Friday, October 25, 2013


The thought of being held captive isn't necessarily a pleasant one! I remember little boys playing and taking prisoners, and a few times prisoners tied to trees. I think that's when Mr. Bill started locking up his ropes.

Spiritual captivity is very real! The little prisoners here weren't mistreated, but there were calls for help at times! Satan uses all kinds of "ropes" to bind people today. Usually, we think of vices such as alcohol, drugs, etc., but [in-truth] the bindings are often much more subtle: bitterness, anger, greed, selfishness, pride, etc. So how do Believers avoid these trappings? Scripture tells us we cannot be captured if we are already captive: “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5). When every thought, idea, motive, desire, decision [the whole person] belongs to Christ, there’s no opportunity for Satan’s craftiness to succeed in taking us prisoner. It won’t be us who conquers, but rather “ … God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere.” (2 Corinthians 2:14). In reality, few prisoners get to pick their captor but spiritually-speaking, it’s the best defense Christians have in our spiritual battles. Actually, we all will be captive – choose Christ Jesus -- Hand Him the ropes -- And live.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Transparent Life

Transparency is a useful thing. Why, I remember when I put leftovers in the refrigerator then had to open the lid to see what was inside … then shut it real quick (if you know what I mean). Those days are past because now we can see through the container if it looks edible or if there's anything moving!

God wants our lives to be a display of truthfulness, much like the transparency of those storage containers. Ephesians 4:24 says, "put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth." I like how F. W. Robertson explains truth as a "thing of habit rather than of will." Sadly, many Christians live a life masked by imitation holiness. One of the best exercises in understanding how God knows us is to stand before a mirror naked -- I never said it was pleasant. Every wrinkle, blemish, scar, roll exposed, nothing hidden from view. God's motive in exposing the condition of the heart is quite simply to reveal what is wrong and by grace make it right -- righteous and holy according to The Truth of Himself. That's when we can live a life unmasked, a transparent life to a world that needs to see Christ.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Move It!

Since 1979 the company, MoveIt, has been moving things. From what I understand, they offer a no-nonsense approach to the moving items from one location to another. Their services guarantee cost savings, fewer damages and delays, and 24/7 shipment monitoring. I'm thinking about hiring them to pick up Mr. Bill and I and all our beach paraphernalia and deliver us to the beach next summer!

Do you struggle to hear God? Oh, wouldn't it great if we had a "Royal Telephone" as described in Frederick Lehman's 1919 hymn! Truth is, there's a reason we don't hear God -- we are in the way! Many times when we pray, we've already decided how God should respond, what His answer should be. We've applied every bit of reason and logic we have, and all we really want from God is His approval to our answer. Oh, what foolish beings we are! Romans 8:16 says, "The Spirit Itself beareth witness with our spirit." Oswald Chambers puts it like this: "He cannot witness to our reason ... the Spirit witnesses only to His own nature ... never to our reason." God doesn't work in the confines of our spiritual box and when we try to make Him, we end up befuddled and wondering why we're not hearing from God. The Father desires nothing more than for His Spirit to "bear witness" with our spirit -- one free and clear of self, one with His Spirit. If we really want to hear from God, try getting out of His way. It's the no-nonsense way to hear from The Father! Yes … move it!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Yes, Lord

Hearing Ella say, "No ma'am" is so sweet. It's not just that at 2 years old she's learning manners, but she's developing likes and dislikes. "Ella, do you need some help?" -- "No ma'am." "Do you want to go inside?" -- "No ma'am." "Let me wash your hands." -- "No ma'am." Of course, we still have some work to do.

Do you ever have a conversation with yourself? My most recent conversation with Beverly didn't end well; the battle between my spirit and His Spirit resulted in my shame rather than His glory! Sadly, this is the way Satan works in cahoots with our flesh. One website offers a "Self Mastery Program" to personal power, leading to a "pathway to happiness." Oh, how easily [even] Christians are duped into such foolish strategies! Don’t we know that since the Garden we’ve been trying to master our sin nature! Jesus was very clear that apart from Him, we're helplessly doomed! He said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." (John 15:5). Our sweet Ella is doing great learning "yes" and "no," and with manners! How about a readily-easily-obediently said "Yes" to the Lord and Master of our lives!

