Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Two Voices

Few people I know would ignore a road sign warning of danger ahead. That is exactly what we do, however, when we refuse to heed the God's warning about life. Proverbs 7 presents the lure of the world as a sly and cunning woman, lurking and setting an ambush intending to drag away unsuspecting victims into her trap of destruction. She says, "Diligently I sought your face and I have found you." (Proverbs 7:15). How foolish we can be at Satan's sleek presentations! We are described "as an ox goes to the slaughter" (V.22) ... "like a bird fluttering straight into the net" (V.23). Foolishly, we consider ourselves master of good choices but we've just been taken-in by the bait set before us ... "descending to the chambers of death" (V.27). In contrast, Chapter 8 speaks of a different woman - Lady Wisdom: "Does not Wisdom call, and understanding lift up Her voice? On the top of the heights beside the way, where the paths meet, Wisdom takes Her stand ... Listen, for I will speak excellent and noble things; and the opening of My lips will reveal right things.. For My mouth will utter truth." (Proverbs 8:1-2, 6). Contrary to popular thought, God's Truth is not relative ... It is Truth established and settled from eternity past and forevermore - Truth that changes not and leads only to life. Two voices speak: Lady Folly or Lady Wisdom ... which voice has your heart?

Monday, February 27, 2023

Oasis for the Soul

At the top of the basement stairs in my childhood home was [what we called] a landing. In my young mind, it was called that because that's where we sometimes threw dirty clothes ... that's where they "landed." Some 1,200 feet below sea level and 18 miles down from Jerusalem is an [ancient] oasis called Jericho.  Along a deep and rugged canyon between Jerusalem and Jericho are fresh water springs. Boasting one particular  spring that releases 1,000 gallons of water per minute, this oasis has rightly been called the "City of a Thousand Palms."  Jericho is home to the papaya and the sycamore tree where Zacchaeus made his famous climb to see Jesus.  Numerous caves are located along the canyon where it is believed the Old Testament Prophet Elijah hid from the evil Queen Jezebel.  Jericho was conquered by Joshua and its walls left in rubble for most of the Old Testament. Herod the Great is credited with building a beautiful winter palace not far from the ancient ruins of Jericho, causing a new city to sprout
nearby. When I visited Israel many years ago, Jericho was one of my biggest surprise: I was shocked at its luscious beauty, a real oasis, in the midst of the area’s dry Judean landscape.  You know, life's curves easily dry our spirits and parch our souls, leaving us thirsting for refreshment.  Psalm 71:21 says The Father will "comfort me on every side."  Every side!  Every side cared for, comforted -- that's all around us!  There's lots of water at Jericho, fresh and physical refreshment just like God’s spiritual refreshment to tired & weary hearts ... an oasis for the soul!

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Embrace the Storm

As much as Mister Bill and I love to travel, there's always that we're-not-sleeping-in-our-own-bed factor: differnt mattress - too soft, too firm, too small. So are the times of our lives! After feeding thousands, "Jesus immediately insisted that His disciples get into the boat and go ahead [of Him] to the other side to Bethsaida" (Mark 6:45). As the disciples crossed the Sea of Galilee, they encountered a terrible storm and feared for their lives! Knowing all things, of course, why would Jesus send them into such a storm? We have similar thoughts when we find ourselves in a tough spot. Perhaps like the disciples, we need a storm? It rarely occurs to us that it's the storm God will use to grow us in spiritual maturity - to cause us to trust The Master of the storms. That's exactly what Jesus did with those men-in-a-boat. As Jesus walked on the water, they called out to Him and discovered The Presence and The Calm of what unsettled them so. Whatever storm you're in right now, be encouraged the storm is serving God's purpose to teach you to trust Him. Ultimately, the storm isn't about you - it's about Him. Embrace the storm!

