Sunday, November 30, 2014

Close Relation

It’s not uncommon when someone recognizes my Dad's name.  He's been long gone from the county where I live, but his name is often recalled by those in which Dad had part in weddings and funerals.  It’s fairly common I'm more quickly known as the daughter of ... than by my own name!


Matthew used seventeen verses to give us the lineage of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17).  The angel in Matthew 1:20 addressed Jesus' earthly father, Joseph, as "son of David."  The Old Testament prophesied Jesus would come from the House and Lineage of David, so [yes] Joseph's part in the family tree is quite significant.  We don’t know how proud Joseph was of his family history or if he counted it an honor to be called "son of David," but there’s no greater honor for Believers than to be called "of Christ."  Inherently, we have a huge responsibility to live a Christ-like life.  Just so we know, there’s no areas of exception: no periods of absenteeism when we’re exempt. Our choices, our language, our behavior, our priorities, our ministries must glorify and honor Christ Who gave up Heaven for you and I. It’s a goal of mine to stay in close relation to and to honor my earthly father and mother, as well as boldly acknowledge this great spiritual heritage [that is mine] in Christ Jesus.  Let us consider how to boldly and gloriously honor Him this Season with continuous ... close relation.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

From Whom All Blessings Flow

Generic products can be good and ... generic products can be bad.  One of the worst generic products [I've found] is paper towels.  Those $1 rolls are so tempting, I want to load up my shopping cart and laugh all the way to checkout, that is, until I remember the last $1 roll I took home.  Fool me once, shame on you! Fool me twice, shame on me!


Gratitude – do you suppose anyone really understands it?  The phrase "be thankful" is so vague, so generic, it's not real clear for what and to whom we are thankful!  It's good, of course, to be grateful for life, provision, family-friends-community, freedom, etc. and we'll hear it spoken many times [with sincerity] over the next several days; spoken by many from differing faiths, even no faith at all.  What, then, is true gratitude?  King David was in no way vague or generic as he spoke before the assembled people of Israel: “Yours, O LORD, is the Greatness and the Power and the Glory and the Victory and the Majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is Yours. Yours is the Kingdom, O LORD, and You are exalted as Head above all. Both Riches and Honor come from You, and You rule over all. In Your Hand are Power and Might, and in Your Hand it is to make Great and to give Strength to all." (1 Chronicles 29:11-12). Perhaps the only hearts that rejoice in genuine thanksgiving are those which [as David] acknowledge Jehovah God Who owns all, rules all, and blesses all from the vastness of His Power and Riches.  Otherwise, to whom do we say "thank you," to whom do we speak these words of gratitude? Christians must lead the chorus in thanksgiving unto The One True Giver of all and let us be specific unto Whom we offer praise and gratitude.  Let us make our thanksgiving known and unashamedly make it very clear from Whom all Blessings flow!


Let me invite you to email me ( your words of gratitude, and I will compile them into a list to share among MWB Friends  next Wednesday 11-26.  You’re your message brief and give only your first name.  From places around the earth, we will unite hearts and voices in praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God.  Until Wednesday 11-26 …

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sealed Deal

Terrorism is in the news a lot, but Mr. Bill coined a phrase many years ago and it had to do with little boys (and maybe a wife) who were always ready to “make a deal” and Mr. Bill didn't usually fare well. He would listen intently, however, then calmly say, “I don’t deal with terrorists.”

