Thursday, January 29, 2015

Put On Your Happy!

What brings on the happy-dance for you?  For some, it’s the beach – yeah, that’ll do it for me too!  My boss enjoys extended weekend beach trips with a friend who owns a condo and when she shuts her office door, she's doing the happy dance … at least in her head!  Oh, yes, she is!


Christians should be the world's most frequent happy-dancers!  Jokingly, my pastor said recently, “If you’re Baptist, you can only dance with one leg.” My parents were raised in the no-dance generation so I [too] grew up with a no-dance policy.  Interestingly, however, in God’s Word we see dancing as part of many celebrations!  In II Samuel 6:14 when the ark was returned to Jerusalem, we read King David danced "with all his might" before the LORD.  I wasn't there, but I imagine it was one more historical happy-dance! David wrote psalms of deep sorrow and genuine grief but also some oozing joy and delight.  Referring to his God, he wrote: “You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound. In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” (Psalm 4:7-8). Those of us who sometimes struggle to get a really good night's sleep, lying down and sleeping is a blessed treasure!  The Joy of the LORD is strength to God's people (Nehemiah 8:10), and no greater reason to put on that happy face, set loose some happy feet, and even shake a Baptist leg ... or two!  If this hasn't stirred the happy in you, at least remember it's Friday and for many payday!  Consider, Christian friend, your redeemed state and the Redeemer Who made it possible to live in spiritual freedom and experience fullness of Joy.  Go ahead, it's okay -- you have God’s permission and good reason ... put on your happy!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Own It

Possession is nine-tenth of the law?  Well, maybe in the childhood game "hot potato!"  When Mr. Bill need his power drill and it's not in his cabinet, law-or-no-law, he's huntin' it down.  When my dust pan isn't in its rightful place ... well, it's probably Mr. Bill huntin' that down too!


Do you truly possess what you spiritually claim? We sing the great hymns of the faith with deeply rooted doctrine, but do we embrace those same truths for living? Psalm 1 is described as a "gateway" to the entire Book of Psalms, emphasizing that God's words are to be evident in the Christian's life.  When I hear a famous person endorsing a product, I often wonder if he's used the product, experienced the results he's claiming.  Biblical Truth is amazing in many ways, but truly amazing when it's put into practice!  ​​Have you even known anyone who just flourished, even in the heat of life?  Difficulties seem to stick to them like a shadow, but they never wilt; the bounce stays in their steps, their smile never fades, and their never complain.  That's the one who has embraced (applied) God's words: "He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all he does, he prospers." (Psalm 1:3-4).  This isn't about worldly prosperity (wealth), rather, it's about what matters most -- a Spirit-filled life based on Godly truths.  These are the people I want to spend time with; they smell good, having the aroma of Christ! Christians are to be these kind of people!  Pray for grace to embrace God's Truth as a way of life ... own it today!  

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

In Circulation

Have you seen the commercial where the seemingly-savvy man tries to pay for his meal with Monopoly money?  As he is washing dishes, with his thoroughly-disgusted date, he touts being a successful entrepreneur and wealthy hotel owner.  Well, he must have [at least] been good at Monopoly!


Charles H. Spurgeon wrote, “God’s gold is not miser’s money, but is minted to be traded with. Nothing pleases our Lord better than to see His promises put in circulation.”  Oh, how I love to read God’s promises to me, and I know God loves it when I apply His promises to my life!  It’s win-win!  Imagine how we dishonor The Father when we know His promise for peace yet worry, His promise for faithfulness yet feel alone, His promise for protection yet fear, His promise for hope yet live in despair.  Spurgeon continues, “Our heavenly Banker delights to cash His own notes.”  Monopoly money is only good in one place – on the game board.  We must declare in every circumstance of life – O LORD, confirm forever the word that you have spoken … do as you have spoken! (2 Samuel 7:25).  Put His Promises into circulation today!

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Planner

“Fail to plan – plan to fail.”  These words make me shiver and shudder!  Having been in-charge of many things, I know exactly what failure-to-plan looks like.  It doesn't matter whether you're the planner or the participant, it isn't pretty. It's what nightmares are made of!


