Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Faith Works

I'll never forget the last day of swimming lessons when it was time to jump off the diving board into the deep water.  I remember sizing up the frightening length of the diving board and feeling I was about to "walk the plank." Graduating just didn't seem quite as important to me as it did Mom and the swimming instructor.  I totally content to gamble that the knowledge gained was all I would ever need!


"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for."  God's greatest lessons of faith come when we leave the safety of the shore ... our comfort zone.  What if Noah had refused to build the ark?  What if Abraham had ignored God's call and stayed in Haran?  What if Moses had remained shaking in his sandals instead of leading God’s people to freedom?  In all these men, we see faith-at-work, faith that didn’t stand still but took obedient action.  All men exercised their faith; they walked “by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7).  Noah built an ark [as the world laughed at him], Abraham left Haran [without a clue where he was going], and Moses traded tending stubborn sheep for leading [stubborn] people.  Well, I jumped off the diving board [like a big girl] and swam to the side of the pool.  Mom and the instructor cheered, and I graduated with Tadpole honors!  When we let faith do its work, we demonstrate to the world just how great God is.  A working faith is more than head and heart knowledge, and it’s more than just believing.  It is putting that faith into practice -- taking risks and trusting God for the results.  Faith works ... why not just work it!


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Study the Script

Have you ever had stage fright?  I have, and it's horrible.  Few things mess up a performance more than forgotten lines!  Imagine the anticipation of a writer to finally hear his work produced on stage, then the actor can't remember the lines!


Imagine The Father's disappointment when we don't follow His Divine Script for living.  He's given It in His Word, and preserved it through the ages, yet we refuse to read It, study It or memorize, then falter foolishly in following It.  My niece was a performing arts major in college, and several summers she was part of an outdoor theatre.  She spent long and countless hours rehearsing, practicing to for each performance.  I imagine by the middle of the summer, she could do her part in her sleep.  Our humanity will always try to hinder the Light of Christ in us, but faithfulness to studying and practicing The Script as given by The Author of all life helps prepare us for giving a performance where the Playwright Himself is well represented and honored.  "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." (Psalm 119:11).  Life is tough and there is little time or opportunity for bumbling, stuttering, or stage fright.  Study The Script.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Let Him Drive!

Have you noticed how on familiar roads how we don’t notice the road signs?  Headed home recently, I began to watch the road signs: Gas - Exit Here, Speed Limit 55, Food - Exit Here, Hospital - This Exit. Then there’s the highway numbers: 78 - 10 - 129 - 441 – 106 and the highway interchange signs with directional arrows. If I hadn’t known my way home, I might have gotten lost!


God led His People out of Egypt and although the scenery probably seemed scary, the road signs were very clear: "By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people." (Exodus 13:21-22).  It's easy to imagine the Children of Israel totally focused on this Divine cloud and fire, never looking to the right or the left -- just constantly zoomed in on God. Well, not exactly! They were barely out of Egypt when they were ready to turn back -- cloud and fire or not! Does this sound familiar?  It doesn’t take long for me to whimper and whine about my circumstances instead of trusting the One Who knows the road – yes, every twist and turn. The trouble with the Israelites [and me] is they wanted to drive!  And, like most of us, they learned [the hard way] they weren't good drivers.  Re-read Verse 22 with me: “Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.”  Oh, if only we kept our eyes focused on God, we’d follow the directions He’s given us in His Holy Word.  Most all major and minor wrecks come when we insist on driving. Truth is, God never issued any of us a driver's license nor does He need our help with navigation!  He alone drives our lives best … let’s just let Him drive!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sweet Authenticity

Some things are authenticated with a number or a code.  At the item’s creation, a number or code is assigned to the item, verifying it is real and perhaps no other one like it. I have a few authentic things, but Mr. Bill is quite possibly the most undisputed original in my life!