I'm trading my sorrows -- I'm trading my shame
I'm laying them down for the joy of the Lord
We say yes Lord yes lord yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord Amen -- Lyrics by Matt Redman

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Unattended Heart

Do you suppose we really know what it means to be clean? Whether we need one or not, we take a bath. It’s one of those things-of-life: get dirty – get clean – get dirty – get clean. If our bath times were half the fun of Ella’s, I’m sure we’d not mind the crazy-cycle so much!

Clean before my LORD – oh, what a thought! Have you ever noticed how white becomes dingy? The change is so gradual, we usually miss it until its next to something truly white. That’s what sin does to the unattended heart. An unattended heart is a condition of the heart when we’ve neglected time in God’s Word and in prayer with The Father. The best defense against sin is a faithful pursuit toward godliness. “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word.” (Psalm 119:9). We may be clean after a good bath or shower … temporarily. God knows clean – He defined and prescribed it for every heart. He knows exactly what it takes to truly stand clean before my LORD. Now, about that heart …

Friday, October 18, 2013

Joy Roots

Isn't it amazing at the past-times which people find … joyful? Have you ever stepped back and took a real serious look at how America's spend their free time? What about hitting a small white dimpled ball with a stick towards a small shallow hole hundreds of yards away? Or how about spending hours in your car curving mountain road [with hundreds of other cars] admiring colorful dying leaves? Of course, these activities bring people joy, even when you really think about it ... it really doesn't sound so joyful.

Any way you put it, real joy is wrapped up neatly in our Lord Jesus Christ. Nehemiah 8:10 says " ... the joy of the LORD is your strength." No more, no less -- just right. Not only that, it’s rock solid -- rooted to the depth of infinity ... and beyond! When we depend on circumstances, situations, finances, or people for joy ... count on being disappointed. All those things change with the wind and the roots of such joy prove shallow soon enough. The Joy of the Lord, however, proves to be the strength needed for our spirits to withstand even the fiercest of Satan's snarls. While The Father certainly created reminders to bring us joy -- a rainbow, a robin, beautiful sunsets, autumn leaves, laughter of children, aroma of coffee -- He remains the True Source of all joy. We are wise and obedient to put our "joy roots" in nothing else than Him!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

His Seat

It’s amazing what people will do to be the first-in-line or get the best seat.  There seems to be no limit to what some will do, the extents they will go.  The closest I’ve come [I suppose] is having Mr. Bill set up my beach chair and umbrella at dawn to make sure I have a front-row ocean seat.  He’s a sweetie, don’t you think!

Who has the best seat in your heart?  Maybe we don’t think about God’s heart too much because … well, He’s God!  But did you know Scripture tells us what grieves God’s heart?  The second time the word heart appears in Scripture is in Genesis 6:6 – “The LORD was grieved in His heart.”  Now, what would make the heart of Almighty God sorrowful? Rebellious man, of course!  While the heart is our intellect, it also is where our emotions originate: anger, compassion, sorrow, happiness, etc.  It was compassion that moved the Samaritan to rescue the injured man on the road to Jericho.  Jesus' heart was torn between will-of-the-flesh and The Father’s will hours before the cross in Gethsemane’s struggle -- “My soul (heart) is exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death.” (Matthew 26:38).  Pastor Tony used to say we must not be ruled by our emotions, but we shouldn’t ignore them either.  What, then, do we do with intellect and emotion?  Will they ever be at war within us?  Because the heart is seat to both, we must seriously consider what is seated on the seat.  The seat of the heart must be the Truth of God, not human foolishness.  When the Truth of God is properly seated and rules the heart, the Holy Spirit will use that Truth to instruct and guide us in every way.  The overwhelming theme of Psalm 119 is the importance of a heart well-seated in God’s commandments.  They give life (V.92), they are wise (V.98), they are sweetness (V.103), they light our way (V.105), they shield us and bring hope (V.114), and they are righteous (V.138).  The best seat in my house is the Queen Chair – that’s Mama’s chair.  It is God and His Precepts that should be seated in the heart of every born-again believer.  Today, let God have His Seat!