God is Victor for all He blesses!  He inspired Nehemiah to repair-rebuild-restore Jerusalem's city wall to which he encountered great opposition. When invited to meet with those who plotted against him; his reply was simply, "I am doing a great work." (Nehemiah 6:3). Distractions to God's work is an effective tool of Satan's and he certainly makes good use of it, too! Just what if, like Nehemiah, we kept hand-to-the-plow and stayed completely focused on Christ and His work. For Nehemiah and the people, focused work resulted in a completely restored city wall in just 52 days!  The schemers and plotters recognized the work -- the work of God (6:16).  Know this, when God calls Christians to a task, He equips us with "everything good that you may do His will, working in us that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory forever and ever." (Hebrews 13:21).  Planners know that often the success or failure of an event is in the details!  God is the perfect (yes, divine) planner, and none of His plan is overlooked. Let's take cue from Nehemiah: remain focused on what God's calls us to do, and trust Him with everything -- yes, even the details!

God's Handwriting

Penmanship is an art, which has almost become lost with technology.  As a young girl, I learned from Mom how to handwrite notes of gratitude and encouragement.  Emails and e-cards have replaced the time devoted to scripted and handwritten notes!


Jeremiah the Prophet writes not of style nor beauty of God’s handwriting, but of His topic.  “’But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,’ declares the Lord, ‘I will put My law within them, and on their heart I will write It; and I will be their God, and they shall be My

people.’” (31:33)  With absolute confidence we know what God handwrites is of glorious and eternal significance.  Furthermore, He does not write with anything temporal but only with permanence.  God’s covenant with His People, that about which He wrote, is fully satisfying – enough to fill the cup

of thirsty man.  Will we not say with David the psalmist, “my cup runneth over!” (23:5)!  Indeed, God’s words are sufficient and simply that He is our God and we are His people fulfills every need, all the portion we require.  Spurgeon wrote, “Desire is insatiable as death, but He who filleth all in all can fill

it.” Herein is genuine fulfillment of The Gospel of Christ – He’s all we need for redemption and forgiveness of sin, all we need for victorious living, all we need for life eternal.  A friend commented kindly on my penmanship recently, but truly nothing compares to the Penmanship of Almighty God Who continues to impress His precepts upon hearts today!  Let us read and obey The Writing!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Look To Me!

Have you ever caught anyone staring at you?  If so, your first thought may have one of vanity: “Wow, I must be looking really good today!”  Typically, however, our first thought is what’s wrong – is my shirt on inside-out or do I have something disgusting hanging out of my nose?  Then we realize the stare is nothing more than someone's mindless space-walk that ends suddenly, and the space-walker never realizes the mental chaos it caused!


God said, “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” (Isaiah 45:22).  One time I found myself staring into space, discovered I was staring, and the person yelled, “What are you looking at!”  How embarrassing!  Christians should consider to what or to whom we are looking.  Surely, we must never focus on another Believer lest such a focus actually become a hindrance to knowing Christ more.  The true source of hope for daily victory over difficulties is the Eternal Hope, Jesus Christ: "Since we have such a Hope, we are very bold." (2 Corinthians 3:12). To encourage us, Oswald Chambers writes, “Wake yourself up and look to God. Build your hope on Him.”  It may not be good English, but it’s good Bible and definitely a healthy spiritual question to ask ourselves: what am I looking at?  More importantly than the question is the correct answer: "O, Lord ... my Hope is in You!" (Psalm 39:7).

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Steady Eyes

Eyes are interesting parts of the body.  Of course, they are incredibly irreplaceable and there is so much we do with them.  Us girls like to paint 'em and pretty 'em up.  We smile with our eyes, and they also make great glaring weapons.  We close them to shut out the light and rest them ... rest the other parts, too.  If you think about it, without our eyes we would be lost ... actually, we'd probably get lost!


God wants our eyes so He can have our hearts!   There are many ways to guard the heart, but just filtering out all the ungodly junk helps!  Moreover, when we feast our eyes upon His written word, oh the joy that is ours!  There is great reward when we steady our eyes upon Christ!  Just like we can't sight-see and drive at the same time, we cannot have eyes for both Christ and for the world. Plainly, Hebrews 12:2 tells us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus Who is “the Author and Finisher of our faith.” Steadily focused eyes on Christ helps us hear Him, know Him, stay close to Him.  Try something new today ... listen with your eyes!


Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful Face.

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the Light of His glory and grace.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Win Today!

As a general rule, I do not watch war movies.  I understand and am so very grateful for the countless men and women devoted to keeping us safe and free!  Truth is, however, the reality of war is not pretty and I don't care to see it.