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Moving Lips

The word "hate" is a powerful word and [I suggest] used far too often and casually. God uses the word "hate" to describe His enemies: "These six things the LORD hates ...," one of which is a lying tongue (Proverbs 6:16, 17). I'm sure each of us have come face-to-face with the choice to be altogether truthful (or not), but how terrible to be known by others as a liar - one who lacks honesty and integrity! As someone was talking recently on television, Mister Bill said "he's lying." When I asked how he knew this, he said, "he's moving his lips." What a sad commentary on anyone's character that he or she makes a habit of lying - God says lying is His enemy and He hates it. In contrast, God says He "desires truth in the innermost being, and in the hidden part" (Psalm 51:6). Lying is something we do with our lips but deception originates in the heart. Believers are wise to regularly examine the seat of their integrity and ask God to re-establish His Truth within us. That's really the only way to guide our ... moving lips.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Endless Unchained Words

Endless is good for some things - for others, however, endless can end sooner than later. Aren't you glad God's words are endless!  Here's one even better: 2 Timothy 2:9 says, " ... God's Word is not chained."  Paul wrote these words when he was in chains, but he quickly noted that the Word of God can't be bound ... a sort of ha-ha moment for Satan. The great part about the boundless power of God's words is that It also unchains anxieties, frustrations, worries, discouragements, griefs, etc.  There is absolutely no excuse [whatsoever] in Believers being bound [wound up tightly] by the world's temporal chains because God's Word is ... endless and unchained.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


One of Mom's specialties was her warm chocolate syrup - home churned vanilla ice cream just wasn't complete without that fixin'. Paul wrote about the "fixing" for Christians: "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18). Satan loves to dangle fears and imaginations in front of us to paralyze us. He'll do anything to take our eyes off Christ, and he does it well! Did you know that the eagle's eyesight is four to eight times stronger than human eyesight? Eagles' eyes can be compared to zoom lens on a powerful camera: the bird can see not only what is up close but things far away. God reminds us in this passage how as His children we have an edge when it comes to eyesight. We do not have to be scared stiff by wild imaginations (or what if's). We can on purpose, with determination, and by choice fix our eyes on Jesus Christ Who loves us beyond and above anything unseen or seen. Staying focused on Jesus Christ is like fixin's for the ice cream -- it just makes life all the sweeter!

Monday, February 20, 2023

Never Tired

A favorite breakfast dish here is a "breakfast bowl" - grits, sausage, egg.  I asked Mister Bill if he had grown tired of this option; here's how that conversation went: (Him) "No, just mac'n cheese (Me) You don't eat mac'n cheese - how can you grow tired of it? (Him) I did in 1978. Unlike that conversation, the deterioration of this nation didn't happen quickly - it was a gradual and unsuspecting process caused by a growing tired of God's Word. There was a period in our early history when The Bible was actually used to teach academics as well as of how to love God and one another and live at peace with both. Now, it seems there's often of troubles when The Bible is even brought into the school building. As we all grow tired of lawlessness throughout society, let's not forget what we [as a nation] grew tired of first: God's words that lead to peace and happiness. "Bind them continually upon your heart (in your thoughts), and tie them around your neck. When you walk about they (the Godly teachings) will guide you; when you sleep, they will keep watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk to you. For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching is light." (Proverbs 6:21-23). Yes, the deterioration of hearts began with a tiring of what is good, holy and honorable before God and among men. I doubt Mister Bill's tiring for mac'n cheese is gonna change but certainly each one of us can return-to (or begin) to love what God has said to us in His Word. May we never grow tired of His words!

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Our Words

Perhaps you've heard the phrase "loose lips sink ships" - maybe even known someone who owns such lips. God has something to say about what we say: "A worthless person, a wicked man, is the one who walks with a perverse mouth." (Proverbs 6:12). It's hard sometimes to "catch the meaning" of such a person because his "meaning" is often multiple and varied. I'm sure we've all been caught in a conversation that went south-and-sour before we could blink. Believers are to be careful of their words: "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." (Ephesians 4:29). The origination of our words, of course, is not on the lips but rather in the heart, which is why the psalmist prayed, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." (Psalm 19:14). What a beautiful and effective prayer for our oft-times "loose lips." May we sink no ships but rather lift high The Name of Jesus with our words!