This should not be news to any who identify themselves as Christian: without exception, you are part of the Body of Christ (His Bride, the Church).  Sadly, some Christians neglect this Scriptural Truth and miss the spiritual blessings by being an active part in corporate worship, fellowship, and ministry.  Although imperfect and oft times weak, The Church remains God’s ordained tool to sound the Gospel invitation to come to Christ.  In his book, The Joshua Code, O.S. Hawkins refers to words that should be the language of The Church: "grace, faith, repentance, and the like” – he calls them the “down here” words.  It's true, we don't need lofty or deep theological rhetoric to share the simple message that Christ died and calls people to salvation through His redemptive Blood at Calvary.  Our government may truly be the best at making something otherwise simple into a monstrosity (the state of monstrous), but Christians are also guilty of overstating the simple message of the Cross.  Jesus didn't negotiate the terms of His sacrifice; He, without regard for Himself, obediently (to The Father) and willingly (for us) laid down His Life as our sin debt so we could live in spiritual freedom and hope.  "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." (John 3:36).  In the end, it was Mr. Bill who sealed "the deal," and he usually conceded way more than he anticipated (Mr. Softie).  God conceded His All -- Jesus Christ, His Son, so we can know Him and enjoy a abiding fellowship with Him.  And that's -- the sealed deal!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Call

It seems only yesterday how two little boys loved to explore the woods behind the house.  Mr. Bill didn’t seem concerned, but their Mama wanted to hear from them occasionally so I would go into the yard and yell, “Hey, guys – where are you?”  They knew if they wanted to stay in the woods, they better answer or Mama was going to interrupt their exploration, and that was usually no fun at all!


Scripture tells us God calls us to come to Christ: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent Me draws him.” (John 6:44).  It’s an inward call, one to the heart that calls attention to personal sin and leads to confession and repentance. A woman named Lydia heard that inward call and the Bible tells us God opened her heart to receive His salvation for her soul (Acts 16:14).  She heard the Gospel Message and surrendered the rule of her life to God.  Did you know God still calls people today?  His call may come in the form of printed material, a sermon, a personal witness, music, tragedy, or a myriad of other ways but nonetheless … God speaks still to the heart of man. When I yelled to my little explorers, almost without fail, I’d hear from [what seemed] deep in the woods, “Mom, we’re fine.”  Do you hear God speaking to you: to forgive someone … to study and pray daily … to serve Him in a special way … for your own salvation?  Answer Him today … 

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Keys

It just doesn't pay to get in a hurry! One day [many years ago] I rushed myself & the boys out the door and about two steps later, I got a sick feeling I had done something terribly wrong.   Boy, had I ever!  My pocketbook was in the house, along with my house key.  Of course, this was the one time that every door to the house was stuck securely and locked.  Go figure!


Years ago, I stood at Caesarea Philippi in Northern Israel and – a place my heart and mind return to often.  But, how I would love to have stood with Peter hundreds of years ago when he unashamedly confessed to Jesus, "You are the Christ, Son of the Living God." (Matthew 16:16)  Read Jesus' response to Peter: "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever

thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (V.19)  Most of us carry keys we can't even identify, but to be given a key to victorious living -- well, I doubt we'd have trouble identifying that one.  Why, then, do we lose hope?  How do we explain drifting aimlessly through the day, seemingly out of sorts and frazzled beyond understanding?  Consider then why life overwhelms us to the point of despair.  Truth is, Believers are never  "locked out" of victorious living.  Jesus Christ paid the price to give us eternal freedom through faith and the power of the Holy Spirit.  He is The Key never to be misplaced!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Joyful Duty

In the school environment where I work, there are lots of duties ... hall duty, parking lot duty, lunch duty, lunch detention duty, and the list goes on. It is an assigned time of the day at an assigned place for an assigned person to do an assigned ... duty.

God gave the Levites (the priests) certain duties, and skipping them was not an option. They kept the wicks of the temple lamps trimmed, the lamps filled with oil, and burned sweet incense. I don't really see any resemblance to the grumpy donut man, who drags himself out to make donuts before sunrise.  No, I see the priests performing their duties in silent yet joyful worship of Jehovah God. Read how 1 Chronicles 23:28, 30 describes them: "Their duty was ... to stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord." We must remember this is the same God Who sends us so many opportunities to dutifully serve [and honor] Him by serving one another, and He provides the Joy to boot! His Joy is available and abundant no matter how distasteful, unplanned, or inconvenient we may consider our tasks. What if we saw each duty or task as an opportunity to share The Father's love, and faced each one with His joy and a smile in the heart and on the face -- sweeping the floor, scrubbing the toilets, filing, washing the car, taking trash to the dump ... whatever! Let's be about life’s duties – serving joyfully!