How are you doing in the war?  As a Christian, you do know you’re at war – right?  If you are born of His Spirit (saved), you are part of a spiritual war between good and evil, and no child of God is exempt!  We can often ignore or block-out certain things (or people) with the hopes they will go away quietly, but the ongoing struggle between godly and satanic forces never ceases.  One of the greatest men of faith, the Apostle Paul wrote of his own personal battle: "For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate." (Romans 7:15).  Neither determination nor human will alone have no long-term success against the reign of selfish desire!  Every day I see that stationary bike in my bedroom, constantly reminding me I should get up fifteen minutes earlier each day and ride!  But because those last three "snoozes" are the best, self wins every time!  Spurgeon refers to the "doom of sin" that threatens the joy God offers to "eat of the Tree of Life, Which is in the midst of the paradise of God" (Revelation 2:7).  There is no victory over self when Christians choose to ignore the battle or even walk away in apathy.  Winning comes only when we acknowledge the struggle and "take up the Shield of Faith, with Which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one." (Ephesians 6:16).  We’re not in this battle alone – Jesus conquered every foe and we are empowered by His Spirit to win!  I’m tired of losing – aren’t you?  "Who will deliver us?  Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!" (Romans 7:24-25a).  Through Christ, victory trumps defeat.  Let’s win today!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Strange Behavior

No one likes to be called "strange."  Words such as bizarre, eccentric, peculiar, weird, alien, curious, and odd can easily be substituted for the word strange.  Maybe "strange" doesn't sound so bad after all!


We are to be good stewards of God's grace and that calls for "strange" behavior – at least by the world’s standards.  First Peter 4:4 points out the world will think it "strange that ye run not with them," which the Greek interprets “to assemble or be in union with.”  If we are obedient and have the "same mind" as Christ (1:1), such strangeness may seem uncommon but is just-right for the Christian.  And since “strange” is actually in the eye of the beholder, when God is the Beholder – go ahead, be strange!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

One In-Charge

When necessary, I can be a take-charge person.  It seems by default, however, the take-charge person was always Mama at meal time, homework time, and bed time.  Now, the boys are grown and gone, but little has changed – Mr. Bill still looks to Mama.  Ironically, I never asked to be the in-take-charge person at any of those times!


God wants to be The In-Charge Person of our lives. Unfortunately, we don't readily give Him free reign!  Why, we mostly live as if God needs our help or

He's just not gonna make it!  In her book "Let's Roll" Lisa Beamer says, "It's a time of uncertainty, and many people are looking for something to cling to. I hope for you that you can cling to the One who has all the power, and all the love, and all the care, because He's the one who's really in charge."  Oh,

how easily we forget who's really "in charge."  During an illness many years ago, I learned the one "in-charge" is always relative -- relative to how available, how capable, and how useful he or she is.  When we insist on doing things our own way, the messes we make usually remind us just how "useful,

capable, and available" we really are.  It's one way we learn how much we need the Real One in charge.  He doesn't want us to be, nor does He need us to be ... in-charge. "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11).  Most of us don't even know what we're going to do the next hour, the next day, the next week, the next month, and certainly not the next year.  The Father knows and His promise to us is for good not evil, and a hopeful future. He knows the future, and He holds all the hope -- aren't you

glad He's really the One in-charge!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Know No Fear

What does fear look like?  You'll probably agree, one of the best faces of fear was Don Knotts'.  Whether portraying Luther Heggs in "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" or [the infamous] Barney Fife in "The Andy Griffeth Show," there was no better knee-knocker or eyeball-popper than Knotts.  In my opinion, he set the standard for what fear looks like! 


Franklin Graham said recently in an interview with CNS News that America has embraced a "culture of death."  He followed this observation with ​an example of ​a ​top-rated television show​ about zombies.  The minimization (​even glorification) of evil is dangerous, and has effectively distorted ​our sense of fear.  In the dark and dank recesses of a cave, God pressed Elijah to face his fear.  He had just witnessed God judge 850 false prophets ​then defy nature by sending fire from heaven, yet an enraged woman sent him into hiding.  ​It's true, we quickly forget God's ​power and ​faithfulness, but ​we ​​also often ​fear the wrong things!  We all know what it is to fear physical harm, but I doubt any of us​ fully​comprehend the evil ​forces ​that exist in the spiritual realm.  