Remember those textbooks that had the answers in the back. Oh, how tempting it was to sneak-a-peek. The answers to life's issues aren't always so obvious, and they must be faced head-on with deep faith that God is on His Throne and all is well.

Life will bring us questions without answers
To live is to encounter silent seasons of the soul
When every prayer will seem to go unanswered
As we face events beyond our understanding or control
Yet in the quiet darkness, Christ is working
His silence in the shadows doesn't mean He doesn't care
A part of faith is trusting without reason
Believing, when He can't be seen or heard, that He's still there
So when answers fail to come, don't be discouraged
Keep leaning on His steadfast love and trusting in His will
For knowing why won't really make a difference
But growing close and knowing Jesus will

Monday, October 14, 2013

At the Races

Did your parents ever take you to the rat race?  Well, flip!  Mine didn't either!  I never could figure it out, because they talked about the "rat race" a lot.  Of course, now I know why: they knew someday I'd go there on my own, and they also knew I'd learn firsthand about the rat race.  I think they also knew I'd have about as much fun at the races as they did!


We all have days "at the races," and the challenge isn’t so much winning, but staying in the race! The "rat race" is one of the major causes for stress in our daily lives.  The day-after-day stress and pressure can overcome our spirits, leaving us despondent and depressed.  The secret to surviving "at the races" is clinging to the Branch of Peace.  “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee; because he trusteth in Thee.” (Isaiah 26:3)  When we determine to keep our faces to the Son and away from the shadows, we will know His peace and ... survive the rat race!

The Program

Oh, the joy of growing old! Tell me now, do random remembrances come to mind at crazy times -- in the middle of the night, in the shower, while driving? Surely, it’s part of aging but rather than trying to figure out where it came from I’m just thankful I finally remembered what I had tried so hard to remember on my own!

Ever heard of the Human Brain Project? Well, it exists and its goal is to create a super computer that “emulates” the human brain’s “computational capabilities.” Now, I know a few human brains that should never be cloned, duplicated, nor licensed to think! In Scripture, the thought-process, man’s intellect, is associated with the heart of man. Such association led to some terribly destructive behavior: “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (Genesis 6:5). This is the first use of the word “heart” in the Bible, and it’s not referring to the physical organ that pumps and circulates blood through the body. It’s pretty scary [to me] that God is watching how I think, whether my thoughts are pure or impure. Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he …” We may be able to keep hidden what we really think but our heart-thoughts are not hidden from Almighty God. Who knows, perhaps we’ll have that super computer someday but [ultimately] its program will determine its performance, so goes the thinking of man – thoughts are a result of the heart’s condition. The heart is our intellect – make God’s Word its program!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Our Part

Dad was a key worker in the local church league: he stocked the concession stand, lined-off the fields, even called balls & strikes sometimes. And, he taught me early how to keep score! I started with an old metal scoreboard then graduated to an official score book. I must admit, however, the "fun" of it all wore off pretty quick!