Thursday, November 13, 2014


It was quite a scene, I'm sure – that would be Nanny and I throwing acorns at the old dinner bell in her yard.  Not real sure what got us started, but we threw acorns trying to “ring” that bell and laughed like fools!


Romans 3:23 says we all (yes, that means all of us) have “fallen short” of God’s glory.  Created in His image, we were [by design], made to be an exact reflection of The Creator.  Well, we missed the mark!  Just a few days ago, my granddaughter, Ella, cheered as I threw a whiffle ball up into a tree.  She was fascinated watching the ball bounce among the limbs on its way down, bringing with it a few barely-hanging-on golden leaves. My aim was a squirrel’s nest high in the top of the tree; Ella yelled with excitement, “Again, MomC, again!”  Over and over, I tossed the ball, never once coming close to my target.  This illustrates how we live our lives – day after day, literally striving to be like The One Who fashioned us yet failing time and time again.  How frustrated, weary, and discouraged we can become!  Before we fall apart, let us remember we "are all children of God through faith." (Galatians 3:26).  Striving for what we are incapable of alone is much like riding a stationary bike -- you sure can work up a good sweat, but it gets you nowhere!   I'm sorry to say, the falling-short part is here to stay, but we have Hope -- "because of Him … Christ Jesus, Who has become for us wisdom from God -- that is, our Righteousness, Holiness, and Redemption." (1 Corinthians 1:30).  It is Him alive in Believers Who reveals God's Glory through us to the world.  Nanny and I hit that old bell several times, and that made us laugh even harder!  I'm so glad my hope for living isn't wrapped up in anything I do 'cause I can't even hit a bell with an acorn.  There is great comfort and complete rest, however, in trusting One Whose purpose is divine and never misses Its mark!  Thank you, Jesus!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


It's not fashionable, I know, to wear the clothes’ tag on the outside but it has become a new “norm” for me at times.  Mr. Bill’s fashion-eye isn’t particularly keen but when he notices, he usually tells me ... unless it serves to amuse him otherwise.


God cares most about the heart of man.  The best and most anticipated parts of Tootsie Rolls, Zingers, Oreos [and the like] are the inside! In the same way, what’s on the inside of people matters most – to others and to God.  Bad behavior can't be blamed on a person’s external features.  Luke 6:45 says, "The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."  Just in case you wonder where those bad thoughts-words-actions come from -- there we have it!  It's only logical since sin is an inside-job, God's work is also done on the inside.  That's exactly why the psalmist wrote, "I have stored up Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You." (119:11).  Whoever inhabits the throne of the heart will rule accordingly: evil or good will be evident in how we live.  The pure-of-heart are the sweet and permeating fragrance, a "pleasing aroma of Christ" to The Father (2 Corinthians 2:15).  Yes, I'm not yet senile enough to think wearing clothes inside-out is a good thing, but [by grace] I do know living-out a heart of Godliness is both acceptable and pleasing – not to mention, of great eternal value.  From a pure heart, let us today live ... inside-out!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

As Enoch Walked

With menus in hand, the hostess says, "Walk this way."  Contrary to practicing comics, she doesn't mean "like me" swing your hips.  I know all about funny-guys -- I've lived among them most of my life.