God's deep and abiding love for mankind was manifested (made visible & real) in Jesus, Who casts away all fear: "There is no fear in Love." (1 John 4:18).  Christ-in-us is much bigger than any shiver, shudder, or knee-knock because "He Who is in you is greater than he who is in the world." (1 John 4:4)​.  The psalmist penned it beautifully, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in ​Y​ou.​" (Psalm 56:3).  Christians are wise to be alert and cautious of spiritual threats, and boldly face fear in the power of One Who scatters all our fear.  Know Him and … know no fear!

Where Are You?

Where am I?  Those are not reassuring words!  Men are often accused of never wanting to ask for directions, and perhaps this is why.  In essence, they would be saying-but-not-saying, “Where am I?”  And we “wonder” why the default voice in the GPS is female …

God is Triune (three in one) – Father, Son, and Spirit; created in His image, we are also three parts - body, soul, spirit.  Physical depression is very real, and care of the whole person is big business: books written, medicine prescribed, counseling and therapies administered.  Spiritual depression is also very real, and when one [of the three] is neglected, full recovery is typically averted.  In 1 Kings 19:9, God asked, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”  Elijah had just been part of a great spiritual victory at Mount Carmel where false prophets were exposed and defeated – a great cause for celebration.  Infuriated, of course, Queen Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah so he fled and was soon hiding in a cave!  Sounds crazy, doesn’t it?  Elijah’s plight, however, is little different from our own.  Even when we have cause to rejoice of God's power and faithfulness, forgetfulness-fear-fatigue often take over, catapulting us into spiritual (even physical) depression. Our intangible (unseen) parts - spirit, intellect, will, emotions, conscience, etc. -- are just as important to who we are to God's created image as are the physical body in which they reside.  The Apostle Paul wrote, "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He Who calls you, and faithful He also will bring it to pass." (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24).  It’s not God's design that we should be off-track, out-of-place ... depressed.  It is a deeply spiritual and needful question, "where are you;" one every Believer should ask periodically.  Books, counseling, and therapy all have an appropriate place but none of these should replace The One Who made you fearfully and wonderfully in His Image (Psalm 139:14).  Wherever and however you are, physically-emotionally-spiritually, are very important to The Father.  I challenge you, in the words of the late Jim Elliot, “wherever you are, be all there!”

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Light

Darkness is good for sleeping and staying asleep.  It is not good, however, for walking or running or a host of other activities which require illumination.  Even getting dressed in the dark is challenging: a few days ago, I discovered I had worn navy blue instead of black pants all day long.  Either my colleagues didn't notice or they were sympathetic to my lack of fashion!


According to Scripture, the first words our Great God spoke were, “Let there be light.” (Genesis 1:3).  Critical to our health and well-being, our bodies need a certain amount of light. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the Light of the world: he that follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of life.”  Even before God created man, He foreknew our struggle with darkness and understood our need for illumination.  I find it fascinating that, literally, in the very beginning through the spoken Word of The Creator, provision was made man should not live without Light! Because light existed before man, I love the spiritual implication that we were not created to live nor walk in darkness!  John wrote The Light walked among us (John 12:35), and Peter explained we are called out of [spiritual] darkness into God's marvelous Light (1 Peter 2:9).  It is Christ Who enlightens us to Truth through His Word and empowers us to walk in Truth by His Holy Spirit.  Mr. Bill and I just started a Biblical studies class, and we're excited (even at our ages), there is still countless treasures yet to be gained from God's Word.  Oh, that Christians today would read His Word, know His Word, make His Word their Lamp, and trust His Light to lead them. (Psalm 119:105).  Let us acknowledge True Light and walk in It!

Monday, January 12, 2015

He Is Here!

If I have a least favorite month, I suspect it would be January: recovery from spending  and eating too much, barren and colorless landscapes, unpredictable weather and wardrobe, not to mention – the perils of learning to write the new year!


How quickly and easily we forget:  “Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a Son, and they shall call His Name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” (Matthew 1:23). The event was heralded by Isaiah some 700 years before, “…a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His Name Immanuel.” (7:14).  Mr. Bill and I anticipate the arrival of a new grandchild next July, and choosing a name is well underway.  We know the joy of a new baby, and the hopes and dreams that accompany the new life.  Those greatly pale, however, in the Eternal Hope we have in Jesus Christ.  Just as foretold, He did arrive miraculously and gloriously; He was named Emmanuel; He lived and died accomplishing God’s redemptive plan; He returned to Heaven, exalted as the Risen Lamb to take His rightful place at The Father's right hand.  We all know this, but [do tell] what any of that has to do with the oft times dreariness of life – of January?  Aha, so glad you asked!  Emmanuel – it's more than a name given to a child!  Shortly before Jesus went back to Heaven, He said, "I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever." (John 14:16).  You see, "God with us" isn't something of the past -- He is still with us.  Satan tries to dull our spirits and overwhelm us with gloom and despair, but it is not to be because ... God is with us!  Let us not look at January (or any month, day, moment) at face-value.  We just celebrated the Emmanuel’s coming – let’s not focus on what is seasonally past – the lights, gatherings, food, passing moments of celebration. Be warmed – renewed – empowered because ... He is here with us!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Divine Cloud