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Waller Spot

Raise your hand if you know what a hog waller is. Growing up, the family clothes line was right next to the hog’s favorite place ... their muddy-stinky place to waller. Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”  What does it mean to “abound” in hope?  In the Greek, to abound is to overflow or to be beyond measure.  While the hogs were stinkin' up the place, they were having big fun!  The mud nor the odor seemed to bother them – they didn’t appear to have a care in the world.  Think about all those little things that send keep us in life’s irritation-zone; then imagine actually living above and beyond them.  Christ came to give us joy and peace and in abundance, and it is by the power of the Holy Spirit we have and hope in Christ Jesus.  We’re not talking an scanty bit but rather an abundant amount of Hope.  My mind envisions more than enough to waller in ... without the smell!  Find your waller spot in Christ ... rest in Him and enjoy Him forever!

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Bucket Check

Wouldn't it be great if someone would invent a "word trap" - uniquely designed to catch those unfiltered words that escape our lips! Like so many other inventions, it would only help bandage the real problem. God said, "Put away from you a deceitful mouth and put devious speech far from you." (Proverbs 4:23). Taking deceitful mouths and devious speech out of today's mix would be a revolutionary improvement but that would amount to great restraint. In the previous verse, however, God declares the ultimate recipe for gracious speech and behavior: "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life." (V.23). You see, the mouth isn't the problem - it's the heart. Dr. J. Vernon McGee wrote, "what is in the well of the heart will come up through the bucket of the mouth." We may hold-back with careful restraint and watch over that "bucket" fairly well, but there will always be a trigger that releases the true condition of the heart. We know this is true! It all ends with what we feed the heart; someone put it this way - "trash in, trash out." If we feed our hearts unholy things, we can rightly expect unholy hearts. In contrast, if we nourish our hearts with The Word of God which produces the Beauty of Christ within us, we can expect grace and beauty to pour-forth in our speech and behavior. Let's be wise watch over our hearts ... check your bucket.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Most Favored Place

Home being the first, how blessed Mister Bill and I are to have a second favorite place to which we retreat often. Of all its loved attributes, none compare to The Place of which the psalmist writes: "He who dwells in the shelter of The Most High will abide in the shadow of The Almighty." (Psalm 91:1). The mere sound of dwelling in God's Shelter and Shadow is inviting. The key principle, however, must not be overlooked: those who put their trust in The Most High God are those who are living closest [in relationship] to Him. Somehow, there are many Believers who feel they can boast confidently of God's Shelter and Shadow yet live at arm's length from Him. It just doesn't work that way; The Almighty, The Most High God offers protection and rest only to those who are in intimate fellowship with Him, which comes through obedience to Him. Much like Mister Bill and I seek-out our favorite place to enjoy its wonders, so must Believers seek God to truly know His Shelter and Shadow; they are the sweet benefits of living close to Him. Truly, it is the ... most favored place.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Disciplined and Deliberate

There are things I have done quite deliberately that are best be described as just plain dumb. For example, the time in biology lab when I thoughtlessly inserted tweezers into an electrical outlet ... yeah, dumb. God gave Joshua some very specific walking-orders as Israel's new leader: "Be careful to do [everything] in accordance with the entire law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may prosper and be successful wherever you go." (Joshua 1:7, AMP). When I read that, it comes to my mind God intended no wiggle-room from His established way. How blessed Joshua was to have such a Godly model, leader and friend in Moses. I [too] am blessed with Godly women and men in whom I trust to speak truth into my life; oh, how I want to be the kind of model, leader and friend Moses was to Joshua. That happens only when we are disciplined and deliberate to The Truth we've been given in God's Word. If you're not faithfully and regularly pouring God's Word into your heart, you may be starving spiritually but also unable to be The Truth someone else in your life needs. God said, "this Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall read [and meditate on] it day and night, so that you may be careful to do [everything] in accordance with all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will be successful." (V.8, AMP). Be disciplined and deliberate about reading and living God's Truth ... someone else may be depending on it!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