God’s Promises are real!  Life is full of imposters and many go unrecognized: fake diamonds and handbags, spoofed e-mails and web sites, generic medicines to name a few.  There’s been some “jokers” who claimed to be messiah, and time proved each one a real joke.  Jesus’ coming was foretold, and both biblical and secular history records He lived.  He made real God’s plan to save mankind, and it is The Christ Who validates our faith. Furthermore, every spoken and unspoken word of Almighty God is secure in His Son: “For no matter how many Promises God has made, They are "Yes" in Christ. And so through Him the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.” (2 Corinthians 1:20).  There’s no secret, no code, no stamp to the promises of God – all needed to secure and make them authentic was the fulfillment of One – Jesus.  Now, like many [who know him] would agree he is an undisputed original [and final J], God needs nothing more than His Son to seal the deal of authenticity of our faith and every Promise He has made is genuine and evermore.  Sweet authenticity!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Inside Smiling

Sometimes our smiles never surface!  When we aren't smiling on the inside, it’s tough to smile on the outside.  H. Randolph Holder, long-time and former of a local radio station, used to say early in each day's broadcast, "keep smiling until ten o'clock and the rest of the day will take care of itself."  I heard it every morning on my way to work and remember thinking he really should get a new slogan!  Now, of course, I recall it fondly as ever-wise words, and better understand often it’s the first smile that sets the day’s pace!


The Bible tells us the unseen produces the seen: "Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy ... " (1 Peter 1:8-9)  How exciting to simply believe in the matchless wonder of Jesus Christ then know His inexpressible and glorious joy.  The simplicity of that recipe for smiling on the inside is incredible.  Inside-smiling starts with simple belief in the One and True God of joy and happiness.  Waking up with God on the mind, God in the heart, and God on the lips will always produce that inside smile.  Before you know it -- it's slipping outside!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

No Leftovers

Leftovers!  Few foods left-over appeal to me.  As far as I’m concerned, the best thing about leftovers is I don’t have to cook!  The meal is already cooked – prepared – ready to heat ‘n serve. Yippee!


Did you ever struggle through something then wonder, "what was that all about?"  Macrina Wiederkehr, a Benedictine nun, said this: "There are no leftovers!  There is nothing -- no thing, no person, no experience, no thought, no joy or pain -- that cannot be harvested and used for nourishment on our journey to God."  It’s true – God never wastes an opportunity to grow us into what He designed us to be!  There is nothing that happens to us that is useless to God; everything we experience in this life is used for His purpose.  "Let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us."  (Hebrews 12:1).  Instead of allowing our circumstances and experiences to become baggage that weigh us down like a boat anchor, why not let them instead propel us upward, fueling us into the joyful presence of The Lord.  No leftovers – I love the sound of that!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Formula

Who doesn’t love a good and simple recipe!  I have quite a collection although that’s really just what they are – a collection, since I rarely try anything new.  The things I make best aren’t even written down.  Cornbread, for example; I watched Mama make cornbread so much I just know what ingredients to combine and how much.  That works fine until someone asks, “how much cornmeal … oil … milk”?  Uh …


Do you remember the first Scripture verse you memorized?  Most of us would answer John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  Late evangelist Angel Martinez memorized the entire New Testament, and often referred to John 3:16 as “salvation’s formula.”  It really is the Gospel in a nutshell!  Within this precious sentence is redemption’s cause, cost, condition, and consequence.  While all are important, we tend to rest in the consequence of salvation because it’s what we feel is our greatest benefit.  While true, what made it happen, the price and condition precede the reward.  These also reveal attributes of The Father, which we are commanded to mirror in our own Christian lives.  Mr. Bill loves hot buttered cornbread with homemade vegetable soup, but it doesn’t just happen – much has been done before the first bite.  Let us never take for granted God’s great love, sacrifice, and prerequisite to the redemption of our souls, fully understanding Divine Love poured into the formula.  Praise the LORD!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Know It!

What do you really know?  Recently when I knew  for-sure, without-a-doubt, I had put something in a particular place, Mr. Bill questioned just how sure I was.  Of course, doubt set in!