Cloudy day?  How about a good book, a toasty fire, and a good cup of java?  Honestly, the first thing I need on a cloudy day is a trusty alarm clock!  In our bedroom, blinds filter the morning sunshine so if the alarm clock fails, I'm in big trouble!


How easily we forget God's Promise to be with us always.  The gloominess of cloudy days threaten the sunshine in our days.  The world hammers us on every side with negative news which can easily mar our thinking and cause a real Light deficit.  And, then consider the pounding our spirits take when the alarm clock fails to go off, there's no hot water, the car won't crank, and the boss is in a foul mood.  God used a cloud to remind the Israelites of His Presence along their long journey from Egypt to The Promised Land: "For the cloud of the Lord was above the tabernacle by day, and fire was over it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their journeys." (Exodus 40:38).  It's amazing how reassuring the sight of something is: a policeman in a dark parking lot, a healthy bank balance, our children's vehicle parked in the driveway.  God knows our struggle with forgetfulness and what joy it must have been to see that cloud -- a symbol of God's Presence.  God's promise of faithfulness is no different today than it was thousands of years ago, and His Presence is visible when we choose to see His Goodness.  Why not look again – there’s surely a Divine Cloud in your day!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Your Urgency

Folks who live near me must surely groan when they get behind me especially when they're in a hurry to get to where they are going -- I just don't drive fast.  That, of course, has not always been the case.  I have mostly fond memories of shuttling my boys to school, ball games, and church functions.  The memory of always being in a rush are not quite so fond!


What’s your urgency today -- dinner on the table, pick up kids, home before dark?  Urgencies seem to govern us, don’t they!  Consider, however, what drives your spirit.  Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8).  All of life’s pursuits should be rooted in a spiritual goal, and Jesus confirms that goal is following after purity – holiness, righteousness.  Can any of us truly say, "my eyes are ever toward the Lord?"  (Psalm 25:15).  It’s possible, you know, to "see the Lord" in each day’s urgencies: work deadlines, personal illness, financial failure, broken relationships, depression, loneliness, etc.  It’s certainly a discipline, but when we seek The Father through His Word, His Spirit begins to wash and purify our minds and hearts.  The result?  We will “see God” – a glorious reward!  Like most wonderful things, purity doesn’t happen on the fast-track!  It comes, nonetheless, from a genuine commitment to a disciplined life of a deeply spiritual motive.  The weekend is here – what an excellent time to pick up God's Word and begin a disciplined and rewarding journey toward a pure heart … and now, you know Who you'll see!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Deeper With Christ

“Where do you want to go today?”  Microsoft Corporation used this probing question years ago to challenge technology users.  Users are often comfortable, even completely satisfied, with the same functions day-after-day.  Crisis of all crises when technology missteps!  Oh, whatever will we do!


Growing into a deeper relationship with Christ is the Christian's goal!  As a technology specialist, I can answer that “where do you want to go” question: most users want to go the same places they went yesterday, to do the same things they did yesterday, in the same ways they did them yesterday!  No side-steps, missteps, or stutter-steps!  Jesus said to a skeptic Nathanael when first introduced to The Messiah, “Thou shalt see greater things than these.” (John 1:50).  It wasn't enough that Nathanael proclaimed "Thou art the Son of God ... the King of Israel" (V.49).  With all due respect, to paraphrase Jesus' reply: "Nathanael, you ain't seen nothing yet!"  Later, we read, "Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways!" (Romans 11:33).  The riches and wisdom and knowledge do not come to the spiritual sluggard, however.  They are experienced by Christ's followers who are challenged to go beyond an initial statement of faith.  We come to know God's true height, breadth, length, and depth when we read of Him more, speak with Him more, listen to Him more, and trust Him more.  He becomes to the Believer much more than an occasional Friend but rather a constant Companion.  Jesus' conversation with Nathanael concluded with these words, "ye shall see heaven open." Oh, that we could but genuinely taste of His Goodness – how then we would better understand what drove The Savior to the cruelty of the Cross.  Will we abandon the sameness of our spiritual lives, and go deeper with Christ?  Oh, He wants to take us there!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

See and Seize

Having three boys is a blessing ... even more than we first imagined: they were always good for emptying and hauling trash, moving heavy and cumbersome furniture, etc.  As expected, however, there were always excuses and last minute plans to be elsewhere, but Mr. Bill was rarely deterred.  He would describe the task-at-hand as a "unique opportunity."  

