Thursday, March 27, 2014

Empty Pockets

It was Mr. Bill who agreed to install the washer and dryer in the basement; now, Mr. Bill does the laundry.  On occasion when  I make the journey downstairs, I’m reminded how these trusty appliances surely appreciate empty pockets because there’s quite a collection of items on top of the dryer: coins, nails, ink pens, gem clips, nuts, bolts, etc.


The cares of life are often quite cumbersome. They tend to leave me gasping for breath and anxious for a change of scenery, and carrying one day's yuck into the next is definitely not good practice.  It's just awful to wake up to yesterday's leftovers polluting the freshness of today. The new day shouldn’t be greeted with dread!  Alma Barkman writes of patching pockets, "As I mend the holes and reinforce the seams, I am reminded of all the worries, fears, anxieties and doubts we carry around from week to week without really noticing them.  Suddenly the accumulated weight becomes too much, and we break under the strain.  We need to develop the habit of emptying our pockets, so to speak.  We must spread out our feelings before the Lord, prayerfully sort things through, and ask him to dispose of the trash. In so doing we will discover that we have exchanged our 'spirit of despair' for a 'garment of praise'." Ecclesiastes 9:10 offers crisp instructions for each new day, "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might ... " and 11:10 guidance for the worried, "So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body ..."  Oh, how we need empty our pockets [cast off of troubles] at the end of each day -- give them to Jesus.  Tossing & turning, worrying & fretting accomplishes nothing, rather, hinders our effectiveness right now.  Yes, like my washer & dryer, I like the concept of … empty pockets!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

See God!

Pretty early in our marriage, Mr. Bill and I participated in a silent auction and won a genuine brass bed!  How pretty it was when finally set up in our new house several years later.  It just might have been the shiniest thing in the house!  Mr. Hard-to-Impress could have cared less, but I was impressed!

 Jesus said only the “pure in heart” will see God (Matthew 5:8).  My first thought is “I’m doomed!”   You know, of course, there’s more to that brass bed story – it didn’t shine on its own!  In storage for several years, the shine came at great effort: every inch of every piece was tarnished and needed to be polished.  Of course, that could have been what didn’t "impress" Mr. Bill!  Godly purity doesn’t just happen either – we must grow into it.  Romans 3:23 tells us emphatically that sin has tarnished us all (“all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”), causing us to miss seeing (knowing) God as He would have us to know Him. We soon learned the oil from every finger that touched the brass started a tarnishing process; in much the same way, hearts exposes to ungodliness hinders growth toward spiritual purity.  If we want genuine and sweet fellowship with Christ, it means saying "no" to certain patterns of behavior.  Few things shine more than polished brass, and absolutely nothing shines brighter than Jesus in a person who seeks Him with a "whole heart" (Psalm 119:2).  I encourage you to avoid the tarnish cycle and grow in purity.  Seek personal purity - See God!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Glued by Grace

What is your favorite adhesive?  For some it’s glue or rubber cement, but at our house it's duct tape!  One can never have enough duct tape.  Dennis (Twin A) would not keep his diaper on, and that's when we discovered duct's new use.  One long piece of duct tape carefully placed all the way around did the trick!  We were probably the only parents whose diaper bag included duct tape & scissors!


God's Grace is the ultimate adhesive.  Have you noticed some days there just doesn't seem to be enough glue?  Those are the times when our outlook needs to be an up-look.  God's Grace is enough ... "Thou therefore, my child, be strengthened in the grace that is in Christ Jesus." (2 Timothy 2:1)  What makes duct tape so strong are the countless fibers running throughout.  What an amazing picture of God’s grace as it plentifully abounds in plentiful.  Suddenly what threatens to dismantle us becomes "no contest" in light of God’s sustaining power.  We are truly conquerors together with Christ ... glued securely by His Grace.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Gonna Happen!

Maybe – Possibly – Perhaps … all words that describe maybe-possibly-perhaps events.  Some might call it their “bucket list” – a phrase inspired by the 2007 movie about things one would like to do in the span of life. I find it especially sad that the traditional hope chest is now replaced by dreams dumped in a bucket!