What a challenge to walk the way of Enoch!  I find what little we know of this Bible hero totally fascinating.  Oh, how I would like to sit and talk with this spiritual giant, and ask him about his relationship with the One God.  In his day, there were no printed Scripture, no inspirational books and radio stations, no great worship centers -- only the One God among many.  Genesis 5:24 says, however, "Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him."  Imagine strolling in the cool of the day with your Best Friend and suddenly you are in His very Presence, transported into the spiritual realm where there’s nothing to any longer separate Creator and soul of man.  Most of us will spend our lives working to improve our careers, to retire comfortably, take that dream vacation but for the Christian, there must be no greater ambition than to be in God's Presence.  We probably won’t get there like Enoch did, but the way he walked is an example for all.  God said to the Prophet Jeremiah, “Thus says the LORD: ‘Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.’” (Jeremiah 6:16).  Hebrews 11 is filled with testimony of mighty men of faith who chose to walk as Enoch walked, according to God’s commands.  Enoch was faithful and knew the joy of and experienced great reward for his walk with God.  We, too, by faith, can experience joy in the day-by-day walk as Enoch did.  We may not take a walk and never come back [as Enoch did], but present-day delight with The Father is ours when we … walk as Enoch walked.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Raise Your Hand

If you have hospital socks, raise your hand!  Between Mr. Bill and I, we have several pair – you know, those lovely socks that have the non-slip bottoms.  For sure, they are the least fashionable yet most costly foot-warmers we own!


Moving through life stumble-free is quite the challenge.  By design, I suppose hospital socks are meant to keep feet warm but [more importantly] to help avoid slips and falls.  Psalm 121:3 says God "will not suffer thy foot to be moved." (Psalm 121:3).  Knowing and standing firm on Godly principles are neither easy nor popular.  That exercise in righteousness will wear heavily on even the strongest of Believers.  Understanding God doesn't allow the courageous to fall, even in the face of Satan's ruthless and never-ending efforts, is great comfort and joy for Christians.  Charles Spurgeon compares the spiritual life's rough road to climbing the mighty Alps -- ever conscious of fearful heights, loose rocks, and slick spots in the ascent.  He concludes, "no child of God would stand fast for an hour were it not for the faithful love which will not suffer his foot to be moved."  I don't plan to do any mountain climbing – a steady gait on level ground is challenge enough.  How absolutely wonderful to have a Heavenly Father Who knows the road, along with every bump and pothole, and walks it with us.  Yes, go ahead and raise your hand … in praise!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Transparent Life

Transparency is a useful thing. Why, I remember when I put leftovers in the refrigerator and I had to open the lid to see what was inside then shut it real quick ... if you know what I mean. Those days are past because now we can see through the container to see if it still looks edible, if there's more in the container than should be, and to see if there's anything moving!


God wants our lives to be a display of truthfulness, much like the transparency of those storage containers. Ephesians 4:24 says, "put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth."  I like how F. W. Robertson explains truth as a "thing of habit rather than of will." Unfortunately, many Christians live lives of insincerity masked by imitation holiness. One of the best exercises in understanding how God knows us is to stand before a mirror naked – okay, I didn’t say it was pleasant.  Every wrinkle, blemish, scar, roll exposed, nothing hidden from view. God's motive in exposing the condition of the heart is quite simply to make it righteous and holy according to The Truth of Himself. That's when we can live a life unmasked, transparent to a world that needs to see Christ in us.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Soul Songs

What would we do without music? What would a baseball game be with no music to pump up the team and the fans? Can you imagine a county fair without the fanfare organ music creates?  What about the emotions "God Bless America" stirs within us?


The heart of man must sing: at the birth of a baby, at the miracle of a sunset, at the salvation of a soul, at answered prayer. There is a time for

rejoicing, and the soul of God's greatest creation must do so. "Praise ye the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul." (Psalm 146:1).  "Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy Name." (Psalm 103:1).  When the joy is so great, so intense, so urgent -- there is never enough music, there are never enough lips, there are never enough words, there are never enough songs, there are never enough tongues, there are never enough hands to raise. The soul grapples for enough of whatever to praise and worship The Father, The Creator, The Savior, The Great Physician.  Let your soul sing!