birth in Bethlehem further confirmed the Truthfulness of God.  God showed us [by Jesus coming to earth] what He [previously] had told us!  We know from Scripture God cannot lie (Titus 1:2); He keeps His promises (Deuteronomy 7:9); and, He is perfectly faithful (1 Corinthians 1:9).  Jesus became Savior, as prophesied – as foretold – as promised!  Yes, God told us so!  ‘Tis the Season to remember The Truthfulness of Almighty God. What a beautiful Christmas blessing! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

New Focus

It’s Christmas, and perhaps you’re expecting something new – not the usual-kinda-sorta thing: perhaps something dazzling, shiny, real bling-bling!  Scripture tells us John’s mother, Elizabeth who had been childless well into her years conceived and she “hid herself five months” (Luke 1:24). Imagine her excitement [then] when Mary shows up at her door: it’s pretty safe to assume there was some serious girl-talk going on!  Instead of talking of herself, her pregnancy and forthcoming child, Elizabeth’s attention and words were toward the Child that Mary carried: the world’s Savior.  You can just hear Elizabeth’s joy: “And why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:43). New things will come to you this Christmas; oh, I don’t mean in the way of things but in opportunities to put others first. The young Mary needed encouragement, some reassurance of what was taking place in her life – and, she found it with Elizabeth, who saw and seized the privilege of opportunity. Her life suddenly had new focus: Jesus Christ, the coming Messiah, her Savior and Lord! Such opportunities to focus on others will be ours this Season. We may not see ‘em coming – they could sneak up on us, and suddenly, there they are.  When we love God as commanded, we will certainly take advantage of every opportunity – this Season and all the others – to speak love into lives, give away a smile, lend a helping hand, share a kind embrace. ‘Tis the Season for a new focus: put others first!

Monday, December 2, 2019

His Words - His Glory

To refuse to give attention to something doesn’t mean it will just go away, nor does refusing to talk about something mean it’s unimportant. My pastor reminds us often that The Holy Spirit is the least recognized and talked about Person of The Triune God (Trinity). In Luke 1, however, The Holy Spirit cannot be ignored!  He is present in three key roles: Elizabeth’s son, John, is filled with The Holy Spirit while in the womb (V.15); Mary conceives Jesus an overshadowing of The Holy Spirit (V.35); and, Elizabeth is filled with The Holy Spirit at Mary’s very appearance (V.41). God has given His Spirit to Believers to lead us, counsel us and show us what to say just as He led Elizabeth in V.41-42: “When Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the baby [John] leaped in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and she exclaimed with a loud cry, ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.’” The Greek word translated “blessed” is where we get our English word eulogy, which is the complimentary things typically said of people at their death; it means “to speak well of, to express good wishes.” Now, there was no pony express, telegraph or cell phones so Mary’s visit to Elizabeth’s home was completely unannounced!  It’s safe to conclude, therefore, as Elizabeth was filled with The Holy Spirit, it was He Who led her to say, “Blessed are you, Mary!”  What a lesson we have from Elizabeth: letting our words be guided by the Purity and Wisdom of The Holy Spirit.  ‘Tis the Season for words of greeting and cheer!  ‘Tis the Season, therefore, to be conscious and ever-mindful what God Himself gives us and leads us to say to His Glory!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thirsty Soul

It’s pretty embarrassing how wasteful we are!  I remember how conscious my grandparents were about just running water needlessly. The lack of clean water in other countries is cause-to-paus and consider how blessed we are to have access to fresh-clean water. The psalmist’s thirst in Chapter 42 indicates a prolonged spiritual drought resulting in a panting, an extreme thirst of the soul: “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God; when shall I come and appear before God?” (Psalm 42:1-2, NASB).  Have you ever experienced spiritual drought – a time when you struggled to hear God, when you were soul-thirsty?  The psalmist’s question “when” tells of how anxious he is for the Presence of God!  Can you even imagine how Adam and Even endured the spiritual separation from God’s Presence after they sinned and were driven from the Garden Temple!  Oh, my! how they must have panted and thirsted for the sound of Him, the fellowship of Him!  These times of thirst must drive us onward and inward to The Truth: “Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise Him, Who is the health of my countenance, and my God.” (V.11).  We thirst yet we hope!  We thirst yet we remember!  We thirst yet we praise Him, the God of our Salvation! Stay thirst for God and be fully satisfied in Christ Jesus the Lord!