The Prophet Isaiah had much to say and his harsh words were generally caused by rebellious people: “At that time tribute will be brought to the LORD of hosts …” (Isaiah 18:7).  Sky-diving used to be something [I thought] I’d like to do, then I decided parasailing might be fun, but now I’m quite content to descend the front porch steps safely!  "Grab all the gusto" you can, we're told; after all, you only live once!  Surely, this is where ignorance and arrogance collide, and foolishness rules.  One day, every king, tribe, and tongue will acknowledge the Creator and declare Christ as Lord and Sovereign King.  I imagine it will be quite the sight since so many here have so little practice.  Scripture tells us in that day, God will "render to every man according to his works." (Psalm 62:12, Proverbs 24:12).  No need to put this in your bucket – there’s no maybe-possibly-perhaps about it: it's gonna happen! Live for Him today!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Smiling Heart

Are you missing a few smiles?  Well, you should be -- they shouldn't be stolen, but heartily given away ...


If I can endure for this minute -- Whatever is happening to me

No matter how heavy my heart is --Or how dark the moment may be

If I can but keep on believing --What I know in my heart to be true

That darkness will fade with morning --And that this will pass away, too

Then nothing in life can defeat me --For as long as this knowledge remains

I can suffer whatever is happening  -For I know God will break all the chains

That are binding me tight in the darkness -- And trying to fill me with fear

For there is no night without dawning -- And I know that my morning is near


Hope you are refreshed and now looking up.  Keep spreading those smiles!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Big Shine

Venus is often referred to as "the morning star." After the sun and the moon, Venus is usually the brightest light in the sky. Unfortunately for some who are not earlier-risers, we just have to hear about it!

Christ refers to Himself as the "Bright and Morning Star" in Revelation 22:16 and the "Light of the World" in  John 8:12.  Is there be any question, therefore, that light is important to God. Have you noticed that darkness NEVER overtakes light?  Light ALWAYS wins, illuminating and chasing away the dark. Is it any wonder Christ calls us to be little-lights of Himself --  causing a Big Shine! (Matthew 5:14)  It's as profound and simple as this ...

This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Speak Sweetness

What’s your favorite source of sweetness?  We’re advised the healthiest place for that “sugar fix” is fruit but sometimes nothing seems to do-the-trick except chocolate or ice cream or … Peeps!  The Easter season used to be the only time of year you could buy those sweetie-cuties, but now you can get them in forms of Valentine hearts, Winter snowmen, and even Fall pumpkins! Peeps year-round – what a delight!


What is sweeter than honey!  Scripture refers to this golden goodness at least 28 times.  Proverbs 16:24 relates our words to this treasured fruit of the honeybee, “Gracious words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones.”  I suspect none of us really know the intensity of our words when they are harsh, nor how long the sting of them remains.  Danny, our oldest son, is a bee-keeper.  He hasn't enjoyed much honey yet, but he's lived-to-tell of bees inside his bee-suit!  When spoken carelessly, our words are unpleasant even hurtful, much like a swarm [of bees] to others.  Kind words, however, are gracious -- as a soothing balm (salve) giving healing to the soul of man that is sickened by sin.  Matthew Henry writes, "The bones are the strength of the body; and the good word of God is a means of spiritual strength, curing the diseases that weaken us."  Oh, how our world lacks sweetness, forbid it that God’s chosen ones contribute any more to another's sickness.  Let us know the Source of our sweetness -- Jesus Christ.  By His grace, may His nature be that of our own -- let us taste and see that He indeed is good (Psalm 34:8), and always speak sweetness!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

God's Math

School work was a family affair when the boys were in school.  It seemed to take us all to find this, help with that, and keep up with what was due and when.  A break from it was a blessing to children and parents in those days.  I do recall, however, one time when a teacher assigned homework over spring break.  With all due respect, I wanted to suggest the teacher look up the word "break" in the dictionary.


For the Believer, God's Math must not be ignored.  John 3:30 says, "He must increase, but I must decrease."  I was not good at math in school, but I understand this formula!  There is no room for Godliness in me if I am full of a sinful nature.  It's much like trying to add summer clothes to a closet packed full of winter clothes -- it just doesn't work.  That closet needs to cleaned out and made useful for the new season's apparel -- so does our lives need to be cleansed of sin to be useful for Him.  I must decrease so He can increase.   It's not new math; it's God's Math!

Monday, March 17, 2014

The New Look

Years ago, we put down hardwood floors in several rooms and there was much shuffling to be done in preparation.  Furniture had to be moved to other parts of the house, and old carpet removed.  That was lots of trouble!  The end result, however, was amazing -- a new floor, which changed the looks of each room.