Job, afflicted and suffering, declared: “For I know that my Redeemer lives …” (19:25).   As much as I hate to admit it, Mr. Bill had good reason to question me: I’ve found Christmas presents months later, designed safe places [even] from myself.  What makes Job’s statement so profound?  First, the Redeemer lives without anything Job [or anyone] has done or can do.  The empty tomb was part of God’s plan of redemption.  How did Job know?  What made him so very certain of the Living Lord?  The Redeemer was personal to Job; he said my Redeemer.  Personal testimonials are always best – people may not believe you when you tell them something that happened to you personally, but they cannot change the truth that it happened.  Someone asked Pastor Tim one time how he knew he was born-again to which he answered, “because I was in the room!”  When we know Christ personally, we can speak with full assurance and confidence of the Living Lord. Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Ifs, buts, and perhapses are some murderers of peace and comfort”  Like Job, and certainly more than I know where I put something, we can know that we know that we know … “my Redeemer lives!”  Know it!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Plan Ahead

Most people consider it a bit morbid to anticipate death, and purchase a burial plot.  Of course, there’s nothing wrong with that part of “thinking ahead,” and my own children may find it surprising indeed when they get to pick where Mom and Dad will pushi up daisies.  I sincerely doubt Mr. Bill will be pushin’ daisies, however; crabgrass perhaps!


The resurrection of Christ was a game-changer!  No man before or since has defeated the grave.  Neither power nor wealth nor wisdom has been able to bargain with death – no, death has always had the final word.  Except, that is, in the case of Jesus of Nazareth.  Personally, I’ve always wanted to be one of those who never sees death: “Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.” (2 Thessalonians 4:17).  What joy to hear The Call and just … go!  No bags to pack, no travel arrangements to be made, no goodbyes to be said – just go!  Pastor Tim spoke of where Jesus was buried, and commented he knew of no other man in history who “borrowed” a tomb.  Think about it, how do you borrow (as in to give-back) a tomb?   Jesus made no prior preparation for His burial; He knew wherever His body was to be laid, it was only for a brief period of time!  After three days, He didn’t need it any more -- He gave it back!  The grave could not keep Him, and death had no power over Him!  The empty tomb signifies the last enemy defeated, and gives eternal hope to those who believe on The Christ.  Are your bags packed?  Are your travel arrangements made?  If not, don’t count on your family to take care of these things for you.  Time is imminent.  Do not delay.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Rejoice in The Risen One!

Dare we drink morning coffee or eat toast without pause to the final hours before sin’s debt is paid in full …


During the night Jesus has been moved from the garden to Annas to Caiphas to Pilate to Herod then back to Pilate, bound and severely beaten, and deprived of sleep and rest.  Driven by political ambition and public outcry, Pilate finally condemns Jesus to death by crucifixion, reserved for the vilest of criminals. The Romans did not invent crucifixion but perfected it to a slow, painful, and tortuous means to die.  Weakened from severe flogging, Jesus begins the journey from the Praetorium (Pilate’s palace) to Golgotha, an established place of crucifixion outside the city walls.  Jesus falls beneath the weight of the horizontal cross-beam and Simon of Cyrene is ordered to carry it the rest of the way. Secured to the cross by Roman spikes driven through His hands and feet, Jesus is offered wine mixed with myrrh (gall), a mild analgesic, which He refuses.  His open wounds and decaying flesh is exposed to swarming insects and birds, and His arms are so extended He is unable to sustain His own weight, Jesus struggles for each breath while soldiers and bystanders taunt Him.  From noon to three o’clock, darkness covers Jerusalem and in one final arduous gasp and cry, those standing nearby recognize death’s moment. The Jewish Sabbath is approaching so Joseph of Arimathea, “a good and righteous man,” asks Pilate for Jesus’ body; Joseph wraps The Savior in linen and lays Him in a tomb cut from rock “where no one had ever lain.”  A heavy circular stone as well as Roman guards are positioned at the entrance to secure the tomb..  There may have been an eerie silence at the tomb but imagine the disturbance in the temple where Passover offerings are being made and suddenly and without explanation the temple curtain is torn completely in two [from top to bottom] fully exposing the holiest of temple chambers, ONCE AND FOR ALL TIME giving Jew and Gentile access to Almighty God through a newly declared and perfect High Priest – Jesus Christ!  We are familiar with the rest of the blessed events – The Father did not forsake His Son and the tomb could not contain The Messiah.  As promised, He rose victorious over death in three days. Likewise, He will [keep His promise to] come again and take us to reign with Him eternally.  Well, we may be living in a world that resembles “Good Friday,” but those who profess Christ are gloriously declared Easter People!  We can and do rejoice in the finished work of Jesus Christ – the Risen Lord! 