The Lighted Path

"Watch your step" we say to our little ones and then to our older ones. The older-me even says it to myself! God says, "Let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you. Watch the path of your feet and all your ways will be established. Do not turn to the right nor to the left; turn your foot from evil." (Proverbs 4:25-27). I can confirm most of the stumbles in my life were due to my eyes not fixed on the path ahead nor on my steps but rather by what was to the right-and-left leading to bad choices and unpleasant circumstances. We know we can't rewind nor undo what is done but it's never too late to begin to walk in wisdom. There really is more to walking wisely than just carefully putting one foot in front of the other; it is walking in the established ways of God. Verse 18 encourages us: "the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the full day." Oh yeah, walk the lighted path!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Secure Steps

Do you ever look at the tread on the bottom of your shoes? Like me, you probably notice the wear-and-tear from the top-view. God says in Proverbs 3 that in His Knowledge we walk securely and our feet "will not stumble" (V.23) ... that He will be our confidence and keeps our foot "from being caught" (V.26). In the physical sense, watching our steps is important; in her latter years, Mom had a fear of falling - the older-me better understands that. Because God is caring and compassionate, He wants us to avoid a falling or stumbling spiritually. His wisdom and understanding are freely and lovingly given to us in His Word to benefit our lives all the while glorifying Himself in our obedience. A Mister Bill-ism is that sometimes we "cause our own blessings," meaning the choices we make [to obey or disobey] God's commands lead us to mis-step! I was told several years ago by a physical therapist, "you need a new pair of tennis shoes - the tread is just about gone on those." I had no idea! Believer, we've been given clear warning and instruction on how to walk securely in life - we're without excuse. Let's be wise to check the spiritual tread by which we walk; it is God Who secures our steps.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Not to make light of those who suffer with legitimate things that cause nightly restlessness, but Mister Bill has suffered many years with RBN - Restless Beverly Nights.The beautiful invitations of Psalm 95 to acknowledge and worship Jehovah God are followed by some real and serious consequences for those who choose to do otherwise. “It is a people that do err in their heart, and they have not known My ways … they should not enter into My rest.” (Psalm 95:10-11). To err is to wander, to go astray, to stagger – we get that! We err in our heart s because the heart is deceitful and desperately sick (Jeremiah 17:9). The heart left unattended is much the same as trusting the ocean’s current will guide you to the shore – uh, don't count on it! The Father longs to give rest to the soul, for each to know genuine peace and rest. Moses' powerful prayer of Psalm 90 begins, "Lord, Thou hast been our Dwelling Place in all generations." (Psalm 90:1). How wonderful the soul's perfect and right dwelling place isn't a place at all -- it's a Person, and that Person is God through His Son, Jesus Christ. Rest is a Person! Nightly restlessness can be caused by many things but rest for the soul is found only in The God of All Rest: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you Rest.” (Matthew 11:28). Is your heart restless, your spirit a'drift? Be still and know - know the God of All Rest. Rest …

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Soul Fitness

Health and fitness is a big deal not to mention a multi-billion dollar industry. The Bible is not silent on the subject: "Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones." (Proverbs 3:7-8). While physical healing may give relief, spiritual healing brings refreshment - refreshment all the way to the bones! This reference to "bones" speaks to the marrow - the inner part of the bone where [in mammals] new blood cells are produced. And what is it that refreshes to this spiritual depth? It is a reverence for The Creator and a deliberate turn away from sin. God promises physical well-being to those who choose Him to the degree they choose righteous living. Sin-sickness always leads man's soul down a destructive path but "prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him." (James 5:15). The cure for sin-sickness isn't ever found in a bottle but rather on our knees. Yes, indeed, health and fitness is a big deal. Feel better ... do what's good for your soul!