God doesn't re-arrange lives -- He changes lives!  "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17).  The result of a changed life isn’t the re-arrangement of want to's – it’s a whole new bunch of want to’s!  The old life and its junkin' ways become history; there's new interests, new priorities.  Unlike our existing sub-floor which was just re-covered, there's no "covering up" when Christ changes a life.  It's completely new and His characteristics become our own -- the decisions & choices we make, the people we hang with, our responses to and in life situations.  Oswald Chambers writes, "The Holy Spirit cannot be accepted as a guest in merely one room of the house-He invades all of it."  When God comes to live in us [at salvation], you may think you’ve been re-arranged but something far more amazing has happened: Christ made a brand new you!  He is the Reason for the … new look!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Real Faith

How and when it happened, I don’t recall exactly but nonetheless I have spoiled Mr. Bill.  One such spoiling is laying out his clothes for the next day.  Unless it’s Mossy Oak or Realtree camouflage, Mr. Bill chooses whatever items that happen to be hanging close together in the closet.  Believe me, I have shuttered and winced at the site of him when on-his-own he’s chosen his attire!


There are far too many Believers who live as if their faith is ... casual. To better understand "casual," think of casual collectors, casual fans, casual walkers -- aloof, indifferent, nonchalant; driven solely by when the mood strikes.  Surely not Christianity!  There was certainly nothing casual about God's love for you and I nor anything casual about Christ's sacrifice on the cross.  Vance Havner wrote, "We have too many casual Christians who dabble in everything but are not committed to anything."  We cannot pick and choose the situations and circumstances in which Christ's commands apply.  Real faith demands we embrace God’s Truth and apply His Wisdom in all things. “Christianity is not a way of doing certain things; it is a certain way of doing all things.”  Casual and Christianity are much like oil and water -- they just don't mix!  How real is your faith?  If it’s real, it certainly isn’t casual

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Be Better!

It’s a question we ask kids: What do you want to be when you grow up?  Among some of the most common answers are doctor, race car driver, baseball or football player, fireman, and actor or actress.  One young fella answered, "When I grow up, I want to be a dog."  That's dreamin' big!


What are you going to be?  In the movie, “Forrest Gump,” Jenny asked Forrest, “Do you ever dream … about who you’re gonna be?”  Forrest answers in his simple yet profound way, “Aren’t I going to be me?”   Realistically, we'll all be … who we are!  Think about it – we can pretend (act out) who we want to be or who we think we should be, but in reality – we are who we are!  The evidence of who we are will always “boil down” to who and what rules us.  Personally, the last person I want to be is … myself.  You see, “myself” is full of pride which plays out in selfishness in its truest form.  Jesus said, "By their fruits you will know them." (Matthew 7:20). When was the last time you saw an apple pretending to be an orange, or a grape pretending to be a watermelon?  O.S. Hawkins wrote,   "What we do is determined by who, or whose, we really are!"  Spiritual fruit isn't what we do, but rather who we are. How, then, do we grow to be anything other than ourselves?  A few hours before His death, Jesus told His disciples, "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the Vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” (John 15:4).  The fruit of an apple tree are apples.  The fruit of a Christ-centered life will be Christ-likeness.  Don't you dare follow the world's advice to "just be yourself" -- no, be someone better!  Be who God redeemed you to be -- be better than yourself!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sweet Affection

My little affections became big affections, and now those affections have homes and affections of their own!  That’s the way of children, but now I have new little affections – grandchildren.  I do not know who named these little late-in-life affections, but grand affections they are!


What are your affections?  Satisfying passionate cravings of Americans is big business!  Recently, I sat in a movie theatre watching the screen fill up with images of hot, buttered popcorn – it looked so real, I could almost smell it.  Part of me wanted to go get … popcorn!  When David was in Judah’s wilderness, he wrote: “O God, You are my God; earnestly I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh faints for You, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” (Psalm 63:1).  David’s words of thirst, faintness, dryness, and weariness, describe the deepest longing of the human soul – for his Creator and Sustainer.  Unfortunately, many today don’t even know their deepest longing so they fill their lives with temporal satisfactions … affections.  One who is in right relationship with The Father has affections rooted only in Him; all else pales in light of Who He is and how He gives genuine peace and contentment.  As I read this passage and considered passing longings of my own, I remembered hymn writer, Elisha A. Hoffman’s piercing words, “Have thy affections been nailed to the cross?  Is thy heart right with God?  Dost thou count all things for Jesus but loss?  Is thy heart right with God?”  It is my heart’s cry that God “… make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11).  Such affection is forever and of it we never grow tired.  Oh, Jesus Christ, Sweet Affection!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Live The Word

It wasn’t always fun being a PK (preacher’s kid).  One thing,, Dad always had a bird’s eye view of wherever I sat in the church.  He could see who I was sitting with, what I was doing, and who I [might] be holding hands with.