Have you ever considered the opportunities in your responsibilities?  Often when I think of my responsibilities, I'm suddenly tired, and do not care to consider the opportunities!  Nehemiah 1:11 tells us that this Jew-in-exile, Nehemiah, was the king's cupbearer.  Kings commonly feared being poisoned so a man of irreproachable loyalty would first taste the king's wine or food -- the cupbearer.  When Nehemiah learned his Hebrew brothers in Jerusalem were afflicted, the city's walls in crumbles and its gates burned, he was deeply grieved. Nehemiah soon realized because of his position he had the king’s confidence so he requested a leave from his cupbearer position to help rebuild and restore the City of God.  As Christians, we too, have many responsibilities and whatever they are, there exists in them unique and divine-ordained opportunities. We may not be asked to leave our places of employment, communities, or families but nonetheless the opportunities exist to honor Christ where we are and in what we are already doing!  Nehemiah’s example of being a cupbearer for the king to being a cupbearer for the Lord challenges us.  Do you see the opportunities for Christ in your daily responsibilities?  They opportunities are there -- see and seize them!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Soul Food

There are a few local restaurants known for down-home cooking.  Their food selections resemble Nanny’s kitchen: fried chicken, okra, black eyed peas, butter beans, fresh cobbler, and [let’s not forget] those cathead biscuits with lots of butter and homemade jelly.  Oh, my, I can smell down-home cooking right now!

Jehovah God cares deeply about spiritual nourishment.  Those down-home delicacies are often referred to as "soul food," a phrase which originated in the southeastern United States, referring to local southern cuisine.  When difficulties arise in our lives, it's usually not long before we realize how weak we are in the face of them.  Sadly, many Christians turn away from God in times of crisis, which only further hinders our resolve.  God told us through His prophet, "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My Righteousness." (Isaiah 41:10).  When we find ourselves in the grip of fear or hopelessness, it is in and by His Grace we are firmly held.  It is God Who strengthens, helps, and holds us in times of trouble as well as times of calm.  And, as Spurgeon puts it, "when Divine Strength comes, human weakness is no more a hindrance."  By the time it's battered, fried, and buttered, down-home cooking (soul food) isn't exactly the healthiest, nonetheless we can trust God’s provision for the soul of man to be the complete Nourishment and All-Sustaining.  What He offers is both food for the soul and health for the heart.  Be sure to have your Soul Food today!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Keep Plowing

Have you ever “plowed water?”  Yeah, that’s a joke – well, actually, it’s an expression I heard an evangelist use once when referring to  [seemingly] useless tasks.  Some consider doing laundry much like plowing water – just when you think you’ve made progress, your son cleans out from under his bed or cleans out his car.  Those are two examples of which I can personally testify.


Ezra was a scribe – well learned in the Law of God as given to Moses.  He spent much of his life in Babylon, exiled with the Jewish People.  As he devoted his life to studying of and teaching the Law, I suspect he wondered for what purpose it served.  Did it matter he continued to study to understand God’s words?  Was he  – plowing water?  In Ezra 7, we read at great risk yet complete personal surrender to God, Ezra went before the king asking permission for the Jews to return to their homeland, where worship of God and practice of His laws could be restored.  The king granted Ezra’s request, even financed the journey home!  We are commanded to be “doers of the word and not hearers only” (James 1:22) – obedience to God is a true mark of genuine Christianity.  We mustn’t second-guess God, supplanting our thoughts and ideas with His.  Just obey Him, persevering come-what-may.  God used Ezra’s exiled years to prepare Him for the climatic journey home, thus, fulfilling His purpose in Ezra’s life.  God never wastes an opportunity – not a circumstance, a struggle, a difficulty, a sorrow, a joy, a relationship – always working in and through those who love and fear the LORD.  Plowing water may be a phrase to challenge – even when plowing water, God’s purpose in us is at work.  Just keep plowing in faithful obedience!