More than ten years ago, I stood in upper Jerusalem at the pool complex called “Bethesda, ” and tried to imagine the helpless and hopeless surrounding those waters. The people believed an occasional stirring of the waters brought healing to the first who entered -- it was their hope-of-healing. Then came Jesus! Today, self-help books line shelves, commercials boast cures, and spiritual guides promise countless paths to inner peace. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (John 14:6). Do you really believe this? This is really important because we cannot confidently confess belief in Jesus unless we confidently live the truth He speaks. Let me put it another way: we lie when we say we trust Jesus but live otherwise! A friend of mine said, "we only live what we really believe." Jesus told the paralyzed man, “Get up, take your bed, and walk.” (John 5:8). Scripture records that the man “… at once … was healed … took up his bed and walked.” (V.9). That's trust at its core – no doubting, no contemplating, no rationalizing, no praying about it, no nothing except trusting obedience. Jesus doesn’t offer hope -- He IS Hope! He is our confident expectation. Keeping score was my part of helping the league run smoothly as well as helping my Dad. Jesus is sure and faithful; He’ll do His part --- let’s do our part!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Watching a grandchild grow brings back so many memories of when my own boys’ were young. One such memory came to me today as I read God’s Word. In elementary school, Dennis (Twin A) was in a jump rope contest, and found himself facing his best buddy in the final competition. Later in the day, as Dennis told me about how Cody won, he said, “Mom, I just killed him with kindness.” I’d say Dennis’s friend won in many ways!

Are you ever just blown away by God’s mercy! John writes, “After this there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, in Aramaic called Bethesda, which has five roofed colonnades. In these lay a multitude of invalids – blind, lame, and paralyzed.” (John 5:1-4). Sound much like a modern-day nursing home, which we all know, provide a place for those who can no longer care for themselves and are often neglected by friends and family. The word “Bethesda” means “house of mercy.” John said Jesus went there … deliberately, on-purpose and with a purpose! John goes on to tell us Jesus healed a man who had been crippled for 38 years! Truly, Jesus’ visit was one of mercy! We must ask, how genuinely merciful are we? Without doubt, we live spiritually free in the undeserved mercy of the Living God, but we also carry-on daily in His mercies – they are “new every morning.” (Lamentations 3:22). I must ask myself, “how merciful am I?” Do I show mercy to those in need of my time, my resources, my compassion, my energy? When we consider the earthly life of Jesus, there is one overwhelmingly single purpose – “For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.” (John 6:38). To do the will of the Most Merciful; the Creator Who loved the created soul so deeply … extended mercy! The psalmist writes, “ For His merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD.” (Psalm 117:2). The words of my sweet Dennis strum the chords of my heart to be more merciful, shower merciful kindness like seeds along life’s road. God did and does! Let us become vessels of mercy to others, and glorify The Merciful!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Carry On!

Have you ever broken anything that just crushed you? A collector of miniature pianos, one of my favorite was one of glass – a gift from a friend. Little boys and glass-anything are not a good combination so when it shattered there was no one to blame except myself. Silly, silly me!

Most all of us have experienced a dark night of the soul, and all the despair that accompanies it. It is usually Satan’s finest hour; that time when he feeds the wounded spirit with all sorts of decaying thoughts of self-worth and hope. I just finished a Biblical novel about one of my heroes of the faith – David, son of Jesse. As King of Israel, David [too] found himself in an extremely dark hour when he had followed his heart rather than God’s Laws, committing both adultery and murder. Psalm 51 reveals David’s soul-plea for God’s mercy (“Have mercy on me, O God” V.1) and restoration (“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation” V.12). Although David’s sin with Bathsheba is notorious, let’s not ever forget about the amazing and rich grace of God to forgive and restore. By His grace, their marriage survived so much – their own sinfulness, the death of their firstborn child, and broken and strained family relationships. God was gracious to forgive and to restore them both, bless them with Solomon who would continue the reign of David as promised. You see, there is no loss of hope ever in Christ Jesus! There’s no dark night so dark, no pit so deep, no soul so in despair that Elohim (God, Mighty Creator) and Yahweh Rophe (The LORD Who Heals) is not present and all-powerful. No amount of Mr. Bill and his many glues could restore the shattered glass piano, but God forgives – heals – restores and His grace is more than sufficient for us to carry on to His Glory. Praise be forever and ever, Amen!

Friday, October 4, 2013


Getting away usually has a price: packing & unpacking, washing & drying, [when the boys were home] stocking the refrigerator, cleaning the kitchen when you get home. Getting back to normal sometimes is quite the challenge especially when you're not sure what "normal" is. On occasion, Mr. Bill and I left the boys "in charge" while we were away. Like I said, "getting away" has a price!