Hallelujah! Praise the Lamb!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Darkness to Light

Flashlights seem to be everywhere except when the lights go out!  If you’re fortunate to find one, the batteries are dead.  Perhaps that’s why [several years ago] Mr. Bill started wearing a really cool flashlight on his belt.  Now, all I really have to do now is keep up with Mr. Bill!


Jesus’ final week was eventful and prospered God’s kingdom: using parables, Jesus spoke about faith and prayer, Christian fruitfulness, the kingdom of Heaven, submitting to civil authority, spiritual hypocrisy, perilous and glorious times; and, He performed countless miracles of healing.  What possibly could have so quickly turned popular opinion against One so noble? “And Satan entered into Judas who was called Iscariot, belonging to the number of the twelve. And he went away and discussed with the chief priests and officers how he might betray Him to them. They were glad and agreed to give him money. So he consented, and began seeking a good opportunity to betray Him to them apart from the crowd.” (Luke 22:3-6)  My dating curfew was 11:00, right up until the day I married Mr. Bill; it was my parents’ general opinion nothing much good happened after that time of night.  Well, the same thing can be said of darkness.  It’s interesting the words Luke uses: Judas “went away” – far enough from Jesus and the other

disciples to do Satan’s work. Matthew Henry writes of this passage, “It is hard to say whether more mischief is done to Christ’s kingdom, by the power of its open enemies, or by the treachery of its pretended friends; but without the latter, its enemies could not do so much evil as they do.” Now, the plot to betray and arrest Jesus was set into motion, and even as He shared a last intimate meal with the men closest to Him, Jesus knew “the hand of the one betraying” was present. What a somber walk it must have been from Jerusalem to Gethsemane to pray.  There in the darkness of the garden, Jesus struggled with redemption’s price set before Him.  What more would the darkness bring: friends who would not stay awake to pray with Him and the “one called Judas, one of the twelve” to betray Him. It was a dark time in the life of Christ: betrayal by friends, a lonely walk back up Zion’s hill, the mockery of a trial, beatings and cursings, a cold dark pit.  The darkness continues as Christ is sentenced to die but the darkest hour yet to come when He would know complete separation from The Father, the total weight of man’s sin upon Him.  In the darkest moments of our Savior’s life, God did His greatest work -- Satan crushed, death abolished, and spiritual darkness ended.  Yes, Jesus’ darkest moments give birth to our Light of eternal life!  Hallelujah!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Savior's Tears

Oh, the times of spilled milk or tea or juice!  Long before sippy cups, parents were driven to madness or tears when faced with the almost-certainty that someone would spill their drink.  How not-funny it was when it was the parent who did the spilling!


It only makes sense that Jesus’ last visit to Jerusalem would be an emotional one, but those traveling with Jesus must have been surprised at the intensity of His tears as He neared the city.  “When He approached Jerusalem, He saw the city and wept over it.” (Luke 19:41)  With joy, I remember the breathtaking sight of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.  The Savior, however, did not share these same emotions; instead of rejoicing, Jesus was driven to tears.  His were not peaceful tears; the Greek word here (klaio) refers to an audible weeping such as takes control of a person.  Why the tears?  Jesus said, “Eternal peace was within your reach and you turned it down. Now it is too late … You have rejected the opportunity God offered you.” (Luke 19:42-43)  The Messiah did not weep vain and causeless tears, nor was His weeping a slight matter.  He wept not for Himself but for the value of souls and the heavy sin people bear when so great a salvation is turned away.  Oh, the peace we often forfeit – Oh, the needless pain we bear!  When were we last grievous over that sin in our life that brought regret and stole joy?  Jesus knew the extent to which He would be poured out for mankind AND He knew how we would at times dishonor and disgrace God’s precious act of redemption.  Why would Christ not be grieved?  Why would He not weep?  If we could but understand the depth of God’s great love for us, we would weep also.  His tears, His agony, His passion would not end until He took His rightful seat next to The Father.  Oh, what a Savior!