Monday, February 6, 2023

Today Without Delay

It's been said - and, perhaps rightly so - that what a woman looks for most in a man is kindness. I can only speak for myself, but kindness strums my heart-chord! God said, "Do not let mercy and kindness and truth leave you [instead let these qualities define you]; bind them [securely] around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart." (Proverbs 3:3, AMP). In other words, don't leave home without these qualities - qualities that describe God's character. John used the Greek equivalent of these words - grace and truth - to describe Jesus' character in John 1:14. Grace [unto one another] and truth [before one another] are revolutionary in the heart of the Believer. These qualities aren't just something you DO but rather they describe who you ARE - they really do "define" us. Wouldn't it great to have the words "Merciful and Kind" noted on your tombstone! More importantly, let mercy and kindness be who we are ... today without delay.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

His Fight

Some days we just don't look forward to, right? Perhaps it's an unpleasant task or a hard conversation, or a looming crisis. When the Israelites found themselves between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea, they most likely thought, "this is gonna be a bad day!" Listen to what their leader, Moses, said to them: "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of The LORD, which He will work for you today." (Exodus 14:13). The words hey-watch-this often don't end well but that's never the case with The LORD. What God will do is certain - the uncertain part is our casting-off all fear and trusting. The second part of Moses' command is stunning: "The LORD will fight for you, and you only have to be silent." (V.14). No fidgeting, whining or complaining? Only if you want everyone around you to know you really don't trust God is mighty or sovereign enough for the unpleasant tasks, hard conversations or looming crisis. Will we not say with the psalmist, "My refuge and my fortress, my God, in Whom I trust.”(Psalm 92:2). Israel's deliverance is well-noted by the enemy: "The Egyptians said, 'let us flee from before Israel, for The LORD fights for them!'" (V.25). What does our trust in God tell those around us? Our God is mighty to save: do not fear, stand firm, see what He will do ... it's His fight.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Too Comfy

There are days we just want our comfy clothes, right? A long-time Believer and faithful church-goer confessed, "I've become comfortable with a certain level of sin in my life." What courage it takes to admit that! While most of us may not have committed murder or adultery or another otherwise heinous acts, it's highly likely sin has found a sweet niche somewhere in our lives. The really sad part is how we may not even recognize it! God says in Galatians 5:1, "For freedom Christ has set us free." Once unchained from sin. why would we go back to its shackles? Satan is a sly one and he won't be so apparent in his trickery. Oh, he never lays aside his evil intentions to lie and deceive us into some form of delectable bondage. This is why Believers are to "be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8). Always be on the lookout for the deceiver's deceit lest you become tolerant of any level of sin in your life. Be alert and careful you don't become ... too comfy with sin at any level!

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Grow Through Them

Perhaps this has happened to you: you swing through the drive-thru to pick up a meal, and when you get home it's not what you ordered! Your first thought is to drive back in a fury (too time-consuming) or call and complain (what's the point). This pretty much summarizes how many Believers face difficult circumstances" Lord, I didn't sign-up for this! God says, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." (James 1:2-4). Few of us pray for troubles to come our way but God knows troubles are often exactly what we need to grow spiritually. The purity of gold is brought forth by intense heat; likewise, genuineness of trust in God is revealed. The method God sometimes chooses is certainly not what we ordered - we much prefer the predictable, comfortable and pleasurable life! Will we, however, trust the grace God sends our way [to grow us into His image] or take a number in the complaint department? God says endure troubles to the "praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ" in us (1 Peter 1:7b). Shamefully I admit, the troubles I experience don't display praise-glory-honor of Christ. While we may not ask God for troubles, we can fully trust Him with them. Why not set aside our first response to troubles and ask for grace to joyfully ... grow through them.