God paid the price for my sin and I'm so grateful grace and mercy came down. Pastor Tony used to say, "God's not fair -- He is merciful!" Just think what “fair” would be – sinful man condemned eternally. Oh, am ever thankful He's not fair because hell would be my home! Because of God's unconditional and merciful love, this wayward child who knows right but does wrong, [at times] hears Him yet follows a wandering heart, and chooses unwisely time & time again, I can know endless victories because of and through His Grace and Mercy. The price for my sin has been paid-in-full – and I stand redeemed!

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Refrigerator problems are not good! When this otherwise fine & faithful appliance (its primary purpose is to display magnets, appointment cards, and coupons) fails to cool properly – it’s really really really not good!

Why doesn't someone come up with an "unfailing" appliance? God’s Word is unfailing because He is unfailing! Dutch-born, Corrie ten Boom, survived the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp. She tells of finding God's unfailing love in the most unlikely places: "When I was taken to Ravensbruck everything in my life had fallen. At roll call with 96,000 other inmates, we had to stand for hours in the bitter cold. The guards would beat the prisoners and I could hardly bear to see it and hear their cries. One morning, as dawn was breaking, a bird began to sing. We looked up in the sky and saw a skylark singing its heart out. I was instantly reminded of Psalms 103:11, 'For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him.' For three weeks God sent that skylark to sing through that dreaded roll call. It kept my eyes turned in the right direction." One of Corrie's favorite sayings was, "There is no pit deep enough that God's love is not there." Oh, to fully grasp that unfailing promise of unfailing love and hold it unfailingly throughout life's storms. When all else fails, there is One Who never fails! He is unfailing.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Where Are You?

Have you ever asked, "Where you at?" Mama used to answer me, "Behind the at." I think that was her way of pointing to my not-so-good grammar. "Behind the at?" -- whatever does that mean anyway?

In Genesis 3:9, God called out to Adam, "Where are you?" Better grammar, but why would God ask that question: He knew exactly where Adam was! The Creator wanted confession from His best creation. Strangely, The Father often asks me: "Beverly, where were you this morning? I waited for you to meet me; And, where were you at lunch? I seated that hurting soul right next to you; Then, did you see that magnificent sunset I painted just for you? I was sure you’d notice and stop to talk to Me.” Oh, my! Where am I when God calls my name? Too busy, too tired, too preoccupied ... for God? Really now? How long will I continue to shake off His urgent call? There's no better time than now to stop -- listen -- hear His Voice -- feel His Touch -- know His Presence. Let us meet Him early in the day ... nothing will thrill Him and bless you more!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What a Day!

Special days -- we all look forward to them. Right now, my family's anticipating some special days -- Ella's 2nd birthday, Caleb's birth, Dustin's wedding ... my birthday . Oh, yes, they're marked on the calendar and excitement’s in the air!

Have you ever wondered, "When can I stop thinking about holiness?" It's just so "human" to think we can put “be holy” on a to-do list like: fold towels, pay bills, mow grass, unload dishwasher, etc. Uh, that's not the way it works! God said, "You shall be holy, for I am holy." (Leviticus 11:45b). That is the God-ordained purpose of every human soul. To be healthy and happy are worthy goals, of course, but it is not our ultimate destiny -- it is, however, our destiny to be holy. And being holy is a full-time job -- gee, thanks, Satan! He dogs our flesh day-after-day causing us to think, speak, and behave unholy. Righteousness (holiness) is the ever eternal-constant-unchanging nature of Almighty God, but it is not our nature. Therein lies the pursuit that "He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30). We are instructed to pursue holiness because "without which no one will see the Lord." (Hebrews 12:14). Certainly, being holy (like Jesus) must be on our to-do list, but we only get to check-it-off and mark-it-done when we Jesus face-to-face. Oh, what a day that will be!

What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see
When I look upon His Face, the One Who saved me by His Grace
When He takes me by the hand, and leads me through the Promised Land
What a day, a glorious day that will be!