Paul gave Timothy an emphatic directive, “Preach the word!!” (1 Timothy 4:2).  At the front of most churches, there is a raised area on which stands a pulpit.  From that area, preachers can see lots of things but it’s purpose is to proclaim the Name of Christ.  I doubt Paul was instructing young Timothy (or us) to drag a pulpit around, but his directive is most relevant to Christians today.  While words are often necessary to share Christ, actions are crucial to the message.  True followers of Christ understand their behavior, speech, choices, and attitudes reveal the deeper parts of who we are.  To live in contrast to Christ shames and disclaims Him as Lord and Ruler of who we are in Him.  Literally, our lives are His pulpits – lifting Him high either in honor or disgrace.  Oswald Chambers wrote, “He does not turn us into spiritual agents but into spiritual messengers, and the message must be a part of us.”  The idea is that we are so rooted in Christ, He is first-nature (not second-nature) in all we say and do, all we choose, all we decide, all we are!  If you claim Christ, your pulpit is established and preaching is in progress  – live the Word!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Follow the Master

The announcement of guests at our house used to create a flurry of activity: moving laundry off the couch, boys running to put on shirts, and such. You would think we would have learned to expect the unexpected!

In John 11, Martha announced to her sister Mary, "The Master is come, and calleth for thee." Have you ever considered what it would feel like for Jesus to ask for you ... by name! Verse 29 says that Mary "got up quickly." One translation says she "sprang up quickly and went to Him." No hesitation or delay noted! How do you respond to Christ's call? Do argue and wrestle against Him? Is it business-as-usual, choosing rather the grind-and-whine of this life? For us, Jesus won a great battle at the cross, for you and for me! He loves us and calls us by name. Will we hear Him and follow?

The Master hath come, and He calls us to follow
The track of the footprints He leaves on our way
Far over the mountain and thro' the deep hollow
The path leads us on to the mansions of day
The Master hath called us, the children who fear Him
Who march 'neath Christ's banner, His own little band
We love Him and seek Him, we long to be near Him
And rest in the light of His beautiful land (Welsh Melody, Words by Sarah Doudney)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Real Reality

I am not a fan of reality shows! Aside from the often nauseating themes, ridiculous drama, and an unreasonable attempt to entertain with another person's misfortune, they are just too ... real. Reality is what usually stresses me out: laundry, misplaced keys, deadlines. Tell me what’s entertaining about that!

God's Truth is reality yet so often treated as an illusion by many, even those who call themselves by His Name. We live as if His commands are "suggestions" on how to live and behave. All of God's commands are truth (Psalm 119:151), and furthermore it’s His truth that preserves us (Psalm 40:11). Unlike the popular reality shows, the results of disregarding His commands are not make-believe or a game. There is judicious loss of victorious and joyful living apart from Christ. Our obedience to His Truth, however, is pleasing to The Father: "I have no greater joy than to hear that My children walk in truth." (3 John 1:4) Now, that's a reasonable reality!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Be Real

"Write a book," I've been told.  If you've been reading MWB very long, you know I have fairly good subject matter.  Yes, Mr. Bill and his beings- doings-sayings offer much to contemplate then put to paper.  Writers, however, often change the names of their characters to "protect the innocent."  The way I see it, I'd have a hard time deciding which one of us (him or me) is the innocent!


Author and Presbyterian pastor, J. R. Miller, wrote: "Reputation is what a man's neighbors and friends think of him. Character is what the man IS."  Probably one of the greatest honors one can receive is to be called authentic or real.  For sale everywhere are imitation products: anything from pocketbooks to paintings to flavors to foods.  Everyone, however, longs for the real thing!  In Romans, [Paul] wrote, "Let love be genuine." (12:9).  In this passage, he writes of "hypokrites" or actors that appeared in Greek theaters, who changed facial expressions by simply changing masks.  The actor's natural features were hidden from view. How do we genuinely love the unlovable, like the unlikable, and really care about the loud & rude & obnoxious?  Most of us just pretend to love in silence or "put on a happy face," but that is far from what Christ expects of us; that is not genuine love.  We, like Paul, must go forth with God  "in Christ [Who] always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere." (2 Corinthians 2:14).  To love one another is not an option, not a choice; Christ commands it and Godly obedience demands it.  People ask me, “Is Mr. Bill always like this?”  It’s scary, and makes me nuts sometimes, but he is!  May it said of us that we love deeply and genuinely as Christ first loved us!  Let us boast only in Christ Jesus Who by His Spirit and grace empowers us to love as He does!  Be real!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Shining Place

A power nap does wonders for me but not Mr. Bill! It’s quite obvious when he had awakened from an “accidental” power nap. His face has no expression, his eyes are dazed, and he drags his feet. That’s when I just love to exclaim, “Good Morning, Star Shine!” To this, he usually just grumbles.