Monday, April 14, 2014

No Calluses

Few people long for a callus.  Us girls go to incredible lengths to keep our feet smooth and callus-free!  Now, those who play the guitar work hard to develop calluses.  My very short and limited stint as a guitar-player lasted little longer than the sore fingers!


Jesus spoke of the callused heart in Matthew 21:  “Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits.” (V.43).  To those of callused hearts, Jesus spoke on Tuesday of His final week.  He spoke to those who had went through the motions of faithfulness to God yet missed the concept of humbling themselves before Almighty God.  Many knew the ancient words but chose to live apart from them. God in human form had come to their city – walked their streets – ate their bread – taught in their churches – worked miracles before their eyes … yet their missed Him.  We do not serve an impatient or uninterested God Who cares nothing of our struggles and failures.  No, He is longsuffering, kind and merciful;  He is not, however, tolerant of the heart that is callused by the sin of rejecting Christ time and time again.  The callused heart [in turn] becomes the cursed heart, missing the blessings of the Christ-centered life of forgiveness and fullness of joy.  Clearly, calluses on fingers help guitarists make some beautiful music; such is not the case with a callused heart.  Let us look to The Savior, hear His message and allow It to keep the heart humble, listening, and submissive.  The song of such a heart is eternal!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Who's In The House?

There is a lot of truth in the old saying, "You can't tell a book by its cover."  If we could judge the inside by the outside, just think what fun it would be to buy beautifully prepared food right off the grocery store shelf ... just by looking at the picture on the box, can, or package!


Jesus certainly had a way of getting a point across: "Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves."  (Matt 21:12).  Mark records it like this: "And Jesus went into Jerusalem and into the temple. So when He had looked around at all things, as the hour was already late, He went out to Bethany with the twelve." (Mark 11:11).  What do you suppose were His thoughts as He surveyed the temple after His triumphal entry to Jerusalem.  Jesus went in and "looked around" and [obviously] did not like what He saw.  His [designated] House of Prayer was nothing more than a jockey-lot, a flea market, a market place.  Oh, how His heart must have been broken and crushed at the sight of that magnificent holy place so full of corruption.  His Heart breaks just the same when He sees pride, unforgiveness, and bitterness in our hearts.  Impure hearts manifest the same impure behavior, attitudes, and language.  Just as Jesus went back the next day and drove out the ugliness inside the temple, He wants to rid our hearts of the ugliness of sin. We are His temple, and in His House there is no room for unwelcome guests. For those who bear His Name, there must be only One in the house ... the One and Only, Jesus Christ!  Now is as good as any time to ask … who’s in the house?


Thursday, April 10, 2014

No Slippers

Everyone has a favorite pair of slippers – could be flip flops, slides, athletics, sandals – but they have been worn so long they fit your feet like a glove.  Of course, I know some folks who just love to slip out of whatever they’re wearing and enjoy bare feet!


It’s been said, "We spend our lives dreaming of the future, not realizing that a little of it slips away every day."  How often do you lay your head on your pillow at night with racing thoughts: I meant to call … I meant to visit … I meant to send a card … I meant to study … I meant to hug … I meant-meant-meant.  These are the “slippers” we are not fond of!  The day slipped past, moments eternally lost, never to be regained.  Only with spiritual eyes do we comprehend what is real and important in life.  Dishes, carpet, laundry, television, books, etc. do not have feelings -- they do not cry, they don’t feel loneliness or pain or sorrow.  People -- my spouse, children, parents, neighbors, friends, co-workers, strangers -- have emotional, physical, and spiritual needs.  I am the Hands-Feet-Voice of God to others.  It is my responsibility and divine calling to reach out to, to connect with others.  Oh that I see the opportunities God sends to me to touch a heart, warm a soul, reach deeply into the life of another person.  No slippers today -- make it a day of great giveaways!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

No Disguise

A mess can never be disguised -- no matter how hard you try.  I remember one time when I came home, there were no clean cups in the cabinet.  Why?  Because they were all dirty and neatly stacked in the sink ... three foot high! Dirty, yes ... but neatly stacked.  So what's the big deal, Mom?