George MacDonald once prayed, “O make my mirror-heart Thy shining-place.” Do you like what you see in the mirror first thing in the mornings? My mirror scares me sometimes! Haven’t you heard how a clean mirror squeaks? Oh, for such a heart! My heart gets world-smudges on it, leaving streaks and stains, which causes The Father’s reflection … well, not good at times! A clean and pure heart, however, gives a glorious reflection of its Creator. Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:6, “For God … is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.” Believers who have trusted Jesus as Savior and call Him Lord will diligently seek Christ as King and … the Shining Place!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Altogether Lovely

The word “lovely” is often used as an exclamation “Mom, we’re out of tea” … Lovely; “Dear, the washing machine isn’t draining” … Lovely; “Property taxes are due soon” … Lovely. Really, now, tell me what’s lovely about any of this!

Does the word “lovely” come to mind when you consider Christ? Solomon writes, “His mouth is most sweet, and He is altogether desirable.” (Song of Solomon 5:16). The Hebrew word “desirable” means precious and valuable, a treasure and a delight, and yes – lovely. I fear Believers fail to comprehend the exceeding beauty of our Savior. We certainly appreciate loveliness: we travel thousands of miles to admire nature’s beauty, create beautiful homes and yards, and go to great efforts to improve our own outward appearance. While there’s nothing wrong with any of those things, why do we look past and over the supreme loveliness of the Beloved One. Perhaps man’s insatiable desire for beauty is actually the deep yearning of the soul for The Beautiful One, placed there by God Himself. This may explain the psalmist’s longing for God’s Presence all the days of his life, “to behold the beauty of the Lord.” (27:4) Spurgeon suggests, “Surely the people of God can fully justify the use of this golden word, for He is the object of their warmest love, a love founded on the intrinsic excellence of His person, the complete perfection of His charms.” What lovely thoughts are yours? May they NOT be a picture, a place, a thing but rather a Person -- the Person of Jesus Christ. Indeed, He is altogether … Lovely!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Put Together

“Some Assembly Required” – those printed words that send assemblers into outbreaks of hives, chills, and groans.  My Dad is one of the most gifted men I know except when it comes to putting things together.  I can think of few things that make Mr. Bill groan more than to be given something “fix” that Dad first tried to assemble!


Christian living isn’t without frustrations.  The utter flop of our best efforts can easily send us into spiritual depression!  Assembling things seems to go smoother when we do so by the instructions.  God has given us The Handbook on righteous living but the problem for most Believers is we won’t read It!  It seems so much easier when we can just follow a list of do’s and don’t’s but that’s not how it works.  You see, when we obediently read God’s Word, something amazing happens -- we grow a relationship with The Author.  That relationship soon develops into something so special and so deep, we begin to love God, longing to please Him  -- loving what He loves, hating what He hates, His thoughts become our own, and honoring Him is a joyful thing!  Like King Solomon, we desire to “know Wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding.” (Proverbs 1:1).  And, it all started with reading God’s Instructions for living.  Are you reading God’s Word faithfully, prayerfully seeking to understand the wisdom of His Word?  If not, stop working so hard to live the Christian life on your own – it never works!  Sit and read His Instructions and let Him put you together as He wills.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Heaping Helping

I believe the first time I heard the phrase "heaping helping" was on the Beverly Hillbillies, and it referred to hospitality. I love heaping helpings of grits, Jell-O, and strawberry cheesecake ice cream.  I'll pass, thank you very much, on heaps of turnips, sauerkraut, or stewed tomatoes.


Of life’s "heaping helpings," I'd just as soon pass on the yucky parts -- misbehaving children [and adults], clothes that seem to "shrink," lingering health problems, and nasty money crunches. Benjamin Franklin said, "Who is rich? He that rejoices in his portion." God, through the Apostle Paul said, "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4)  How do I handle my portion ?  Sadly, I must confess that often circumstances mandate my attitude and spirit. Gladly, and in truth, I acknowledge any portion that’s mine is more than I deserve.  I am thus challenged, whatever it may be, to celebrate my portion and know the fullness of His joy.  Oh, the fullness of His joy ... now, I'll take a "heaping helping" of that!