God isn't fooled nor pleased by the tidiness of our lives -- He's more interested in the purity of our hearts.  I'm always amazed at how my self-righteousness melts at God's Word, "Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart." (Psalm 26:2)  I shrink when I recall my attitudes, my reactions, my words, my impatience ... as well as the things my heart and mind feed upon. God's answer lies in Verse 11, "But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be merciful unto me."  The mess sin causes may appear neat and tidy, but it is never pretty to God.  We must see the mess, confess it, and allow God to clean it up.  The results of His work need no disguise!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Process

Most women I know like quick and easy recipes. Why? Because we are so ... on the go! I don’t cook much anymore but when do labor in the kitchen, I don’t want it to be over one specific dish. Without even reading a recipe, I can tell if it's going to be too much trouble – there will be too many words!


God does His perfect work ... slowly. There is no quick and easy, "on the go" method to His Best "us." Anne Keary writes, "I believe that if we could only see beforehand what it is that our heavenly Father means us to be -- the soul beauty and perfection and glory, the glorious and lovely spiritual body that this soul is to dwell in through all eternity, -- if we could have a glimpse of this, we should not grudge all the trouble and pains He is taking with us now, to bring us up to that ideal, which is His thought of us." Well, this certainly casts a different light on all the whining and bad attitudes we embrace. Second Peter 3:8 says, "One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." Isn’t it our prayer that we will have His Best in our lives? Then why do we grumble along the way? Romans 8:25 asks, "If we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it?" Just as a master chef is meticulous and patient with his tasteful entree, so The Master Chef is with His work of perfection in us. May we resolve to a ... slow bake!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Give What You Have

When it came to scouting, Mr. Bill was always a real "trooper." Although the boys were certain he was too old for it, Bill made those ten and twenty-mile hikes with the rest of the Troop. He tells of a few times when he carried the backpacks of scouts who were certain they would not survive those last few miles. Mr. Bill, I guess you just never get too old to be a scout!


Galatians 6:2 says we are to be "troopers" for Christ, and there's no mention of outgrowing it either.  "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." There are times when I feel I cannot bear my own burdens yet those are the times when it benefits Christ that I lighten the load of another. George S. Merriam said this, "There may be times when you cannot find help, but there is no time when you cannot give help." In short, what I cannot find, I can always give. Without further delay, we should stop looking for what we need and give what we have. It's the fulfillment of Christ in us.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

No Shame

Can you name this character:  Shazam – Sur-prise! Sur-prise! Sur-prise! – G-O-L-L-Y ?  Yes, Gomer Pyle.  Whether in uniform as auto mechanic at Wally’s Filling Station or in a United States Marine uniform, this good-natured and simple-minded character made us laugh and spoke of kinder times!


What puts you to shame?  I remember when people used to “blush.”  Yeah, I know that was a long time ago, and I’m not even sure what is shameful these days.  I propose the loss of shame came about when we lost true reverence for Almighty God!  When face-to-face with The Holy, Isaiah cried “Woe is me!” (6:5), and Jeremiah pronounced “We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even unto this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God.” (3:25).  Nonetheless, Believers wink at the sin that surrounds and [even] encompasses them with little or no shame.  Where there is no shame, there is no confession nor repentance … nor forgiveness!  We sin then move on to the next phase of life, chained to the sin that weighs us down.  As Gomer Pyle would say, “Shame! Shame! Shame!”  Oh, let it not be so.  May we never treat frivolously the precious blood of Christ, “How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified?” (Hebrews 10:29).  Christ died so we do not have to live in sin, nor in our shame!  The vacant cross reminds us Christ bore our shame, and the empty tomb encourages us to live free and eternally.  Hallelujah – Shazam and G-O-L-L-Y!